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D-Bol, Love or Hate ??

I'm fine with Dbol. Don't love or hate it. I only use it as a PWO though and generally low dose (20 mg or under) for a few weeks at a time.
Seems to work best for me with minimal sides.
I loved dbol with my first cycle dbol/ test 😆 went from 225 to 255 and gave me some really nice strength increases. Definitely don't need in now, in my 40s.
I hate dbol bc its the only AAS that causes me legit roid rage. I can't even stand myself on it. I last used it in 2010? I got into a road rage incident, a tractor trailer cut me off and made me spin out on the highway and the guy had the audacity to give the middle finger as I tried to gain control.

Let's just say I ended up catching up and pulling him out of the vehicle on the highway. It ended whereas I could def have gone to prison. I went home and took about 1,000 stop signs and flushed them down the toilet.

NEVER again, though admittedly it is magical in terms of gains. I used to mix w winny for size and hardening, it was DiaBOLical (pun intended) LOL
Personally no thanks. Dbol, Deca pretty much anything associated with water bloat I don't like and use.
Everybody at the gym said to drink it because it was mexi vet stuff.... Well I ended up shooting it instead....VERY VERY good Dbol W/different types of Vit B...
Had pictures of horses and bulls on the label.... Awesome stuff!!!!
Hell yea best dbol I ran hands down. I drank it in orange juice or cranberry juice. It was my introduction to aas.
Hell yea best dbol I ran hands down. I drank it in orange juice or cranberry juice. It was my introduction to aas.
You just reminded me of the Grapefruit juice trick where you take oral steroids with grapefruit juice and it makes them stronger.

Caution using pain meds with this as it has killed people, it makes them so much stronger by way of Enzyme reaction

Love ya Rich, hit me up with a PM sir if you have a quick second please.
My GI doesn't tolerate orals very well but I tolerate dbol WAY better than drol as drol nukes my appetite in just a few days. I try to always keep some dbol around because it I'm having some anxiety and depression I can toss in 10-20mg of dbol a day for a short run and it drastically helps my mood. Haven't needed it for that purpose in a while but I keep it on hand for when that day inevitably comes again.

It is also phenomenal pre workout at 20-25mg. Tremendous pumps!
My recent mild cycel with Test and Primo I dug out a 100 tabs of dianabol and ate them here and there and pre-workout. I still like the stuff for what it does and in the background of a mild cycle of test and Primo bloat was not a problem at low dose daily and a little bump before workout. Just pumps, well being and strength.
You just reminded me of the Grapefruit juice trick where you take oral steroids with grapefruit juice and it makes them stronger.

Caution using pain meds with this as it has killed people, it makes them so much stronger by way of Enzyme reaction

Love ya Rich, hit me up with a PM sir if you have a quick second please.
You are 100% correct. One of my friends was on a daily medication for whatever reason and he started drinking grapefruit juice. Apparently the mixture was extremely toxic and nearly killed him.
If you are on any kind of medication make sure to clearly check the non comparable medication or food.
I think it should be a rule that everyone run dbol at least once lol. I loved the dbol days..

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