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LickMyTate's 1st "Big Boy Bulk" (SB Labs & Hammer&Bell Products)


Apr 3, 2023
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Get Shredded!
What's up everybody!

Haven't been as active here last month or two, been going through some shit with the misses, but I am finally back into some kind of rhythm and am PUMPED for this run/log!

I will be running some SB Labs gear (old reliable) with some Hammer & Bell gear (fletch is a rep, naturally I had to give em a shot!)

My first "big boy bulk cycle" will be as follows:

Test C :
625 MG/Week

Deca :
300 MG/Week

Mast E: 300 MG/Week

DBOL : 50 MG/Day split AM/PM

AI: Every 3rd day or as needed

Might dial up/down the Test & Deca depending on how I am feeling once I drop the Dbol

I plan on running the Oil protocol for 12 weeks but have enough on hand to stretch to 16 weeks if desired/Dbol will be for 7 weeks.

And before you say it, I KNOW MAST E IS NOT A "BULKING" COMPOUND :cool: I am running it in this cycle hoping to combat some of the Dbol/Deca conversion and to add some more defense from Gyno while ALSO enjoying its "feel good" effects..... anything past that is just bonus for me !

Will post current physique photos later on tonight/tomorrow.

7 weeks is a long time for running dbol. If you wanna do it that long, only use it PWO on workout days
Appreciate the feedback, this is actually something I have been teetering back and forth on but my body is extremely resilient so I figured plan the 7 but if health markers or physical feel is fucked come off at 4-5 weeks, advice not unheard brother 👊
Appreciate the feedback, this is actually something I have been teetering back and forth on but my body is extremely resilient so I figured plan the 7 but if health markers or physical feel is fucked come off at 4-5 weeks, advice not unheard brother 👊
Your body will let you know. I’ll be following brother.
Appreciate the feedback, this is actually something I have been teetering back and forth on but my body is extremely resilient so I figured plan the 7 but if health markers or physical feel is fucked come off at 4-5 weeks, advice not unheard brother 👊
Perhaps get bloodwork to monitor your liver values as well.
What's up everybody!

Haven't been as active here last month or two, been going through some shit with the misses, but I am finally back into some kind of rhythm and am PUMPED for this run/log!

I will be running some SB Labs gear (old reliable) with some Hammer & Bell gear (fletch is a rep, naturally I had to give em a shot!)

My first "big boy bulk cycle" will be as follows:

Test C :
625 MG/Week

Deca :
300 MG/Week

Mast E: 300 MG/Week

DBOL : 50 MG/Day split AM/PM

AI: Every 3rd day or as needed

Might dial up/down the Test & Deca depending on how I am feeling once I drop the Dbol

I plan on running the Oil protocol for 12 weeks but have enough on hand to stretch to 16 weeks if desired/Dbol will be for 7 weeks.

And before you say it, I KNOW MAST E IS NOT A "BULKING" COMPOUND :cool: I am running it in this cycle hoping to combat some of the Dbol/Deca conversion and to add some more defense from Gyno while ALSO enjoying its "feel good" effects..... anything past that is just bonus for me !

Will post current physique photos later on tonight/tomorrow.

Looks good, dont forget aromasin by week 4. 💪😎
What's up everybody!

Haven't been as active here last month or two, been going through some shit with the misses, but I am finally back into some kind of rhythm and am PUMPED for this run/log!

I will be running some SB Labs gear (old reliable) with some Hammer & Bell gear (fletch is a rep, naturally I had to give em a shot!)

My first "big boy bulk cycle" will be as follows:

Test C :
625 MG/Week

Deca :
300 MG/Week

Mast E: 300 MG/Week

DBOL : 50 MG/Day split AM/PM

AI: Every 3rd day or as needed

Might dial up/down the Test & Deca depending on how I am feeling once I drop the Dbol

I plan on running the Oil protocol for 12 weeks but have enough on hand to stretch to 16 weeks if desired/Dbol will be for 7 weeks.

And before you say it, I KNOW MAST E IS NOT A "BULKING" COMPOUND :cool: I am running it in this cycle hoping to combat some of the Dbol/Deca conversion and to add some more defense from Gyno while ALSO enjoying its "feel good" effects..... anything past that is just bonus for me !

Will post current physique photos later on tonight/tomorrow.

