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***log of Platnium Pharms blend***


May 7, 2022
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Hello Asf family. I have been given the opportunity to log Platnium Pharmaceuticals 'blend' 100migs of: test c tren e and masteron e per ml. Previously I have ran their test cyp 250 and tren e 225. Top notch products, company and service. Would never use any other company's gear after such great results w Platnium. I had a 2 year break in running anything. This past May I started up w Test Cyp 375migs/wk. Gained 16 pounds off test alone. Then added tren e, 225mg wk. But it was summer hot, potent tren is an understatement!!! Talking about changing t shirts 4x a day. Running hot like a furnace. Was in go mode all day long! Got that look, striated shoulders- boulder looking traps blew t.f. up as well. Strength way up. Imo Plat tren is soo powerful I dialed it back to 112.5migs. Still had amazing results.
So ive started running the blend this week. For past 5 weeks was only using 250 test cyp. Im gonna run 2.5ml a week so 250/250/250 for 8-10 weeks. ***Also, Plat messaged me. Gonna send me a T-bol oral to add! 25migs a day esp preworkout. Have never ran Platnium orals before. I just know it's gonna be on point will keep adding to this thread as the days go. The best part of their oils is the fact I can draw and pin with a 1cc slin needle. It's draws fast and carrier oil is clean. Smooth and not 1x had pip or even close to it! Thank God. No more 3cc 23g pins. No need. This is the company, imo best I've ran ever. They know their sh*t is on point cause they're asking for loggers of many products. Nothing to hide. Just fire gear and results.
Hello Asf family. I have been given the opportunity to log Platnium Pharmaceuticals 'blend' 100migs of: test c tren e and masteron e per ml. Previously I have ran their test cyp 250 and tren e 225. Top notch products, company and service. Would never use any other company's gear after such great results w Platnium. I had a 2 year break in running anything. This past May I started up w Test Cyp 375migs/wk. Gained 16 pounds off test alone. Then added tren e, 225mg wk. But it was summer hot, potent tren is an understatement!!! Talking about changing t shirts 4x a day. Running hot like a furnace. Was in go mode all day long! Got that look, striated shoulders- boulder looking traps blew t.f. up as well. Strength way up. Imo Plat tren is soo powerful I dialed it back to 112.5migs. Still had amazing results.
So ive started running the blend this week. For past 5 weeks was only using 250 test cyp. Im gonna run 2.5ml a week so 250/250/250 for 8-10 weeks. ***Also, Plat messaged me. Gonna send me a T-bol oral to add! 25migs a day esp preworkout. Have never ran Platnium orals before. I just know it's gonna be on point will keep adding to this thread as the days go. The best part of their oils is the fact I can draw and pin with a 1cc slin needle. It's draws fast and carrier oil is clean. Smooth and not 1x had pip or even close to it! Thank God. No more 3cc 23g pins. No need. This is the company, imo best I've ran ever. They know their sh*t is on point cause they're asking for loggers of many products. Nothing to hide. Just fire gear and results.
what is your starting weight?
Though, off gear I've weighed as low as 176lbs. My body wants to be skinny. Genetics. But w just some test c I can hold a good 12+lbs.
Same here. My body wants to be skinny like the 140Lb kid I was at 19. I went off gear for a few months and lost 30Lbs of muscle. It’s coming back strong though after a few weeks back on gear I’m back up 27Lbs.
Each day we get a little older and smarter, I like to think. I'll never drop a test base again. Just 250migs goes along way for me. Now. Quality test like Platnium has, 👍 👌 👏 then add your tren/mast, etc. A skinny guy like me can get 20lbs mind u. No gh, slin just eating training and rest!
Each day we get a little older and smarter, I like to think. I'll never drop a test base again. Just 250migs goes along way for me. Now. Quality test like Platnium has, 👍 👌 👏 then add your tren/mast, etc. A skinny guy like me can get 20lbs mind u. No gh, slin just eating training and rest!
Ya my blasts are 400 of test c . I'm also not getting any younger . And then add t-bol or one Anavar on training days
Found out t-bol and another bottle of Platniims Pharm blend will td this thursday! Looking forward to an oral esp preworkout. To date: I've been running the Platnium Blend for 6 days. 2.5cc a week. I notice the tren the most, to date. Platnium tren is potent stuff!!! It's about how little I need opposed to how much. Now i don't compete or have to diet down for a show. I notice I get hot 🔥 quickly, weather a workout, eating I notice sweating have to have a fan run on me and my girl for meals lol. Im predicting the masteron E us gonna harden me up, show some veins, etc. I have notices veins slightly visible where they weren't before. Platnium test cyp is the sh*t. I love it!!! No sides, and i feel it in libido increase first. G f loves it. Days off we can go 3-5x lol. We'll more to come.
Platnium pack arrived today!! Love it. In addition to the Plat blend(100migs of ea.:Test c, tren e, and mast e) ill be adding T-bol @ 25mg/day. The blend is awesome, a cycle itself in a 10ml vial. Starting week 2. The blend im doing 2.5 ml/week. Or 250mg/wk. Of each.
I've never tried an oral from Plat, I'd bet my last its on point and fire 🔥, as is any injectable I've had from them
I strongly believe this comp is hands down the best buy for inside the states. As close to pharma-grade your getting This isnt some bumbass ugl shit, leaving you wondering is it whsat the label says, is it dosed right, etc Nope! Real deal, always respond-ship fast a.f. talking like order to door in 5-7days. You feel the gear kick in, and it's priced f'ing great. So far I've used test-cyp and tren-enan. These are¹ long esters yet beginning of week 2 and their test im feeling. Week 2 tren, im sweating- got all day energy. I've never ran masteron b4 period. I'm am seeing upper chest veins. Not popping but visible. This will be an 8 week cycle in total. Looking to add good quality muscle def, and some size from the tren. To be honest, I'm a lil weary on 250migs tren e. The sides i got previously were def. There! I'll keep this log up and running.
Think about it. Platnium is actively looking/asking for people to log their product line. Most likely They know it's great 👍 why else would a company do this?
Lift weights and eat steaks!


