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Thought of the day!

Get Shredded!
When you leave work today! Leave work at work!

With todays technology it is not unusual for work to follow you home like a stray that you fed part of your lunch.

You need a break! You have earned a break! Make the break, take the break and relax!

When you return to work on Monday you will thank yourself! Additionally, you will find that you are more energized and more productive.
Have a great weekend.

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Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable and weak or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same.
Francesca Reigler.

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May 13, 2023 AndyGram
If you truly want to make a change in the world...

You have to live a life that is a direct reflection of the way you believe things should be.

There's no doubt that society needs a lot of work...

Especially now...

But we've overcome before … and we'll overcome again.

Quit looking for someone else to come along and fix all the chaos, hate, and division we see in the world today...

When you take it upon yourself to set an example of what it means to live a great life and be an amazing human...

Others will begin to do the same.

Are you gonna screw up?

Yeah, a bunch.

…but you should commit to doing better and do it.

We all have to be better.

There is no other way.
My first friend, my best friend, my friend till the end. Through dirt, rocks, tears and frustration. Unconditional LOVE that has no bounds. Her love does not need to acquired, it does not need to be deserved. Happy Mothers Day!

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When you think about quitting!
Remember why you started in the first place!

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“He who Hesitates is Lost”

You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig
The challenge of bodybuilding is in knowing how to enjoy a little and endure a lot.
Most people cannot handle the experience.
Just saw this on a Space Force episode.
“Sweat is your muscles crying for joy” 🥵🤣
"first you get the khakis. Then you get the bitches"
Basekitball or whatever that movie was called
I wonder if urinals were created when a really tall guy walked past a sink on a busy restroom and said”hmmpf! Why Not!”

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Find an opportunity for growth within your daily challenge – reach for a book that’s been gathering dust, learn something new, clean out your closet, take time to reflect. Live in this moment and practice being instead of prioritizing the busy-ness.

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Needed this one today! Nice man
You Did Not Wake UpToday To Be Mediocre.

Get Rolling!
Make yourself your own competition, use this to your advantage and strive to be better than yesterday. When you do this, and you’ll find the true essence of bodybuilding!

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Do not pray to be protected from danger!
Pray that you are Fearless in their midst!

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Is ticking!

Are you becoming the person you want to be?

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I am certain that someone's mom probably used me as a bad example for her kids.

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You can use the delete tab during the design phase!
Or you will can use a jackhammer after construction.

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Get Shredded!
I believe that my birth and my death will prove to be the easy part. The hard part is living life!

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You will never find time for anything. If you want time you must make it.


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June 01, 2023 AndyGram

Quit trying to save people who are content with their bad habits.

No matter how hard you try...

You aren't going to change or "rescue" them.

...and it's not your job to do so either.

By doing this, you're only wasting your own time and energy … and making it harder to fight your own battles.

Instead of worrying about how other people choose to live their lives...

Let it go.

Instead, put your energy and focus into living the best life you can and becoming the best version of yourself possible.

Your example is the ONLY way to inspire change in others.

Not everybody is going to follow in your footsteps...

But the right people always will.

Trust me on that.
With every new day come new thoughts and new strength.

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We must all either wear out or rust out, every one of us. My choice is to wear out.” — Theodore Roosevelt.
Starting your day with a Positive Thought can change your whole day.

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We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.


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