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Don’t be fooled by 192 junk HGH

Are you the same unclez that scammed thousands of of ugbb members?

Uncle Z was never busted or scammed anyone. Some bad shit went down and he had to get out of Dodge. Once he regained control there was a massive campaign to pay every customer back that was affected. We actually got scammed to shit from people lying, saying that they had orders that didn’t. We paid back every single person and ran the campaign for 1 year.

You’re definitely a troll 🧌
The one guy has 4700 messages in 1 year . He got a lot of time on his hands . Omg lol .
Which one guy? I'm definitely gonna blow that number out the park.

Homerun Fiym GIF by Forever In Your Mind
Which one guy? I'm definitely gonna blow that number out the park.

Homerun Fiym GIF by Forever In Your Mind
He's talking bout @Johnnyhartly. It's more like a year and 4 to 5 months but still, you got your work cut out for you.
JH is kind of a funny guy tho and not near as bad as some others.

Again I don't know the full details here but when someone constantly bashes a source (more than just this thread) yet they have no experience with the source themselves, IMO they should keep their opinions and beliefs to themselves and let those who have actually used the source chime in if they feel it is necessary.

Otherwise, to me at least, it appears like someone has a specific agenda based partially on hearsay.

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