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IFBB Pro Killionb12 Growth Phase with SB Labs - Season 2

Right now i super suck at everything so I'm excited for all of it.

But i really hate seated rows. I just fucking can't get the mind connection all that well I've been working on it for months. Feels like I'm right on the cusp of a eureka moment tho.

Totally can relate to that one. I had to go to single arm seated rows to really get the connection. We have a dual cable seated row so I can do one arm at a time. Much better!

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Totally can relate to that one. I had to go to single arm seated rows to really get the connection. We have a dual cable seated row so I can do one arm at a time. Much better!

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My gym only has the single cable row so have to switch hands so I can do that pretty quickly.
Totally can relate to that one. I had to go to single arm seated rows to really get the connection. We have a dual cable seated row so I can do one arm at a time. Much better!

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Yep I just figured that out after months! Single arm is the way 💪
Yesterday’s arms/delts workout. This day is always the hardest for me because I don’t enjoy training arms or shoulders. They are boring to me. Not sure why but just never really enjoyed it. When my coach brought on another coach for training I never expected to have a dedicated arms/delts since they are a strength. Well not my biceps. That being said as we picked apart each pose he was able to point out where the pose could improve and in some instances it was my arms or shoulders. I couldn’t disagree with him because he was correct. So now I’m taking that day more seriously but it’s still a day I struggle with to get excited about.

Anybody else have a body part they hate to train? Especially arms? Would love to hear what you guys have to say!


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Biceps/Triceps has to be the most boring things to train
What’s up guys. It’s been awhile since I last checked in. Been crazy busy with work. We just ended my growth phase and will be moving into a health phase before starting prep. Here are my last check in pics sitting at 288lbs fasted. My health phase dosages are below.

Got some exciting news! Decided to team back up with [mention]Montego [/mention]for this next prep. It’s been a year and a half since we last worked together! He was my original coach when I turned Pro. Great to be back brother! Let’s kill this prep!

Test Cyp - 200mg weekly
HGH - 3iu daily






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What’s up guys. It’s been awhile since I last checked in. Been crazy busy with work. We just ended my growth phase and will be moving into a health phase before starting prep. Here are my last check in pics sitting at 288lbs fasted. My health phase dosages are below.

Got some exciting news! Decided to team back up with [mention]Montego [/mention]for this next prep. It’s been a year and a half since we last worked together! He was my original coach when I turned Pro. Great to be back brother! Let’s kill this prep!

Test Cyp - 200mg weekly
HGH - 3iu daily






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Looking great bro. Best of luck to you. Interested in seeing your progress.
Hey guys been awhile since I checked in. Been super busy after the holidays. Currently week 4 in the health phase. Weight is holding steady in the 286-287 range. Only on 250mg weekly of test and 3iu of HGH daily. [mention]Montego [/mention] added food to my training days and implemented a non training day diet with slightly less carbs. I’m currently 23 and 24 weeks out!






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Hey guys here is some advice that I have shared before on this board. Still very relevant today. My personal advice with how anyone should approach bodybuilding

Thought I would share some tips from over the past 5 years or so that I learned while pursuing my Pro Card and competing as a Pro.

Tip 1:
More is not necessarily better. What I mean by that is that many of us including myself get this mindset that we need more and more AAS to achieve our goals. I can tell you personally that nutrition and training execution are far more important.

My average cycle for off-season typically consisted of as much Testosterone that I can tolerate without having to use an AI or SERM. That typically would be around 500-600mg weekly. I have gone as high as 1000mg and saw no more benefit and often times looked worse. The amount of oxidative stress is causes on the body at those levels can even hinder your growth. Once I get to a point where I need more growth I would add in a nandrolone (Deca) and/or a DHT derived hormone like Masteron. Typically start low around 200-300mg weekly for each. I would then titrate up in small increments as progress stalls. No need to go from 0-60 with any steroid. Allow your body to grow as much as possible with the least amount as possible before bumping up dosages.

By the way all compounds can be used as a bulker or a cutter. Anybody that tells you different is just spewing out Bro science with no facts. All compounds accrete protein at the same rate as any other steroid. So yes you can bulk with Masteron, Primo, or any other drug that is considered a “cutter”. Now I will say some compounds can align better to different phases of bodybuilding. Just depends on your goals at that time.

Tip 2:
Consistency is key. No you don’t need to change your workout every 8 weeks. Progressive overload is key. Do the same movements every week and progressing on either weight, reps, or intensity is the secret to growth. Shocking the muscle with muscle confusion using different exercises is not a thing. You can’t confuse the muscle into growth. It’s demanding more out of the muscle using the same exercises over and over and over. I’m not saying you can’t incorporate new exercises to help promote growth but they need to be consistently used for months on end.

Tip 3:
Nutrition is more important than AAS. If you get this wrong no matter how much AAS you use you won’t get the results you are wanting. Time and time again I see gym rats using steroids and maybe puff up with water retention initially but don’t change after years of usage. You must constantly be in a caloric surplus to grow. Food will have to go up once progress stalls. That sometimes can happen after a few weeks. Make sure you put more effort into planning your nutrition than you do with your steroid cycle.

