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Stop using steroids as a crutch to get back in the gym


Board Rep
Jul 20, 2015
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Get Shredded!
By JohnDoe

People have fallen weaker than ever lately and want to use steroids as a crutch to get back into the gym!


“Man, if I could just take something to get me started!”


Nothing but a bunch of pussies I say!

You ain't going to take shit and get started, you're a little bitch!

Performance enhancement should not be the root of your motivation to get back into the gym.

The only way you're going to turn yourself around is to make getting jacked and shredded a need in your life, not a want!

When you need something you just get it.

There are no gray areas here.

I don't care if you pull out your little fucking pen and paper and write things down, stare in the mirror and tell yourself you're a winner 5x every day, or set an alarm on your phone to remember to drink water, eat, and take a piss.

I don't care how early you wake up in the morning. Stop fooling yourself; how much are you actually getting accomplished?


It's either burned into your brain or it isn't. And if it's not then just quit lying to yourself.

I think some guys just get to a point where they don't know how to keep going with bodybuilding and stay motivated.

But solely relying on products isn't how you get involved in fitness and stay consistent.

Testosterone boosters and performance enhancing drugs aren't going to work if you don't work.

This doesn't mean you eat well for 2 days and fuck up, and then eat well for another day and fuck up.

It means that you keep busting your ass until you look in the mirror and see a jacked body staring back at you.


There is no secret, it all comes down to burning an image in your head and working to make that image reality!

In this podcast I talk about the ability to have fun in life but knowing how to flip the switch to go back into training mode.

I talk about the the weakness everyone has now where they always need to depend on something just to get going again.

Performance enhancement is great if you already have the work ethic and dedication and in my opinion just part of the game.

But using performance enhancement with a tampon still stuck in you is just weak and won't yield you a fucking thing!

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I agree man. Said person is obviously not doing anything else correct to achieve a nice physique and the thought of just taking steroids and starting to workout will get you where you want to be is crazy. I’ve had two friends in the recent past who have came to me about information on starting a cycle so they could start working out. For some reason neither one of them believed me when I told them they would not be impressed and not get much out of it and should start training and learning how to eat properly before considering taking anything for a long while. Both went out on their own and started cycles and both looked like an average natural guy who either didn’t or barely worked out by the last week of their cycle. What really pissed me off is they still don’t believe me lol and they both just seem to think I have access to better gear and I’m just not helping them get any for other reasons other than I don’t want to contribute to them fucking themselves up. It’s just crazy how some people think just like the guys who see a bodybuilder and say I could look like that too if I took all the steroids he does lol just clueless if that was the case than looking like an ifbb pro would be a common thing in every gym in the world.
yeah but if you spend $1,000 on gear it's definitely going to motivate you to get back in the gym what are you going to do just sit around and let the thousand dollars go to waste. Only Gunrack buys gear and sits on the couch eating Doritos lol
yeah but if you spend $1,000 on gear it's definitely going to motivate you to get back in the gym what are you going to do just sit around and let the thousand dollars go to waste. Only Gunrack buys gear and sits on the couch eating Doritos lol
It will motivate you in the short term, but what about when the cycle ends. Plus, jump starting your progress with gear isn't going to give your the dietary and training experience needed to make the most out if it long term.

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Next week.. do a podcast on how to refrain from slapping the shit out of your beta male coworkers... ya know the type, going behind everyone’s back complaining and sticking there nose in your business ...

how do you not beat the fuck outta these people?

They’d chop your head off just to make themselves look taller... bunch of drama queen fucksticks! 😤
Next week.. do a podcast on how to refrain from slapping the shit out of your beta male coworkers... ya know the type, going behind everyone’s back complaining and sticking there nose in your business ...

how do you not beat the fuck outta these people?

They’d chop your head off just to make themselves look taller... bunch of drama queen fucksticks! 

Sounds like my workplace.... To many chiefs and not enough Indians and the few we do have think they are chiefs already.
It will motivate you in the short term, but what about when the cycle ends. Plus, jump starting your progress with gear isn't going to give your the dietary and training experience needed to make the most out if it long term.

