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HCG vs HMG - What's the difference?


Mar 29, 2014
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To understand the difference between HCG and HMG we first need to understand how the HPTA works.

We are going to focus on 2 main hormones here. Leutinizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH). Both hormones are released from the Pituitary Gland in the brain and stimulate the testicles to do different things.

LH - Stimulates the Leydig Cells in the Testes to produce testosterone
FSH - Stimulates the Sertoli Cells in the Testes to produce sperm.
***Both of these functions need to occur for sperm production. LH needs to provide an environment rich in Testosterone for sperm production to occur.

See diagrams below:




So what does HCG do?
HCG simply mimics LH to signal the Testes to produce testosterone. HCG is a hormone who's molecular shape is structurally similar to LH therefore it fits in the same receptors on the Leydig cells.

What does HMG do?
HMG is a combination/mixture of ACTUAL LH AND FSH. So HMG stimulates both the Leydig cells AND the Sertoli cells to produce testosterone and sperm respectively. No mimic hormones like HCG, these are the real things.

HMG is superior especially from a fertility standpoint. It performs the same function as HCG (or LH) AND it performs the functions of FSH, both which are needed for adequate sperm production.

So if you are planning to conceive soon and are concerned about your fertility, pick up some HMG to be safe and keep your swimmers swimming.
whats the shelf life of HMG? HCG is only good for 30 days
whats the shelf life of HMG? HCG is only good for 30 days
Realistically HCG can be stored in the fridge for at least a few months after it's been mixed before it starts to lose potency. Even then we're talking fractions of a percent over long periods of time.

HMG is a bit different because typically you would use an entire vial at once. It usually comes in 75iu vials and a single dose is 75iu so you don't really need to worry about storing it after. Just don't reconstitute a vial until you need it. The powdered form can last for years.
? Is what source carries it.

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Realistically HCG can be stored in the fridge for at least a few months after it's been mixed before it starts to lose potency. Even then we're talking fractions of a percent over long periods of time.

HMG is a bit different because typically you would use an entire vial at once. It usually comes in 75iu vials and a single dose is 75iu so you don't really need to worry about storing it after. Just don't reconstitute a vial until you need it. The powdered form can last for years.
makes sense, thanks for the info
My fertility protocols for clients incorporate these, so this is a good option to have
What sponsors carry HMG?? We are trying for a baby and I’m in need fellas.. Any help is greatly appreciated...

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What sponsors carry HMG?? We are trying for a baby and I’m in need fellas.. Any help is greatly appreciated...

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Amino Asylum. I'm sure you could hit up super mod Wes (GYMnTONIC) for a discount code :p
Friends I appreciate the kind words, but this is a PSL thread.

They are saying they carry it.

So my suggestion, very kindly is to reach out them.

In no way in my response did I mean to suggest I am a source for the product they offer.

Just the opposite. I was simply implying I agree with HMG used in a fertility protocol.
? Is what source carries it.

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What sponsors carry HMG?? We are trying for a baby and I’m in need fellas.. Any help is greatly appreciated...

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We (PSL) carry it but it's currently out of stock. But if you have time to wait you can check this link every now and then to see if it's back in stock. ---> https://puritysourcelabs.ru/hgh-hcg-hmg/856-hmg-merional-human-menopozal-gonadotropin-75-iuvial.html
Friends I appreciate the kind words, but this is a PSL thread.

They are saying they carry it.

So my suggestion, very kindly is to reach out them.

In no way in my response did I mean to suggest I am a source for the product they offer.

Just the opposite. I was simply implying I agree with HMG used in a fertility protocol.
No worries brother you're welcome in our sub any time.

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