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Maryland and immigration! Wtf!


Board Rep
Jan 9, 2013
Reaction score
Get Shredded!
So i have a friend who was driving her car on the highway behind a pickup truck with about 5-6 mexican people in the vehicle.
The back of the truck was full of junk.
A chair come flying off the pile in this pick up and smashed into my friends car. Both her and the truck stopped , and the police were called to the scene.
The police man after taking everyones info handed my friend back her license and registration. He said report to her insurance.
She wanted there info.
The police man stated they have no license or insurance.
My friend wanted them arrested!!
The policeman said he cannot do that.
They are illegal immigrants, and unless they are committing a felony they cannot be detained. Maryland is a sanctuary ??!?!?!! Wtf!!!!
So her insurance wants to raise her rates because of this incident once she reported it.
What kind of ass backwards laws do we have in maryland! This is a fucking joke!
How would you handle this bullshit!!

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Now if i were to drive without insurance not to mention without a license my ass would Certainly end up in handcuffs.

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These are your Dreamers! Smh!

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Driving without insurance is not a criminal law. Is it a sanction taken by the bureau or department of motor vehicles. You will lose your license for up to six months on a first offense and a year on second offense. As far as driving without a license, there are no jails willing to hold on that offense due to overcrowding with drug and violent offenders. Driving without a license is a citation only. I'm not advocating or excusing the subjects without the license or insurance, I am simply conveying the truth of the justice system as it stands today. I 100% agree this is a ass backwards situation. However if she denies the claim and pays cash she won't have her insurance rates raised.

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Let me re phrase this. He doesnt have a license at all , and doesnt have insurance either.
It is against the law as of 9-23-11 to drive in all 50 states without insurance. The penalty will vary depending in which state.

Unless your an illegal!! Then these laws dont apply. You can get away with any crime as long as it isnt considered a felony.

So, there insurance will rise?? They dont have insurance!!joke.
There license will be suspended!! Joke ..
They dont own a license...
Or they will get points. Come on .. Really.

So they were allowed to go on there way freely! No repercussions at all.
So knowing they have no license or registration at all. Why cant they be made to park the vehicle. Or it be impounded.
It would happen to anyone else!!
Its one thing being insured or having a license and not having it on you.
It is another thing all together not ever owning a license or ever having insurance and being told go on your way. Damage as many vehicles as you like. We will do nothing. Hava a good day.

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Dreamers can legally have a license i think..

these are just regular messicans.

did they at least towed their truck ?
Hell no. Told them go on their way!!

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Many of us have parents or grandparents that were immigrants.. My great grandparents came right of the boat! They had to go through the whole process. I dont discriminate. My decendants all come from other countries of the world.
But whats right is right. Everyone needs to be held to the same laws..

Sent from my LG-H910 using Tapatalk
Hell no. Told them go on their way!!

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The officer helped put the chair back in the truck!!l lmao

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Can you shoot them legally?

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You have to have a license.
That is whats scary.
If roles were reversed it would be a different outcome. They would be protected and she would have been arrested, or car impounded, fined, license suspended, and up to 6 points. Any of the above or all of the above would have been enforced. She wouldnt be able to afford to drive again. Let alone find someone who would insure her. A whole laundry list of issues. They have more rights and are protected because they are illegal, then a legal us citizen does. The truth is they shouldnt have been driving at all. With no license, or no insurance.. ! wonder why we pay so much. Someone has to pay for them. Might as well be us

Sent from my LG-H910 using Tapatalk
Some ridiculous shit for sure. Every snowflake liberal needs to go through this experience so they quit supporting illegal immigration.
So i have a friend who was driving her car on the highway behind a pickup truck with about 5-6 mexican people in the vehicle.
The back of the truck was full of junk.
A chair come flying off the pile in this pick up and smashed into my friends car. Both her and the truck stopped , and the police were called to the scene.
The police man after taking everyones info handed my friend back her license and registration. He said report to her insurance.
She wanted there info.
The police man stated they have no license or insurance.
My friend wanted them arrested!!
The policeman said he cannot do that.
They are illegal immigrants, and unless they are committing a felony they cannot be detained. Maryland is a sanctuary ??!?!?!! Wtf!!!!
So her insurance wants to raise her rates because of this incident once she reported it.
What kind of ass backwards laws do we have in maryland! This is a fucking joke!
How would you handle this bullshit!!