Lastly make sure you pick a solid source that you can count on with quality products. During my journey in pursuit of my IFBB pro card and my pro debut I knew I could count on the products delivered by [mention]SB Labs [/mention]. Removing as many obstacles or concerns during my journey made it that much easier. I knew that nutrition and training was the only thing I had to focus on.

Hope this helps someone as they start or continue their journey in bodybuilding.

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Hey guys here is some advice that I have shared before on this board. Still very relevant today. My personal advice with how anyone should approach bodybuilding

Thought I would share some tips from over the past 5 years or so that I learned while pursuing my Pro Card and competing as a Pro.

Tip 1:
More is not necessarily better. What I mean by that is that many of us including myself get this mindset that we need more and more AAS to achieve our goals. I can tell you personally that nutrition and training execution are far more important.

My average cycle for off-season typically consisted of as much Testosterone that I can tolerate without having to use an AI or SERM. That typically would be around 500-600mg weekly. I have gone as high as 1000mg and saw no more benefit and often times looked worse. The amount of oxidative stress is causes on the body at those levels can even hinder your growth. Once I get to a point where I need more growth I would add in a nandrolone (Deca) and/or a DHT derived hormone like Masteron. Typically start low around 200-300mg weekly for each. I would then titrate up in small increments as progress stalls. No need to go from 0-60 with any steroid. Allow your body to grow as much as possible with the least amount as possible before bumping up dosages.

By the way all compounds can be used as a bulker or a cutter. Anybody that tells you different is just spewing out Bro science with no facts. All compounds accrete protein at the same rate as any other steroid. So yes you can bulk with Masteron, Primo, or any other drug that is considered a “cutter”. Now I will say some compounds can align better to different phases of bodybuilding. Just depends on your goals at that time.

Tip 2:
Consistency is key. No you don’t need to change your workout every 8 weeks. Progressive overload is key. Do the same movements every week and progressing on either weight, reps, or intensity is the secret to growth. Shocking the muscle with muscle confusion using different exercises is not a thing. You can’t confuse the muscle into growth. It’s demanding more out of the muscle using the same exercises over and over and over. I’m not saying you can’t incorporate new exercises to help promote growth but they need to be consistently used for months on end.

Tip 3:
Nutrition is more important than AAS. If you get this wrong no matter how much AAS you use you won’t get the results you are wanting. Time and time again I see gym rats using steroids and maybe puff up with water retention initially but don’t change after years of usage. You must constantly be in a caloric surplus to grow. Food will have to go up once progress stalls. That sometimes can happen after a few weeks. Make sure you put more effort into planning your nutrition than you do with your steroid cycle.

Lastly make sure you pick a solid source that you can count on with quality products. During my journey in pursuit of my IFBB pro card and my pro debut I knew I could count on the products delivered by [mention]SB Labs [/mention]. Removing as many obstacles or concerns during my journey made it that much easier. I knew that nutrition and training was the only thing I had to focus on.

Hope this helps someone as they start or continue their journey in bodybuilding.

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Love the information you provide man 👍💯
Following all your advice and tips has greatly improved everything about me, my form, the way I work out, and greatly improved my progress. You provide nothing but gold in my opinion! Thank you.
Love the information you provide man
Following all your advice and tips has greatly improved everything about me, my form, the way I work out, and greatly improved my progress. You provide nothing but gold in my opinion! Thank you.

Appreciate the kind words brother! I try to give back as much as I can to the community. I had a few good mentors that helped me along the way including guys like [mention]Montego [/mention]

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Tip 3:
Nutrition is more important than AAS. If you get this wrong no matter how much AAS you use you won’t get the results you are wanting. Time and time again I see gym rats using steroids and maybe puff up with water retention initially but don’t change after years of usage. You must constantly be in a caloric surplus to grow. Food will have to go up once progress stalls. That sometimes can happen after a few weeks. Make sure you put more effort into planning your nutrition than you do with your steroid cycle.

I’m really curious. If you could go back and do one thing nutrition wise differently what it would be?
I’m really curious. If you could go back and do one thing nutrition wise differently what it would be?

Great question. After hiring a coach not much if anything at all. Probably taking off-season as serious as prep. Meaning I would not have deviated away from diet as much. I would say to myself oh it’s offseason I will be fine if I eat an extra cheat meal or I would have a few more alcoholic drinks throughout the week. Wasn’t anything crazy but having a couple glasses of wine 3-4x a week will add up and start to affect progression. Offseason or growth phases are where physiques are made so you need to take them as seriously or even more serious. So moral of the story don’t become a fat ass during growth phase. LOL

Before hiring a coach I would say eat more carbs and fats. I was afraid of eating carbs or fats. I thought protein was the only macros that mattered when trying to grow. The truth is the right amount of carbs and fats are as important as protein when trying to grow. Especially the timing of them. Carbs are critical around training. I would say as high as 30-50% of your carb intake should be placed directly before and after your training. Majority of Fats should be consumed early and later in the day. Less around training.

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