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Exactly brother! Most will just take another lay off after the cycle and do it again after six months and wonder why they can’t get past 190lbs with a 260lb bench.
yeah but if you spend $1,000 on gear it's definitely going to motivate you to get back in the gym what are you going to do just sit around and let the thousand dollars go to waste. Only Gunrack buys gear and sits on the couch eating Doritos lol

Well most don’t understand what priming is. They just jump into 500mg test e with 40mg dbol everyday from day one instead of getting back in the gym and making some kind of natural progression before sticking the needle back in their ass.
I agree man. Said person is obviously not doing anything else correct to achieve a nice physique and the thought of just taking steroids and starting to workout will get you where you want to be is crazy. I’ve had two friends in the recent past who have came to me about information on starting a cycle so they could start working out. For some reason neither one of them believed me when I told them they would not be impressed and not get much out of it and should start training and learning how to eat properly before considering taking anything for a long while. Both went out on their own and started cycles and both looked like an average natural guy who either didn’t or barely worked out by the last week of their cycle. What really pissed me off is they still don’t believe me lol and they both just seem to think I have access to better gear and I’m just not helping them get any for other reasons other than I don’t want to contribute to them fucking themselves up. It’s just crazy how some people think just like the guys who see a bodybuilder and say I could look like that too if I took all the steroids he does lol just clueless if that was the case than looking like an ifbb pro would be a common thing in every gym in the world.
I have the same kind of friends lol I’ve got them gear numerous times and even showed them I’m on the same bottles they purchased. They both as you mentioned did a cycle and looked 8lbs heavier if that by the end and they weren’t impressed. They didn’t squat, deadlift, and used mostly cybex machines to work out. I told them they were pissing in the wind but they still hit me up for gear. As soon as they stop cycling the workouts stop as well. These are they guys I sell $120 bottle of Test too. So keep on keeping on lol
LOL- I cant stand to waste money- No way im going to use gear and not bust my ass
yeah but if you spend $1,000 on gear it's definitely going to motivate you to get back in the gym what are you going to do just sit around and let the thousand dollars go to waste. Only Gunrack buys gear and sits on the couch eating Doritos lol
By JohnDoe

People have fallen weaker than ever lately and want to use steroids as a crutch to get back into the gym!


“Man, if I could just take something to get me started!”


Nothing but a bunch of pussies I say!

You ain't going to take shit and get started, you're a little bitch!

Performance enhancement should not be the root of your motivation to get back into the gym.

The only way you're going to turn yourself around is to make getting jacked and shredded a need in your life, not a want!

When you need something you just get it.

There are no gray areas here.

I don't care if you pull out your little fucking pen and paper and write things down, stare in the mirror and tell yourself you're a winner 5x every day, or set an alarm on your phone to remember to drink water, eat, and take a piss.

I don't care how early you wake up in the morning. Stop fooling yourself; how much are you actually getting accomplished?


It's either burned into your brain or it isn't. And if it's not then just quit lying to yourself.

I think some guys just get to a point where they don't know how to keep going with bodybuilding and stay motivated.

But solely relying on products isn't how you get involved in fitness and stay consistent.

Testosterone boosters and performance enhancing drugs aren't going to work if you don't work.

This doesn't mean you eat well for 2 days and fuck up, and then eat well for another day and fuck up.

It means that you keep busting your ass until you look in the mirror and see a jacked body staring back at you.


There is no secret, it all comes down to burning an image in your head and working to make that image reality!

In this podcast I talk about the ability to have fun in life but knowing how to flip the switch to go back into training mode.

I talk about the the weakness everyone has now where they always need to depend on something just to get going again.

Performance enhancement is great if you already have the work ethic and dedication and in my opinion just part of the game.

But using performance enhancement with a tampon still stuck in you is just weak and won't yield you a fucking thing!

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Change a couple words in the article....change steriods to opiates, and back in the gym to get the day going....
Drop the tren dosage a bit? LOL. Spot on. I trained naturally for 17 years before touching anything. You have to do the work, bust your ass, reach your genetic limits first.

If you are a little faggot tapping away on your phone, then please suicide yourself. Steroids enable you to benefit from hard work. You still must do the work.

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