Sent from my LG-H910 using Tapatalk
Thats totally bullshit.
I fuck hate ilegal immigrants.
I came here from brazil many years ago and i fought for this country .
I got my citizenship but trust me i paid for
Usa army vet
Big red one

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something is off with this story...

i also live in a Sanctuary state.

here ,if you get caught driving without license they will tow your car and give you a ticket, doesnt matter if you are legal or illegal and suspend your license. You get caught again ad your ass is going to jail.
I never read so much fake news until I read this story. Ppl always lying about stupid stuff.
something is off with this story...

i also live in a Sanctuary state.

here ,if you get caught driving without license they will tow your car and give you a ticket, doesnt matter if you are legal or illegal and suspend your license. You get caught again ad your ass is going to jail.
In Los Angeles the police will not impound a car driven by an unlicensed illegal alien unless they have no insurance or has an expired registration.

Not the same thing that you are talking about but close

EDIT: Just incase someone thinks this is fake news =)

Huh, I wonder what the laws were like when our families immigrated to the USA. Hell, in 1612 when my family got here it wasn't even the US.... sure glad we now have the sense to hate on people trying to get a little of the dream we got.
Get Shredded!
Huh, I wonder what the laws were like when our families immigrated to the USA. Hell, in 1612 when my family got here it wasn't even the US.... sure glad we now have the sense to hate on people trying to get a little of the dream we got.

So breaking the law crossing the border illegally, cashing in on undeserved government handouts (that I and every other citizen paid for) and not paying your taxes is the dream?

You want to act like we are heartless assholes for standing up against illegal immigration, you do know there is a way to do it legally right??
So being illegal makes it OK to not obey the laws of the land LOL sure
sure glad we now have the sense to hate on people trying to get a little of the dream we got.

no hate going on here, just a lot of love for American citizens over illegal immigrants who break our laws to get into this country. it's insulting to the many lawful immigrants who came here legally.

not sure what your stances but if you're OK with illegal immigration what's the number of illegal immigrants you're OK with letting into this country yearly? when does it end? do you just give Amnesty to everyone who makes it here as a child? do you realize ramifications of that?
I'm not sure if there are any sanctuary states.....yet.

California is working on it now and I am sure will be a sanctuary state very soon.

I think it all depends on what is define as a "sanctuary state". there may be some states that can be labeled a sanctuary state. here's an article accusing the Illinois governor of signing legislation making Illinois a sanctuary state. although the city of Chicago is off the charts as far a sanctuary city policies. The state seems to be following in their direction.

this line is the one that caught my eye in the article.

"it bars local officials from detaining anyone solely on the basis of a federal immigration detainer"
I never read so much fake news until I read this story. Ppl always lying about stupid stuff.
what! There is no reason to lie. If you cant handle the truth , dont read it. Lmao...
something is off with this story...

i also live in a Sanctuary state.

here ,if you get caught driving without license they will tow your car and give you a ticket, doesnt matter if you are legal or illegal and suspend your license. You get caught again ad your ass is going to jail.
see this was my thinking as well!! Again, this is why im stunned.
This sounds like total nonsense. But it isnt.
So being illegal makes it OK to not obey the laws of the land LOL sure
Why dont you check out the Maryland trust act.
They are given a pass. Everything is based around. Deportation, and being targeted and harrassed .the local police are not allowed to detain them. Smh..unless a felony has been committed. Then the police must jump through hoops so they are not gonna be sued as racialy targeting these individuals, due to there immigration status.
There are so many laws now in maryland to protect illegal immigrant. Its just crazy.

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