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RAW's Oxandrolone (Anavar) Review


Registered User
Oct 20, 2019
Reaction score
Get Shredded!
So it's been 2 months since I came off cycle and ended my "RAW Parabolin Log." Since coming off I have completely let myself go, I mean literally I have been to the gym maybe a dozen times since jumping off. Much of it has to do with work consuming me, but I must be honest in saying it has been coupled to some laziness as well.

I remember at the conclusion of my Paraboling log @Squatster saying "You are going to keep going to the gym right?
Don't duck up like I keep doing, I go for a few days, then turns into a week and a month then 3 months, just do enough to maintain." I remember thinking to myself, no I'll sty at it. Afterall I've been pretty consitent with the exception of taking a week off in and there for about the last 10 years. I've never had a period like I've been going through where I have been so detached from the gym like I have been.

Anyway, I'm going to attempt to get back at it again. Therefore, I decided to jump on a simple, user friendly cycle with minimal sides to combat. To do so, I reached out to @P_Labs and picked up some Var, Test Cyp, and Clen.

I'm not really feeling as though I have the time and dedication to a fullblown log at this time, and I'm not wanting to throw a bunch of different compounds into me either. That said, I will be posting up a weekly review on two of @P_Labs products. This thread will be dedicated to reviewing his Anavar.

I plan to run the Anavar for 12 weeks and the goal will be to promote muscle growth, while aiding in fat loss simultaneously. I've only ran var in the past in one cycle, but I was on several other compounds and wasn't really cognizant to the specific benefits of the Var due to the synergistic effect of being on several different compounds. Var is a potent steroid for enhancing strength, aids in building of muscle, and improves the overall physical strength and performance. That said, being on the Var exclusivley with a low dose of tes cyp each week will allow for me to see the true power and benefits of a Var cycle. The goal for this cycle is to get as lean as I can while promoting muscle growth without a significant caloric surplus.

To top it off this is a @P_Labs oral and as far as I'm concerned there isn't a better oral produced out there amongst sponsors. His products are always top shelf which is why he is the only sponsor I ever use anymore. His orals have always been second to none. As with all of his orals, these var tabs are hard pressed, beautifully scorn, and as I'm sure I will see and you will hear powerful AF.

My cycle will be as follows:

Test Cyp. - 400mg/wk - week 1-12
Anavar - 50mg week 1, 100mg week 2-12
Clenbuterol - 20mcg week 1, 40mcg week 2 (2 weeks on/off)

I will update this review at least one time each week to update everyone as to my experince while on the Var. I will highlight any and all benfits as well as any drawbacks (I'm guessing there won't be any drawbacks) regarding strength, muscle development, recovery, and sides.

Stay tuned ya'll.....

[Image: 5iEtD83.jpg]
So, I'm wrapping up week one of my var cycle. I've been on 50mg/day and will be increasing to 100mg/day on Monday. My protocol will be to dose 50mg in the am, and 50mg about one hour before lifting which is typically around 5:30 in the evening. On rest days I'll still be taking my last 50mg dose around 5:30. This will be approximaley 9 hours in between doses which I think will be sufficent for keeping my serum levels fairly consistent.

Thus far I would say I have had a good experince with the var but it is certainly still a bit ealy to truly be feeling the full effect of this compound. I am experincing some good pumps for sure, not really experincing much by way of an increase in strength yet. Although, I will say I was pretty strong today hitting delts.

As I stated in my opening post for this review, I have pretty much been out of the gym for the last coiple of months with the exception of maybe a dozen times. That said, I had started to loose muscle and pick up some mid-section fat. I'm one of those cats who struugles with love handles and my being out of the gym for approximatley two months opened the flood gates in terms of developing fat in this area. That said, I have noticed over the course of the last week that I'm beginning to loose some of the fat in that area. Although I'm on clen as well, I'm sure some of this is attributed to the var most likely. I diid see some vascularity in my delts and traps while lifting today which I'm feeling is probably attributed to the var.

Anyway, as I had said, it's still early but I have no doubt that I will be experincing some great gains over the course of the next 11 weeks. I know the type of products that @P_Labs produces and I'm sure this is going to be a wild ride. It'll get me back on track and allow for me to be right where I need to be before jumping on a big blast for Summer.

