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First timer

Fuck ya DD!! You coming along great. I'd say hard work in combination is workin real nice!
Thanks brother
My coach keeps me from going hamburger as well he is a tremendous help lol he stays on my ass even vacation he asks" so u bringing your meals?" Lol
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Actually taking 3days off from hgh I did not want to risk damaging my puretropin😞
But I'll be back at it the moment I arrive😉

Monster 10

is it working???

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Damn man! You look immensely different then you did when we first met at beginning of year.

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Damn man! You look immensely different then you did when we first met at beginning of year.

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I hope that's for the better. Thank u very much...

Monster 10
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I hope that's for the better. Thank u very much...

Monster 10

Haha yea man for the better for sure. Now your a fat man with abs and a v taper coming out. I'm impressed, it's like a unicorn.

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So been back on at 5 ius 5days a week...i can missed it dearly I love this stuff. It's going on 5months now my how time flies.... between running way better gear (so glad to have separated myself from that situation but It was a learning experience)a great coach and the awesome folks at ironlion I've made some strides in my physique and it's only improving!😉

Monster 10
Ok can't wait to see what results are in store for me w the addition of igf1 lr3.along w this puretropin hgh ....it's going to be amazing I'm sure...I have a big gain cycle and diet starting in just a few days

Monster 10
Consuming 4000 Cal's and still waking up abs .... puretropin is the real deal

Monster 10
Weight is up to 210

In bulk mode and the puretropin is helping me to stay lean

Monster 10
Fellas I got a TD land today holy moly this was quickest yet bout as long as a holiday weekend! I got my own theory on this.... But in not going any further than a thank you IRONLION, U have never ceased to amaze. I will post pics a Lil later....

monster 10
Fifth month in and in really starting to reap the benefits..... I'm just amazed its been interesting watching my body change over the last few months . And there is soooooo much more to potentially gain can't wait to see what the future holds

monster 10
Holy crap month six and I can't get fat if I tried ....HGH is just not letting it happen,muscles are bigger and bf percentage keeps dropping. Thanks Ironlion

monster 10
I can't believe it has been this long since I logged in this thread, my apologies, thing are going well still at 5ius almost at month 7 and I'm feeling great. No significant difference between now and last month but I will report on any significant changes

monster 10
When did you started feeling the effects? What benefits have you been experiencing? An how how long does that kit last you for

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When did you started feeling the effects? What benefits have you been experiencing? An how how long does that kit last you for

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I did explain this throughout the thread ...it depends on how you dose it... if u Wer to run 5days on at 5ius it would last a month.
Typically the side effects will start in a week or so depending on the dosage,man In no way an expert u could learn a ton more by doing a little research...this log was my experience.

monster 10

This is pretty much where I ended up at after six months of using puretropin @ 5iu 5days on 2days off in conjunction with aas proper diet and training...wish I could say my sleep was the best but it was shit I have an extremely busy life,and u find time for everything!

Thank you so very much ironlion!!!!!
Amazing product!

This is pretty much where I ended up at after six months of using puretropin @ 5iu 5days on 2days off in conjunction with aas proper diet and training...wish I could say my sleep was the best but it was shit I have an extremely busy life,and u find time for everything!

Thank you so very much ironlion!!!!!
Amazing product!

Welcome, bro, great shape.:)

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