What's up everybody!
Haven't been as active here last month or two, been going through some shit with the misses, but I am finally back into some kind of rhythm and am PUMPED for this run/log!
I will be running some SB Labs gear (old reliable) with some Hammer & Bell gear (fletch is a rep, naturally I had to give em a shot!)
My first "big boy bulk cycle" will be as follows:
Test C :
625 MG/Week
Deca :
300 MG/Week
Mast E: 300 MG/Week
DBOL : 50 MG/Day split AM/PM
AI: Every 3rd day or as needed
Might dial up/down the Test & Deca depending on how I am feeling once I drop the Dbol
I plan on running the Oil protocol for 12 weeks but have enough on hand to stretch to 16 weeks if desired/Dbol will be for 7 weeks.
And before you say it, I KNOW MAST E IS NOT A "BULKING" COMPOUND
I am running it in this cycle hoping to combat some of the Dbol/Deca conversion and to add some more defense from Gyno while ALSO enjoying its "feel good" effects..... anything past that is just bonus for me !
Will post current physique photos later on tonight/tomorrow.
Haven't been as active here last month or two, been going through some shit with the misses, but I am finally back into some kind of rhythm and am PUMPED for this run/log!
I will be running some SB Labs gear (old reliable) with some Hammer & Bell gear (fletch is a rep, naturally I had to give em a shot!)
My first "big boy bulk cycle" will be as follows:
Test C :
625 MG/Week
Deca :
300 MG/Week
Mast E: 300 MG/Week
DBOL : 50 MG/Day split AM/PM
AI: Every 3rd day or as needed
Might dial up/down the Test & Deca depending on how I am feeling once I drop the Dbol
I plan on running the Oil protocol for 12 weeks but have enough on hand to stretch to 16 weeks if desired/Dbol will be for 7 weeks.
And before you say it, I KNOW MAST E IS NOT A "BULKING" COMPOUND

Will post current physique photos later on tonight/tomorrow.