Simple tips, drink plenty of water more you drink less you retain. Gallon, gallon and a half. Proper amount of fiber. Enough fats for health at 240 no more than 70g of fat 240g of protein at least, rest carbs. Figure out maintenance calories and that’ll give you a carbohydrate number. 1g of carbs = 4 calories. Same for protein, 1g of fat = 9 calories. If you consumed the proper amounts of protein and necessary fats alone that would be 1,590 calories without any carbs. At a 1800 calorie goal your carbs would be only 52g a day. That’s a ridiculously low amount of carbs for a 240lb male. Eating the way you currently are yields great results at first from water glycogen depletion, then that slows down and down and eventually you plateau and don’t lose anymore. Can only lower calories so much or do so much cardio. Starving yourself = inevitable rebound.