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Sleepys First Cycle Log

Week 4: 219 lb
Facts: Bloated, gaining weight rapidly, pushing around 30-90lb more on just about all my power movements. Besides today, sex drive is freaking crazy! Posture improving, not a direct effect obviously but confidence and corrective lifting. Trying to work my lower back much harder as it seems to be the culprit for a vast majority of my problems. Just ramped down on test, now doing 375mg e3d from 500mg e3d. Taking aromasin 12.5mg ed, doesn't seem to be keeping bloat down but my nips aren't getting tender anymore.

Side note: I've decided to pursue personal training as a career path, going to take a vocational class to get some hands on experience & then I'll be taking my CPT by the end of September. Put my 2 weeks in at my 2nd job; pay doesn't make up for the drama and responsibilities associated with it so stress level decreasing.

Forgot to post this back picture last week
I can recommend an excellent cardio squat routine ;) Heh heh Won't hurt a bit. You'll just feel a little pressure.

Sent from outer space
I can recommend an excellent cardio squat routine ;) Heh heh Won't hurt a bit. You'll just feel a little pressure.

Sent from outer space
Please do. My main problem is legs are all strength, but I'll start hitting up volume on these bad boys
No weights required. It's just you and turf. This is in addition to legs in gym. I'll PM you the link to my log. I do this every Thursday. Legs w weights Wednesday and Saturday.
Sent. If you do it and correctly, you won't be the same.

Did that bad boy yesterday, after 7 sets of squats, 3 Bulgarian splits, extensions & quad curls; I felt the burn! I feel this is gonna tone them legs up pretty nice, so thank you Belle. :winkfinger:

So now to everyone, I have a question; this has been my workout split and critique if you like. Critiques preferred honestly.
Sun: Legs
Mon: Chest\Tris
Tues: Back\Bis
Wed: Cardio\Legs
Thurs: Shoulders\Chest

With all this test I feel like my limbs aren't sore for more than a day or two, and i know gear makes you feel invisible, but with proper form is working body parts twice a week detrimental or is the time between sufficient? Keeping in consideration I am going for volume and NOT intensity. Over-all I am making great gains, every weekend at my 2nd job all the girls comment on how big I keep getting; which strokes the ego more than anything but it helps me to visualize what I seem to neglect (being my own worst enemy and all).
Also, if anyone cares; I've signed up for a CPI class, have CPI2 already in sight and CES down the road. My gym keeps pushing for me to work for them, even before getting certified; probably because I would be the most physically inclined person they would have on staff. But, it would be a hell of a good advancement for me considering I've spent all my life in hospitality and fucking hate it! :wits:
Huge change in definition of the back. Legs are getting there, strength hasn't increased per say but I've been hitting volume; muscle endurance definitely increasing. Shoulder size and density is vastly improving, and the ligaments seem to be strengthening back up(Football & wrestling injuries).
This is the end of week 4. Now on to week 5!

I maybe wrong man but your chest looks alot fuller to me. Can you break down your exercise selections?
Generally my chest days go like this:
Flat\DB Press - 4x10-12
Incline Press 5x10-12
Superset w\ Fly 5x10-12
Bi-Weekly I throw in the trinity and hit decline 3x8
Dips - AMAP

Flat\DB Press - 3x8
Incline Fly 6x10-12
Dips - AMAP

I have come to the realization of even though bench press makes me feel like a fucking boss, it sucks for building chest mass... Easily provable with imitating the motions of incline fly and press. So Press is my warmup and incline superset is my major working group. Usually when it gets to dips, 10 max...
Slight decline DB presses broski.... makes a huge difference. Maybe try adding them in. Also keep up with the dips and maybe think about ring push-ups as a burn out. :winkfinger:
I've only been doing decline dumbell press and the entire shape of my chest has changed completely

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I've only been doing decline dumbell press and the entire shape of my chest has changed completely

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Looks like I will be adding this in. I have a full upper chest but my lower is not as strong. Normal decline never helped so I will try dumbbell decline.
I'll add in some decline before flat today, thanks for the advice brothers! I think this cycle is going to do amazing things for me mentally and physically.
Slight decline DB presses broski.... makes a huge difference. Maybe try adding them in. Also keep up with the dips and maybe think about ring push-ups as a burn out. :winkfinger:

Added in decline, and did cable chest pulls (don't know technical name) superset with pushup burnouts; chest is still sore which is rare. :\

Back & Bicep day, first attempt at a lat spread, obviously need to work these puppies but hell this is what a log is for.

My leg pose needs improvement but I can see vast improvements doing legs twice a week! @219 let's go week 6!
Your started to grow a pair of wheels! Excellent Sleepy.... what is your current leg protocol? PS thanks for working up half a chub for the pic lolz.
Figured I would show some porn, you earned it for being a loyal follower! ;p
Wednesday - 110 squats no weight & 110 lunges. Followed by 4x10 back squats superset with 20-20-20 leg press going from high to low foot placement. Elevated split squats, and then stiff leg deads superset with extensions. Good girl&bad girl thrown in at the end. Saturday is 4x10 back squats setted with 4x12-12-12 press. Similar workouts just less volune and more weight.
Over-all I know images don't look a whole lot different but I can feel the gains. Fullness in my shoulders, something I've never had before. I can feel my legs starting to bulge, my old briefs are getting to the point where they cuff my legs and apply mad pressure. I'm @ 222lb, and my BF is around 11%. I've began my CPT courses and I can say without doubt that it has helped exponentially in the short time I've been doing it. My training regime has changed in terms of number of exercises, rest, and variations of exercises. I've began doing cardio after doing my fitness test and lacking in everything non-strength related. I am now working on getting my Vo^2 to increase, and I know the effectiveness of my muscles and what/how I need to eat in order to see the results I want. I am thinking these next 2 weeks are going to be spectacular.

NOW!! To my question, and I do need some help on making an informed decision. I know taking Winny isn't necessarily a bad idea, I am not going to be in a comp, I just want the vascular look to impress clients; walk the walk kinda thing. Anyways, what do you guys think of me taking clen & winny weeks 8-pct or weeks 8-end of pct? Obviously I will be taking liver detoxification supplements as well as maintaining a high calorie surplus. Perhaps if thats not a good combo give me another stack to take in conjunction with my test? Or should I take that after my pct, or hell does it apply to the same time on = time off concept? One last thing, with my dosing going from 500mg e3d weeks 1-3 to 375 e3d 3-10 to 250 e3d 10-12 do I/will I need hcg to keep maximal gains? Will this ramp keep my test levels low enough to where my body can recoup faster? Or will my clomid/nolva be sufficient?
Thanks for your guys support, and any/all help.




If you want more vascularity instead of winny look into Mast P... mast is great and another option is provi if you dont want additional pins.

As far as hcg it would be beneficial during the last few weeks to help with recovery. Heavy has a sticky on hcg usage that you should look into. But clomid and nolva will be fine for pct.

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