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My Wife's Yourmuscleshop Tirzepatide log 💪🧪💪

Oct 15, 2022
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My wife jas been running Tirzepatide for 6 weeks..she wants to continue with it and Yourmuscleshop has granted the opportunity for her to run it for a while longer !. She's not a forum member or even a gym rat . Hoping her experience so far and onwards will help anyone of any lifestyle get some input and experience with this incredible drug and how many benefits it has besides weight loss ...let me start by saying I personally didn't think she needed it . But after having kids and her wanting to shed a few pounds I agreed ..Hey she puts up with me cycling and Hgh so I agreed ..
She started 6 weeks ago at 2mg a week to access any sides ..after 3 weeks she bumped to 3 mgs weekly pinning once a week . She weighed 162 pounds but she's tall at 5.10 and looked fine to me ..well shes lost 14 pounds so far and with a higher protein intake most of it has been body fat !. She doesn't get strong cravings of sugar or junk food like she used to and her appetite is definitely suppressed... I gotta remind her to get her Protien in because even though she doesn't train i don't want her losing muscle . One amazing thing is and Tirzepatide is known for more than just weight loss is she was diagnosed with osteoarthritis of her right knee 3 years ago and surgeon and PT said she was on her way to knee replacement within 2 to 3 years even though she's not overweight or obese ..Since week 3ish the pain in her knee and discomfort and range of motion has gone from a 9 out of 10 to feeling barely there !. Maybe a 1 to 2 on a rare occasion ....another benefit is supposed to improve cardiovascular health and lipids so bloods will be taken in a few weeks just to see even though there where no problems to begin with ...looking to up the dose to 4 mgs a week and split the pinning to twice a week split ...gonna be honest I Pinned 1 mg 2 times in a week and I couldn't eat and definitely had appetite suppression so I can definitely see why this stuff works !!
Will keep progress updated 💪
So since hitting 6 week mark and currently at 3 mgs a week the results have been incredible ...but she's upping the dose to 3.5 weekly and splitting the pinning to twice a week .So today 1.75 mg and this Thursday another 1.75 mg....will only titrate up slowly and as she adjust to it ...after 4 weeks at 3 mg upping the dose is common as the body adjust and a little more is needed for some people
First week at slightly increased dose of 3.5 mg ...slight difference in appetite suppression but not like starting a meal and unable to get it down like the first 4 weeks ...will go another pin and bring to 4 mg and slowly let that settle in...lost 2 more pounds so still doing its thing and the knee arthritis is very much improved !
Second pin of 1.75 for the week and will bring dose to 4 mgs weekly next week ...The slight increase has worked well and will check weight next week ...can't say enough on what this product has done for her knee if you read the prior post !!

Tirzepatide is a great compound not only for weight loss !

Weight loss

Anti inflammatory

Cardio vascular health and lipid improvements

Pm me for a special discount code 💪👍
This weeks total dose was 4 mg split 2mg each pin Monday and Thursday ...2 pounds of last weeks weight so still working wonderful ...no bad sides at all and the benefits are incredible for her osteoarthritic knee ....barely any pain !
Going to hold at 4mg for a bit because honestly she doesn't need to lose anymore weight and didn't need to in the first place in my opinion ...
So shes now up to 4mg split Monday and Thursday ... Slight increase has really stopped any sugar food noise she said ...she has absolutely no desire for it.... Only wants to eat regular food .. Lost another 2 pounds but keeping her as close to maintenance as possible and high protein 💪
Also the help with Tirzepatide and being a inflammatory help has been amazing for her knee ...
Update .
Still at 4mg split weekly and working well with the slight increase ! Protien intake is good and no muscle loss . Food noise is rare and she feels full fast . She's not a gym goer but i told her when starting , You still have to get your macros in or the weight you lose will be muscle ..
Very pleased with the results .

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