OP welcome to the forum sir... I'm JJ and I work for Azteca Gold. If you have some time, go to the sub-forum section and click on Azteca Gold. On the top left of your screen, you will see 'Forums' scroll down to where you see 'AAS Sponsor Forums'. Once you click that you will see all the available sponsors on this board. We have some amazing sponsors on this board. If you are interested in Azteca Gold you can click our sub forum. In the sub-forum for AG you can see customers experiences, threads on specific compounds, package deliveries, and even discussion on certain compounds.
You just missed AG's Memorial Day sale however we would give you a free vial of Testosterone, any ester, on your first order. If this is something you are considering, please reach out to me and I will send you a Product List with pricing and instructions.
Welcome to ASF. If there's any questions I can answer or help you in any direction you're heading I'm here to help and the guys here are some of the best guys youll run into so asking on the open board is a good way to get questions answered as well.