Hey bro love the idea you are yet again doing another log that includes our gear but I have some concerns and please don't take them to heart because as you and most members here know we are not in it for the money. So hear are my most worrisome concerns
1. I think your dbol is to long cut it back to 4 weeks
2. Your please cycle you logged (all SBL gear) was for 16 weeks and started on June 16th which means it just ended the last couple of days. So no PCT? Just jumping into another cycle?
3. No blood work which is extremely important since you are deciding to go back to back cycles.
We were extremely happy that you enjoyed the gains from your first log but as I said we are not here just for the money. These are my concerns
Pm sent
Hey bro love the idea you are yet again doing another log that includes our gear but I have some concerns and please don't take them to heart because as you and most members here know we are not in it for the money. So hear are my most worrisome concerns
1. I think your dbol is to long cut it back to 4 weeks
2. Your please cycle you logged (all SBL gear) was for 16 weeks and started on June 16th which means it just ended the last couple of days. So no PCT? Just jumping into another cycle?
3. No blood work which is extremely important since you are deciding to go back to back cycles.
We were extremely happy that you enjoyed the gains from your first log but as I said we are not here just for the money. These are my concerns
Pm sent
Legitimately appreciate the feedback, but let me help put your mind at ease (well maybe not at EASE, but maybe not as worried 😂)

1.) This is very likely to happen with the dbol, as stated above, I will probably cut it short. With even more sentiment reflecting this, I’m going to be shortening it regardless to 4-5 weeks.

2.) I’ve actually been cruising on ~100 mg for about 7 weeks now as that cycle ended a little earlier, and I know that’s not a TON of time to bounce back, but I’ve been off of the oral for about 12 weeks and a mild one at that (TBOL) and the other compounds were super mild and mildly dosed (primo test)!

3.) Have been getting bloods pulled 1x a month since starting taking AAS and I’m looking gtg 👊

Once again, I legitimately, actually fuckin appreciate your concern because it shows how stand up you guys are. Just trying to put your mind at ease a LITTLE before this next run ;) HOO-Ah!
Legitimately appreciate the feedback, but let me help put your mind at ease (well maybe not at EASE, but maybe not as worried 😂)

1.) This is very likely to happen with the dbol, as stated above, I will probably cut it short. With even more sentiment reflecting this, I’m going to be shortening it regardless to 4-5 weeks.

2.) I’ve actually been cruising on ~100 mg for about 7 weeks now as that cycle ended a little earlier, and I know that’s not a TON of time to bounce back, but I’ve been off of the oral for about 12 weeks and a mild one at that (TBOL) and the other compounds were super mild and mildly dosed (primo test)!

3.) Have been getting bloods pulled 1x a month since starting taking AAS and I’m looking gtg 👊

Once again, I legitimately, actually fuckin appreciate your concern because it shows how stand up you guys are. Just trying to put your mind at ease a LITTLE before this next run ;) HOO-Ah!
Go get em killer. Our offer still stands for 2 month's free coaching from pro trainer Paul kanu even though you're using 2 different labs. We want you to get the most out of this cycle. @CoffeeS and @PositiveVibes
Go get em killer. Our offer still stands for 2 month's free coaching from pro trainer Paul kanu even though you're using 2 different labs. We want you to get the most out of this cycle. @CoffeeS and @PositiveVibes
Good deal right here! Why not take advantage of it like @CoffeeS and @PositiveVibes arr doing and they both got great logs going 😎
Go get em killer. Our offer still stands for 2 month's free coaching from pro trainer Paul kanu even though you're using 2 different labs. We want you to get the most out of this cycle. @CoffeeS and @PositiveVibes
Hey LMT - I would hop all over the offer to get coached. IFBB Pro Paul Kanu is a great guy, knows his stuff and will work with you one on one. I was lucky enough to be chosen by SB Labs to be coached too. I was afraid at first, thinking I was not close to the same caliber of Men that are in the SB TROOP! And here I am. Monday starts week 5 with Paul. What I thought I knew for routine, diet, rest, food types, etc. was working for me as a start up, but, was not "on point". He will work with you to reach your goals, get your diet hammered out, your exercise routine and gear corrected.

100% happy with SB Labs, Paul Kanu and of course ever grateful for the opportunity.

If you have questions, @PositiveVibes and I are always available as are Onidus, Seattlesbest and King Fucking Kong.

Join the SBL Troop!!!

Hey LMT - I would hop all over the offer to get coached. IFBB Pro Paul Kanu is a great guy, knows his stuff and will work with you one on one. I was lucky enough to be chosen by SB Labs to be coached too. I was afraid at first, thinking I was not close to the same caliber of Men that are in the SB TROOP! And here I am. Monday starts week 5 with Paul. What I thought I knew for routine, diet, rest, food types, etc. was working for me as a start up, but, was not "on point". He will work with you to reach your goals, get your diet hammered out, your exercise routine and gear corrected.

100% happy with SB Labs, Paul Kanu and of course ever grateful for the opportunity.

If you have questions, @PositiveVibes and I are always available as are Onidus, Seattlesbest and King Fucking Kong.

Join the SBL Troop!!!


Thank you for taking the time to offer your feedback brother!

I am 100% absolutely going to capitalize on this opportunity, and even more so after your comment, my first thought too was excitement with NERVOUSNESS... Plenty of experience, and I would say ready to take this on physique wise where I currently am but nonetheless intimidating once you start talking about the REAL fucking big boys, IFBB Pro... I never thought I would have this kind of chance and I am going to take this more serious than I have ever taken training.