I'll be updating this review each week on Saturday or Sunday throughout this run......
Week #2 is in the books, and things atre continuing to go well. I'm currently dosing at 100mg/day in two 50mg doses. No sides obviously that I'm aware of as Var tends to be a pretty mild compund anyway. I have noticed a bit of a thermogenic effect, my baromater for reading this is at night I sleep with the fan on and I always have to have the covers pulled up under my chin, but over the last week I've noticed that I'm not needing to cover up to address the chill I usually feel from the fan. Might sound silly, but that's how I know.
Big Grin

I'm actually starting to see some changes taking place with my body. Man, I tell ya, I had really let myself go for the last few months for sure. I Felt as though I had lost all of my gains from the Parabolin run I was on last. I'm sure I didn't but you all know I'm sure how psychology is such a huge factor for those of us who live this lifestyle.

Anyway, yeah, I'm definitley starting to see some changes. I'm noticing that I'm starting to increase in strength as well, and I even saw some vascularity comimng back in my delts, traps, and arms when I was at the gym this morning. I'm also starting to lean out pretty good already, but I'm sure the clen I'm on is also contributing to this as well.

I know this will definitley be a great run for sure!! In my opinion @P_Labs produces the best Var out there by far. I've used several different sponsors Var over the years and I have never had as good of gains on their Var as I have with @P_Labs. Solid product and I would recomend any of his products to anyone...

Still 10 weeks to go......
Last weekend came and went and before I realized I had forgotten to post in this review it was back to the grind for another work week.

That said, things are continuing to go well with my run on the var. I'm still currently running 100mg/day. I dose my first 50mg in the am at breakfast and take my second 50mg dose approximatley one hour before going to the gym on lift days and on rest days, the second dose still tends to be later in the afternoon.

I'm starting to lean back out nicely and I was even starting to notice some vascularity coming back in this morning at the gym when i was hitting the delts. Strength has begun to increase as well which is really a focus of mine right now, but certainly something to be identfied for this review. I'm also starting to see that as far as muscularity I'm beginning to get much fuller looking. I had about two months after my last run where I got lazy and was barely in the gym. It's all starting to come back now which I'm definitley grateful for.

I have had no negative sides at all to report of. I have however experiniced some positive sides since being on the Var. I can definitley feel the thermogenic effect of the Var which I believe I may have reported on in my last post. Recovery is on point for sure.

All in all as far as where things are currently I'm convinced @P_Labs Var is as good as it gets. I've always enjoyed all of his products and especially his orals. If you haven't ran any of his products yet you're selling yourself short, you better jump on!!!!

Here's a question for all of you, what is the highest daily dose of Var you've ever taken, or heard of someon taking?
I'm starting to get back to where I want to be now. I don't know why I got so lazy after my Parabolin log, but it certainly wrecked the gains I had made. Much of it had to do with work and just getting burnt out with shit.

This is my 5th week and I'm still dosing at 100mg/day. I'm definitly a lot stronger, but not really trying to move a bunch of weight right now. I'm more focused on just good strict form and pumping that blood into the muscle. I'm seeing great beenfits from this approach and I'll continue this until I like start my next big run/log on the board.

I think combining @P_Labs Var with his Clen has been a great strategy as well. It has allowed me to melt the fat away that I had picked up when I got lazy.

Anyway, everything is still going well and I'm digg'n my entire experince with this product.....
I'm starting to get back to where I want to be now. I don't know why I got so lazy after my Parabolin log, but it certainly wrecked the gains I had made. Much of it had to do with work and just getting burnt out with shit.

This is my 5th week and I'm still dosing at 100mg/day. I'm definitly a lot stronger, but not really trying to move a bunch of weight right now. I'm more focused on just good strict form and pumping that blood into the muscle. I'm seeing great beenfits from this approach and I'll continue this until I like start my next big run/log on the board.

I think combining @P_Labs Var with his Clen has been a great strategy as well. It has allowed me to melt the fat away that I had picked up when I got lazy.

Anyway, everything is still going well and I'm digg'n my entire experince with this product.....
2 of my favorites: var and clen.
Things are still going well and I'm really in the full swing of the many benefits we see while on the Var. Vasularity is coming in, getting leaner, mucels are fuller, and feeling strong. One really can't ask for much more than that, and to top it off it's such a mild compound and really ,low maintenance when it comes to combating sides.

I'm half way through this run on the Var and I'll likely start to incorporate a few different compounds towrds the end. I'm not sure exactly what that will be at this point. I'm sort of torn between jumping on a classic stack like dball, deca, and tes. Maybe some sort of a run with tren, don't really know yet, the jury is still out.

It will definitley be something from @P_Labs though!! I willl ikely never use another sponsor moving forward, his products are by far the best out there in my opinion. The total experince from beginning to end is always stellar when I'm dealing with @P_Labs

Stay well.....

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