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Oral blend for crazy results..


Registered User
Board Rep
Aug 24, 2016
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Get Shredded!
Ep summer cut cycle. winny, var blend is a great combination of 2 amazing compounds. Great gains of strength and size while giving you the great leaning effect. This is a great blend for a recomp or in a cut. These 2 compounds work amazing together. Once you run them together you will never want to run them solo again. Pair this with ep cut mix and be prepared to get shredded in no time.

Man, what a fucking wild ride it would be to stack those products together and run a cycle. I guarantee you would be fucking yoked in 8 weeks. That cut mix is strong af!
Running the Win/Var now. (y)
Man, what a fucking wild ride it would be to stack those products together and run a cycle. I guarantee you would be fucking yoked in 8 weeks. That cut mix is strong af!
That was my last run. I had to cut it short tren sides got to me where I had enough. That blast is crazy. It's my go to when cutting.
There's still time to finish out that cut with a bang. This will do it..

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