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A lil update...Week # 2 of 25mg Plat T bol/ 250mg Plat Blend (Test, tren, mast)
Noticing getting into this week, I have more morning energy for sure!! I am, by admission a stim-junkie-lol. Basically addicted to caffiene from years of over dosed preworkouts, who isnt. Anyways. I normally do my 1-2 cups coffee 1st, then switch to my shaker cup of preworkout. Yesterday. I only did 1 scoop, I was good. And didn't use addtl scoops during the am-afternoon. Didn't think about it. But now today, I realized i just don't need mad caffiene to get up and running. Washed all the dishes, cleaned whole apt. W just 1 scoop im still sipping now @ 11am. Been up since 445am. So energy UP. Other than that, i notice the tren E , just sweating when I eat post workout mostly. That's a typical side for me regardless, it's strong tren. These are all long esters it's into week 2. But energy levels are up on all fronts I am always a fan of extra energy.
A lil update...Week # 2 of 25mg Plat T bol/ 250mg Plat Blend (Test, tren, mast)
Noticing getting into this week, I have more morning energy for sure!! I am, by admission a stim-junkie-lol. Basically addicted to caffiene from years of over dosed preworkouts, who isnt. Anyways. I normally do my 1-2 cups coffee 1st, then switch to my shaker cup of preworkout. Yesterday. I only did 1 scoop, I was good. And didn't use addtl scoops during the am-afternoon. Didn't think about it. But now today, I realized i just don't need mad caffiene to get up and running. Washed all the dishes, cleaned whole apt. W just 1 scoop im still sipping now @ 11am. Been up since 445am. So energy UP. Other than that, i notice the tren E , just sweating when I eat post workout mostly. That's a typical side for me regardless, it's strong tren. These are all long esters it's into week 2. But energy levels are up on all fronts I am always a fan of extra energy.
Extra energy is everything in life! 👍
Really quick...I weighed in @ 197.8 this am. Yesssirrrr. Up 4.2 lbs in 2.5 weeks of this cycle!!! I fucking love it. Platnium's gear gets the job done. Workout hard, eat somewhat responsibly, rest and run theyre gear, good to go baby
That’s a good weight gaining pace! 💪
I apologize for slacking on my log. Life happens, actually got custody to see my son from that c*nt myex. Only took 3 years.
Anyways cycle is going great!! Tbol preworkout is sweet for pumps. Omg. Veins for days.
Platnium Blend = as awesome. Test working makes me horny af, sorry tmi. Tren makes me sweat. Night sweats. Burn through 2 t shirts just in sleep. Tren is a love/Hate relationship w me. Im sure others can relate. Masteron..? Idk never ran it but I bet it's ma making my veins pop in the gym
All in all up 7lbs in 3 weeks. I can hold weight even if I skip meals or eat mc Donald's w my son.
I apologize for slacking on my log. Life happens, actually got custody to see my son from that c*nt myex. Only took 3 years.
Anyways cycle is going great!! Tbol preworkout is sweet for pumps. Omg. Veins for days.
Platnium Blend = as awesome. Test working makes me horny af, sorry tmi. Tren makes me sweat. Night sweats. Burn through 2 t shirts just in sleep. Tren is a love/Hate relationship w me. Im sure others can relate. Masteron..? Idk never ran it but I bet it's ma making my veins pop in the gym
All in all up 7lbs in 3 weeks. I can hold weight even if I skip meals or eat mc Donald's w my son.
Congrats for getting custody of your son and that must be the best thing to happen. You must be on cloud nine now.

