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Help building 1st cycle


Sep 19, 2019
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Get Shredded!
First off, this is all hypothetical. A "fantasy league" for body building if u will.

I'm 30yo, 5'11" 200#. Healthy af. I would estimate my body fat around 12-15%. I'm no slouch, I still have a 6-pack after a good fuckin, but this is the heaviest I've ever been in my life (good job, injuries, divorce...) I want to lose fat and build muscle, ultimately shooting for 185-200# ripped. I'm in no hurry, I have no aspirations of contests or turning pro. I just had some bloods done, but no hormone assay. I plan to get that before starting so I can have a definitive baseline. I eat good, and I care about my body and my balls.
I'm adamant about an 8-weeker, may extend to 10 weeks if all is perfect. I will not tolerate acne, but I could handle other mild sides. I'd rather not pin ED so maybe EOD or E3D if possible. No oral AAS.
I definitely want to incorporate Equipoise or Deca, and possibly Dbol or tren ace (maybe tren enanth?) Also, I don't see the point in adding test if the gear will boost test anyway.
PCT. Pending labs obviously, but I feel like HCG will suffice. Also, if I were to pin HCG periodically during cycle, wouldn't that keep my balls awake and boost test?? Seems like a win-win.
I plan to cut BF to below 10% before cycle so as to reduce estrogenic sides.

Please feel free to critique and provide ample info.
Thanks in advance
Seems like quite alot for a 1st cycle. I'm definitely no pro to this, but just from what I've done and seen.
With what you posted, I'd suggest that you educate yourself a lot more before you think about a cycle. 30 years old, deca, dbol and no test, no pct. That's a fuckin train wreck. Then you want to add tren on top of it for your first cycle! You're dick won't get hard for a year and you'll feel so bad you'll never work out.

Here's the best first cycle in my opinion. 500 mgs of test ew split into 2 doses. Hit the gym hard and get your diet in check. Run that for 6-8 weeks and you'll have great results. Absolutely have to have aromasin or arimidex on hand to keep E2 in check though. Don't start a cycle without it.

Then run a proper PCT so your body doesn't get way out of whack on you. Also have this on hand before you start the cycle. Good luck.
With what you posted, I'd suggest that you educate yourself a lot more before you think about a cycle. 30 years old, deca, dbol and no test, no pct. That's a fuckin train wreck. Then you want to add tren on top of it for your first cycle! You're dick won't get hard for a year and you'll feel so bad you'll never work out.

Here's the best first cycle in my opinion. 500 mgs of test ew split into 2 doses. Hit the gym hard and get your diet in check. Run that for 6-8 weeks and you'll have great results. Absolutely have to have aromasin or arimidex on hand to keep E2 in check though. Don't start a cycle without it.

Then run a proper PCT so your body doesn't get way out of whack on you. Also have this on hand before you start the cycle. Good luck.

Thanks for your input. To recall OP, I said eq OR Deca plus tren OR Dbol. I've decided against Dbol, so does EQ and Tren A sound like a good stack? I want to get the compounds figured out before thinking about dosing. Also, yes. I will have appropriate ancillaries and PCT on hand before starting.
None of the products you listed “boost” testosterone. Take a breath, do some reading and you’ll hear the drum beat for a test only first cycle. And for good reason.

We should have a STICKY “So you’re thinking about a first cycle”

And to Dathan, good of you to ask. Don’t be too attached to your first idea. There are a lot of guys here the just want to help.
Yes research before you do anything and if you do decide to run something make sure you have PCT. Personally I would just run test first time
Great suggestions above. I did 500mg Test C per week with no ai's until bloodwork showed I needed it for my first cycle.. Clomid/nolva for PCT as well.
First cycle stick to 500mg of test twice a week. IMO EQ anything less than 16 weeks waste of money. Tren first cycle absolutely not specialty Tren E. My suggestion.
Thanks everyone for your input.
Ok, I can see where EQ or Deca would be ineffective in the short term. Would NPP/test be an effective stack? Maybe Tren/test?
I understand testing the waters with Test only at first, but is this mainly just to get a feel for how my body handles the elevated hormones without throwing in a bunch of variables?
Boost test? lol actually the opposite, they suppress test production. Lots of wrong info in your post. Research a lot more before you go down the road. Test should be your only AAS on your first cycle and then the staple of all others.
Would NPP/test e stack be so bad??
Since you’re using the long acting enanthate ester on the testosterone you might as well use long acting nandrolone aka deca.
First cycle you’ll grow on very low doses. Keep them low or your body will
expect more to grow.
Keep it basic.
200mg Test per week. I like sustanon best. It kicks in faster and hits harder.
If you want to stack it then add 100mg deca per week.
If you really want to go all out add 25mg dbol per day.
You will grow even on only 100mg test per week though.
Virgin receptors are so much fun!
I have to agree. 1st cycle test only. I've ran tons of cycles then took 8 yrs away from everything. Starting fresh and I'm not doing anything more than 500mg of E a week for my restart.
Whatever you do make sure not to use Tren E on first cycle. Once the sides hit it will kick your rear end and it will take couple of weeks to subside when you stop. See if you can handle your first test flu.
At this point I'm leaning towards 20 NPP/25 test P EOD x 8-10 weeks
At this point I'm leaning towards 20 NPP/25 test P EOD x 8-10 weeks
I recently did EOD test prop, test phenylpropionate, and NPP for several months. Gains were very nice in strength and size.
I switched to EOD sustanon and deca which I like a little more. No PIP. More water retention giving me more muscle fullness and strength.
Both stacks work very well.
Or perhaps post your diet and then we can for from there

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I recently did EOD test prop, test phenylpropionate, and NPP for several months. Gains were very nice in strength and size.
I switched to EOD sustanon and deca which I like a little more. No PIP. More water retention giving me more muscle fullness and strength.
Both stacks work very well.

Good to hear, thanks. I definitely want to start low, but still see good results.

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