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Sleep Apnea


Board Rep
Jul 20, 2015
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Get Shredded!

If you’re reading this article and wondering if you might have sleep apnea​

  1. If you are over 200 lbs and have built your body up over the years, or have a thicker and muscular neck, you probably have sleep apnea
  2. If you open your mouth and have trouble clearly seeing that hangy-ball in the back of your throat, you probably have sleep apnea
  3. If you woke up a few hours ago, and already want to fall asleep in your office chair, you probably have sleep apnea
  4. If you snore like a motherfucker and/or wake yourself up coughing in your sleep, you probably have sleep apnea

If you know you have it and haven’t addressed it yet. I’m going to give you some pointers here and help you out.​

  1. If you don’t have insurance, you can still get a script for a CPAP machine, you’re probably looking at $500-$1000 on one without insurance (it’s still worth it, trust me! Some places sell refurbished ones that are more affordable, you can check online)
  2. If you open your mouth in your sleep then don’t even fuck with just the nose attachment, go full face and consider one where the tube comes in from the top and allows you to sleep in almost any position.
  3. Make sure the pressure is adjusted up enough you can comfortably breathe with it on your face (pressure not turned up enough will make you rip it off your face)
  4. Think of sleep as an enjoyable process, a meditative time when you put the fucking thing on and just relax and breathe! Do not think of it as a hassle or an ailment.
  5. Be sure to use distilled water so you don’t get a dry mouth from wearing it.
  6. Don’t be a hit or miss guy with it, use it enough that you get used to it (being hit and miss is where I fucked up with it, and I wish I was more disciplined to use it regularly and get used to it years ago!)
If only I had someone that could have explained all of the benefits of this damn thing to me earlier on. Of course, you’ll hear all the common Doctor shit about health issues and whatnot, but if only I had someone that actually explained ALL OF THE BENEFITS of using a CPAP machine as a bodybuilder! I’m talking things like fat-loss, insulin sensitivity, lower cortisol levels and avoiding adrenal burnout, better gains, bigger gym pumps, enhanced recovery, all that sort of shit would have been beneficial to hear back then!

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