Theoretically yes, thats exactly what I am saying.
There are countless first person accounts of people who have done exactly that, often times after heart attacks and are desperate for a solution.
With the above in mind however we all know that things arent always that easy. For starters everyone has a different bowel tolerance for vit C. Some people struggle to take as little as 500mg a day where others can easily consume 20 grams a day with no bowel distress. Most people can reverse atherosclerosis with as little as 6 grams a day of vit c combined with 3-4g of proline and lysine.
Now the amount needed of course will be influenced by personal genetics and diet and someone who eats poorly will likely need more than someone who does not.
There are also some other factors that can play a roll. Lack of vit K can cause calcium to collect in soft tissues including joints and arteries. So a good K supplement would be a good addition as well.
Skeptical? How can such a simple and inexpensive fix not be common knowledge?
The answer is simple....MONEY!
A healthy population does not benefit the medical/insurance community. Heart disease is the nations number 1 killer, its big money!!! Who controls the medical publications? Big pharma! Who is going to fund research into supplementation to cure and prevent common disease? There is no money in it! You cant patent vitamins/minerals and even if big pharma started peddling supps the profit margin in minuscule compared to what they make now. Doctors and hospitals must follow rules in treating patience set forth by the insurance companies, by and large their hands are tied and modern medicine is dictated by those making the profits.