Good that Platinum Blend's working well for ya as I've ran it and it was solid stuff!
Congrats for getting custody of your son and that must be the best thing to happen. You must be on cloud nine now.

Good that Platinum Blend's working well for ya as I've ran it and it was solid stuff!
Yes man. Thank You. I've been in family court fucking 3 years and 6grand later. But I got my lil man back. I'm worried he's gonna feel some type of way about my absence. I hope he does real talk
Yes love running gear. Responsible mow. 45 years old. Just wanna be In the top 10% jacked mufos in the gym. And the most jacked father picking up his.son. lol 😆
Yes man. Thank You. I've been in family court fucking 3 years and 6grand later. But I got my lil man back. I'm worried he's gonna feel some type of way about my absence. I hope he does real talk
Yes love running gear. Responsible mow. 45 years old. Just wanna be In the top 10% jacked mufos in the gym. And the most jacked father picking up his.son. lol 😆
And someday he'll be your lifting partner in crime!

Now time to go get those gains 💪
Get Shredded!
I apologize for slacking on my log. Life happens, actually got custody to see my son from that c*nt myex. Only took 3 years.
Anyways cycle is going great!! Tbol preworkout is sweet for pumps. Omg. Veins for days.
Platnium Blend = as awesome. Test working makes me horny af, sorry tmi. Tren makes me sweat. Night sweats. Burn through 2 t shirts just in sleep. Tren is a love/Hate relationship w me. Im sure others can relate. Masteron..? Idk never ran it but I bet it's ma making my veins pop in the gym
All in all up 7lbs in 3 weeks. I can hold weight even if I skip meals or eat mc Donald's w my son.
Congrats on getting custody. I can’t imagine what that been like for you!
That’s great you got custody of your son!
Actually my refrigerator. Still home appliance. That gear was from probably 2018. It still hasn't expired .company is great .Platnium 👍 👌 👏 🙌 😀 🔥 ass products.
Hahaha. That's awesome JJB1. I love it. Chances are it won't expire by the time the zombies come

Do you remember 'flashtropin' ?
Weight is at 202.7 as of this am. Ive.been able to hit the gym last 2 weeks 5x a week. And those were both 5 on and.2 off. I notice strength and endurance are wayy up. The t-bol pump is incredible and masteron is showing veins thst normally won't shine. Asides the.excessive sweating sweating due to the tren'' this is a fun cycle and doing more than expected. Up 10.5 lbs.in 9 weeks. I get the tren sweating after eating' and literally anything raising my heartbeat yesterday just helping bag my food at walmart I got a pump and was sweating. It's close to a dnp' fat burning radiator like.sweat. coming off in sheets. Lol. When you know tren e is fire 🔥 that's 250/250/250. Test c. Tren e and mast e with 25migs turnibol pre workout for 9 weeks.someone on here called the Platnium Blend a 'cycle In a bottle' wasnt kidding!!! Amazing results at low-end dosages of all 3. I'd love to up to 300ea a week but the tren is all too strong for me. Great gear. On point and results do not lie .#s don't lie!!!
Weight yesterday was 203.6.lbs was at 2:20pm.in.Drs office. I know the scales are accurate there. My home scale is too. Regardless. I've put on over 11lbs muscle now on this cycle. This has been a bulk run for me 100% I wasn't so sure.it.was gonna work that way. Honest thought the tren and mast would promote a cut. Now I've been eating in a surplus .the tren let's me eat on the. 'Dirtier' side.of life. Dressings. Milk. Whole.eggs daily. I don't have to pay such close.attn to my macros to get goals I prefer. I'm not.competing, don't have a.coach. this is my thing my hobby if you will. But t bol pre workout, then test c. Tren e and.mast e. At 250/migs a.week is nice. My strength and endurance is crazy. Thats gotta be.t bol. I've ran about 6-8 cycles before never tbol (anadrol and.dbol pre) but the endurance and stamina stand t.f
Out j can do a solid 50-60min and my gym partner she's ready to leave I still have another 30+ min left. Platniums gear is on point. I'm not sure if I'm done.gaining size and mass ?? I sure am happy and surprised by how I got here.

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