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Rambo's 3-MHD Log

Todays workout:


Incline bench press- pyramid set
Pec fly machine 5 sets
Incline hammer strength press 3 sets
Concentration dips 3 sets

20 mins cardio

Started out with incline bench, warmup set with 105lbs for 30 reps, 135lbs for 22 reps, 185lbs for 13 reps, 225lbs for 6 reps, 185lbs for 8 reps, and ended with 135lbs for 13 reps. I am not going to lie, I was pretty smoked at this point, I haven't been to the gym in a few days. I concentrated on the pumps, jumped to chest pec deck or whatever its called, 4 working sets with a dropset, my pecs and front delts were aching....hammer strength incline press, one of my favs. Focused on every movement and tried to get some beyond failure with a spot from the wife.

Now you want to talk about really stretching and contracting the chest, dips. Added some assisted weight, concentrated on stretching all the way down till the chest was wide open and then contracting all the way up. This is something new I have been using and its very effective. Finished with 20 mins on the treadmill.

Postworkout meal:

Today's workout:

Back attack

Single arm front pulldowns 5 sets
Single arm hammer strength rows 3 sets
Cable close grip low rows 5 sets
Pullups 1 set (forearms became super pumped)
Lat pulldowns 1 set (fucking forearms)
Bent over dumbell rows 1 set (done forearms are super stiff, especially left one)

Today was a weird workout for me honestly. First off I was able to get an insane pump in my lats on the front pulldowns, getting a pump in my lats is like a lunar eclipse....I proceeded to work off of this pump during the next two row exercises, especially the cable rows. I really was able to stretch and contract the lats.

Now here's where the fun began, forearms usually get pumped but this was insane. My left forearm had gotten so stiff, I couldn't even contract or relax it! Attempted pullups, failed. Moved to lat pulldowns, again failure set. Ok let me try some bent over rows, got in a good set, next one....nope failed. At this point, I decided to call it quits.
Today's workout:


Squats 6 sets
Leg press 5 sets
Hip adductors 4 sets
Leg curls 3 sets
Leg extensions 3 sets

Good workout today. Legs felt strong, was able to crank out nice high reps most sets. Squats and leg press really get me going, after that did a few machines to end it off.

Postworkout meal:


Fish and chicken in one meal ;)
For various reasons I decided to finish the 3-MHD cycle today. I have ran it for a good 4 weeks and gone through a complete bottle.

I am looking harder, more vascular, and strength has really increased. I am very pleased with the results. I am not a huge fan of running orals for long periods of time, I feel the 3-MHD is a perfect compound to use for a good 4 weeks for me to make some solid dry gains and gain some strength.

The Mind Fuel was really strong to me. I am basically immune to stimulants, I drink 36oz of coffee some mornings so when I was able to take Mind fuel in the morning and skip all the coffee and focus that was big to me. I did however experience some nausea from it at higher doses, so I kept the dose nice and low. This way I can make a bottle last longer and get a nice kick. Felt no crash from it either.

I'll try and update with some final pics and weight, but honestly I started the cycle with a bunch of water weight that I dropped the past week or so, therefore I don't expect to see a huge gain on the scale.

All in all, I recommend these products for the reasons above. To me this is better then running dbol and anavar and you don't have to worry about water weight from dbol or whether your anavar is legit or not.

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