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Out with the old in with the new..


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Aug 24, 2016
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If you havnt noticed euro pharmacy did a major overhaul. Out with the old 10ml vials in with the new 15ml vials. The oral line was revamped, Everything was updated or improved. The new 15ml line had a major overhaul. Many concentrations were adjusted to make injections smoother and better utilized by the body for the user. New shipping locations get those international packs to you even faster and more secure. No stone was left unturned.

Euro pharma is constantly looking to improve and make for a better user experience. We are here to help you reach your goals. Just like you, body building is our life its what we like to do. If we can assist you or you have any questions concerning ep products feel free to reach out.

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Definitely an awesome time to grab some of those 10 mL bottles and stock up for a rainy day.
Definitely an awesome time to grab some of those 10 mL bottles and stock up for a rainy day.
Exactly the hex is marked stupid cheap Deff a good buy stock up for the next 10 years haha.
Get in on these 10ml deals. Stock is very low
Get your 15ml vials here. These 15s are huge. Priced great and lab tested..

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