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Npp vs Deca


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Jul 20, 2015
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Deca, NPP (Nandrolone Phenylpropinoate) NPP is pretty much what test prop is to Testosterone Enanthate; it's a shorter version of nandrolone that packs quite a punch at just 200 mg/week. It can be shot twice/wk but most commonly done in 3 shots per week (I however just do 2 shots/week myself).

NPP packs a little more punch mg for mg since the short chain ester doesn't get broken down as much before getting to muscle cells. So I'd say 200 mg/week is more equivalent to something like 275 mg/week of regular Nandrolone (Deca). Deca and/or NPP stacks very well with testosterone and also Winstrol.

NPP vs Deca – Which is Best for Gains?
Specifically, when it comes to gains, Deca Durabolin is the better option.

The main difference between these two products lies in their chemical structure and how they work to produce gains (or losses).

Deca works by increasing nitrogen retention, which helps increase protein synthesis so your body can build up more lean muscle mass while you are working out.

NPP works by mimicking the effects of naturally occurring progesterone in your body. This hormone also has an anti-estrogenic effect, which means it helps reduce the amount of estrogen in your body.

Deca increases gains by helping your body hold more nitrogen and reducing estrogen. NPP does not have the same anti-estrogenic effects as Deca, so it may be less effective at helping you achieve gains.

For example:

As a bodybuilder – when you’re looking to grow, you’ll want to take something that is going to help increase protein synthesis and retain nitrogen. Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate) would be the better choice in this case over NPP (Nandrolone Phenylpropionate).

As we all know, bodybuilders and athletes are constantly seeking ways to improve their performance and stay ahead of the competition.

Adding massive gains and muscles are just as important to them, if not more so than the average person.

There are many products on the market today that claim they can help you get bigger and stronger faster with little or no effort at all. But when it comes down to which one actually works – steroids like Deca, NPP, Dbol and many others are top contenders.

It doesn't matter what your personal preference is we have it all over at www.unclez.ru


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Fiction: Using Deca will destroy my sex drive and give me “Deca dick”.
Fact: using TOO MUCH Deca will do this, and running it solo without Testosterone may make this happen easier.

Fiction: Testosterone needs to be ran higher than Deca.
Fact: Testosterone does not need to be ran higher than Deca, but enough needs to be there to counteract possible sides of “Deca dick” (I find 200 mg/week of test to be fine for running with 300 mg/week Deca).

Fiction: Deca needs to be ran for very long cycles to see any benefits from it.
Fact: Deca can be used for shorter cycles of 8-10 weeks with great results!

Fiction: Deca will cause Deca dick right away.
Fact: Even if you get this side effect, it usually won't happen until about 6-7 weeks into your cycle.

Fiction: 2-300 mg/week of Deca is a small dosage.
Fact: 300 mg – 400 mg/week of Deca is the most anyone should ever need and going beyond that is a system of diminishing returns. Great gains can be made on 200-300 mg/week!

Fiction: Deca will make you retain a ton of water.
Fact: With a good diet and moderate dosage it won't make you bloated, it's still 90% diet! Most bodybuilders back in the 1970's used Deca up until about 14 days out from a competition before dropping it and took no anti-estrogens during cycles.
Active compound per 100mg:
NPP 63mg
Deca 62mg

Really no difference
Ahh, not quite accurate.. There's a bit more active hormone in "All" Propionate & Phenylpropionate drugs compared to decanoate esters, think of Test phenylprop vs Test decanoate.. Plus the release time is substantially different, You're getting more active hormone upfront with Prop vs Decanoate. Think of it like little bread crumbs falling off, less bread crumbs fall off with longer esters, the bread crumbs fall off at slower rates, compared to a vast amount of bread crumbs being chipped away and falling off faster and quicker with a shorter ester.. Long/heavy esters leave a long and slow bread crumb trail, short esters have a short lived bread crumb trail that can be found faster, but comes to and end quicker, you can follow the decanoate trail for weeks, not hours on the day like PP..
Cheaper to run Deca because one could literally use 1-2 bottles max.

What I like about NPP it works fast and you could be finishing up as to it's big brother Deca is just getting warmed up.
Cheaper to run Deca because one could literally use 1-2 bottles max.

What I like about NPP it works fast and you could be finishing up as to it's big brother Deca is just getting warmed up.
I just started Deca today actually. Low dose for therapeutic purposes for my back and joints as I transition into getting back to training.. You don't need much of it.
I just started Deca today actually. Low dose for therapeutic purposes for my back and joints as I transition into getting back to training.. You don't need much of it.
I agree!
Ahh, not quite accurate.. There's a bit more active hormone in "All" Propionate & Phenylpropionate drugs compared to decanoate esters, think of Test phenylprop vs Test decanoate.. Plus the release time is substantially different, You're getting more active hormone upfront with Prop vs Decanoate. Think of it like little bread crumbs falling off, less bread crumbs fall off with longer esters, the bread crumbs fall off at slower rates, compared to a vast amount of bread crumbs being chipped away and falling off faster and quicker with a shorter ester.. Long/heavy esters leave a long and slow bread crumb trail, short esters have a short lived bread crumb trail that can be found faster, but comes to and end quicker, you can follow the decanoate trail for weeks, not hours on the day like PP..
Propionate and Phenylprop are not close to the same in terms of ester weight.