Thank you for the words of encouragement, this will be a KILLER WINTER BULK 🔥

SB is really such an amazing dude for this, this community offers me more support than anywhere has in my actual life. I appreciate all of you.
Get Shredded!
Thank you for taking the time to offer your feedback brother!

I am 100% absolutely going to capitalize on this opportunity, and even more so after your comment, my first thought too was excitement with NERVOUSNESS... Plenty of experience, and I would say ready to take this on physique wise where I currently am but nonetheless intimidating once you start talking about the REAL fucking big boys, IFBB Pro... I never thought I would have this kind of chance and I am going to take this more serious than I have ever taken training.

Thank you for the words of encouragement, this will be a KILLER WINTER BULK 🔥

SB is really such an amazing dude for this, this community offers me more support than anywhere has in my actual life. I appreciate all of you.

I jumped on this opportunity to work with IFBB Pro Pauk Kanu. I was 2 weeks in before getting injured in a dog fight (info is all in my log). But I will say I was already starting to see and feel positive changes in my muslce and body overall. I learned a lot in the first 2 weeks and I'm finally healed and ready to jump back in where I left off.
You won't be disappointed with Coach Paul, he will challenge you and push you to reach the goals you set. You will learn a lot more about diet, workouts, volume, gear dosage, etc. I'm grateful for SB Labs giving me this opportunity and I would recommend it to anyone looking to take themselves to the next level of training.
Best of luck to you and look forward to following your journey!
Thank you for taking the time to offer your feedback brother!

I am 100% absolutely going to capitalize on this opportunity, and even more so after your comment, my first thought too was excitement with NERVOUSNESS... Plenty of experience, and I would say ready to take this on physique wise where I currently am but nonetheless intimidating once you start talking about the REAL fucking big boys, IFBB Pro... I never thought I would have this kind of chance and I am going to take this more serious than I have ever taken training.

Thank you for the words of encouragement, this will be a KILLER WINTER BULK 🔥

SB is really such an amazing dude for this, this community offers me more support than anywhere has in my actual life. I appreciate all of you.
Anytime my friend! I'm glad you're joining the SB Troop. You wont regret your decision to take on this challenge - well - you might at rep #17 on your 4th set and Paul is pushing you to get 3 more!!

One other thing I want to add: I did have a hard time accepting the change in the workout routine the first few days. It was far different than what I had ever done in my 45 years in and out of the gym, triathlons, military PT, and some of the training info I picked here on ASF. Then I told myself, "you aint shit, this guy is the real deal." I dropped my hesitancy and embraced the workouts, the diet and most of all the feedback and advice from Paul. I'll be 60 in a month or so. This old dog is learning new tricks. So accept the change from the very start, I guarantee you that you wont regret it.

As for SB, you are right - one hell of a good guy, very generous, cares about guys like us, giving us this incredible opportunity. Obviously he saw something in us that we didn't. We need to represent SB professionally, show up for the "game" and be in "Silverback Mode" 24/7/365. Show him your gratitude by putting 110% into this.

Now - let's get this!

Alrighty boys, @SB labs did exactly as he said and is covering 2 months of coaching from IFBB Pro Paul Kanu.

This is about to take this entire bulk to the next level.

I am about to post current physique, and will be following Coach Kanu's programming, diet, and gear recommendations to the smallest detail... So if my protocol changes at all, I will update it here!

I can't wait to get this rolling, and I will NOT let SB down.
Alrighty boys, @SB labs did exactly as he said and is covering 2 months of coaching from IFBB Pro Paul Kanu.

This is about to take this entire bulk to the next level.

I am about to post current physique, and will be following Coach Kanu's programming, diet, and gear recommendations to the smallest detail... So if my protocol changes at all, I will update it here!

I can't wait to get this rolling, and I will NOT let SB down.

Welcome to the team Brother! Let's get it!
Current Physique

Been cruising and maintaining since my last cut

Since getting out of rehab last year at 145 pounds, I bulked up to 215, then cut back down to 183 and have been maintaining this weight give or take 5 pounds. THANKS TO SB Labs ;)

I am extremely excited to see where this bulk takes me. LETS GET IT!


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Alrighty boys, @SB labs did exactly as he said and is covering 2 months of coaching from IFBB Pro Paul Kanu.

This is about to take this entire bulk to the next level.

I am about to post current physique, and will be following Coach Kanu's programming, diet, and gear recommendations to the smallest detail... So if my protocol changes at all, I will update it here!

I can't wait to get this rolling, and I will NOT let SB down.
Great news!! Glad you accepted the coaching. You wont regret that!
Current Physique

Been cruising and maintaining since my last cut

Since getting out of rehab last year at 145 pounds, I bulked up to 215, then cut back down to 183 and have been maintaining this weight give or take 5 pounds. THANKS TO SB Labs ;)

I am extremely excited to see where this bulk takes me. LETS GET IT!
Nice change from your previous log - great job. Looks like it's bulk time!!

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