Hormone per 100mgs:

Test prop 80mg
TPP 66mg
Test Dec 62mg
Cheaper to run Deca because one could literally use 1-2 bottles max.

What I like about NPP it works fast and you could be finishing up as to it's big brother Deca is just getting warmed up.
Exactly my thought..
Fiction: Using Deca will destroy my sex drive and give me “Deca dick”.
Fact: using TOO MUCH Deca will do this, and running it solo without Testosterone may make this happen easier.

Fiction: Testosterone needs to be ran higher than Deca.
Fact: Testosterone does not need to be ran higher than Deca, but enough needs to be there to counteract possible sides of “Deca dick” (I find 200 mg/week of test to be fine for running with 300 mg/week Deca).

Fiction: Deca needs to be ran for very long cycles to see any benefits from it.
Fact: Deca can be used for shorter cycles of 8-10 weeks with great results!

Fiction: Deca will cause Deca dick right away.
Fact: Even if you get this side effect, it usually won't happen until about 6-7 weeks into your cycle.

Fiction: 2-300 mg/week of Deca is a small dosage.
Fact: 300 mg – 400 mg/week of Deca is the most anyone should ever need and going beyond that is a system of diminishing returns. Great gains can be made on 200-300 mg/week!

Fiction: Deca will make you retain a ton of water.
Fact: With a good diet and moderate dosage it won't make you bloated, it's still 90% diet! Most bodybuilders back in the 1970's used Deca up until about 14 days out from a competition before dropping it and took no anti-estrogens during cycles.
You get this info from John doe bodybuilding?

Sent from my SM-N975U1 using Tapatalk
Propionate and Phenylprop are not close to the same in terms of ester weight.

Hormone per 100mgs:

Test prop 80mg
TPP 66mg
Test Dec 62mg
In ester way they are not the same but in release time there is a lot of similarities, they're closely related more so. Even being in the Phenyl group, it's half-life is far far far shorter than Decanoate, so again you're getting more hormone compared to Decanoate.. It's NOT the same as Decanoate, of Cmax levels and and injection frequencies vary.
Great write up brother and good information to share. With this being the season for bulking it should help some guys out.
I never thought about running them together I have always stuck to NPP but this year that changes. I want to see if with my diet and workouts dialed in, if I can hit 205 before I cut. I usually struggle to hit 185. Going to see what happens.

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Great write up brother and good information to share. With this being the season for bulking it should help some guys out.
I never thought about running them together I have always stuck to NPP but this year that changes. I want to see if with my diet and workouts dialed in, if I can hit 205 before I cut. I usually struggle to hit 185. Going to see what happens.

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250-300 npp 100 Deca in the background.
I'm trying to get to 200lbs myself..I'm finally 190 fasted in am..I can get 195 daytime buts it's gone everymorning..
250-300 npp 100 Deca in the background.
I'm trying to get to 200lbs myself..I'm finally 190 fasted in am..I can get 195 daytime buts it's gone everymorning..
The one thing about nandrolone is the fact that it absolutely loves nutrients, you have to feed it man.
But good for you for finally getting up there, slow and steady. When my numbers jump too high too quick sleep apnea is amplified. This time around I'm really hoping to pack it back on, but I know I got to go slow because breathing and mobility is the first thing that goes :(
It definitely was not fast felt like forever..July 29 184lbs...end of September 190lbs ..
I like deca the best. It hits harder imo. I've done both I got stronger on deca. I am on deca 2nd week in tho

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I just started Deca today actually. Low dose for therapeutic purposes for my back and joints as I transition into getting back to training.. You don't need much of it.
How long does it take to get the joint benefits?
Get Shredded!
I actually can’t run either. I almost ruined my marriage 5 weeks into my deca run at 200 mg. Tried to switch to npp at 100mg/week and the emotional side effects were more mild but still not worth it.

It’s interesting though bc I ran tren a at 200 mg/week and experienced very little if any side effects.
You get this info from John doe bodybuilding?

Sent from my SM-N975U1 using Tapatalk
That part yes!! They have some of the best info on aas on the web. It fit well with my post. That's why I added it after.
I actually can’t run either. I almost ruined my marriage 5 weeks into my deca run at 200 mg. Tried to switch to npp at 100mg/week and the emotional side effects were more mild but still not worth it.

It’s interesting though bc I ran tren a at 200 mg/week and experienced very little if any side effects.
Whenever that happens get caber quick and ramp up test.
I like deca the best. It hits harder imo. I've done both I got stronger on deca. I am on deca 2nd week in tho

Sent from my SM-G981V using Tapatalk
I have always loved NPP, yet before that deca was my love. I had some amazing runs on deca. One particular run I was 1:1 with test/deca sitting around 750. Felt like a bulldozer. Only time I ran deca that high where I had minimal to no sides at that moment with it. It was either B.M Prarma or British Dragon, was so long ago. I'm certain it was BM.
Deca always work best for me with my joints.
Whenever that happens get caber quick and ramp up test.
I was taking caber @ .5 e3d but it seemed like I couldn’t get it under control. I didn’t try increasing the test dose. Thanks for that info, maybe I’ll try again sometime down the road 👍

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