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Cycling talk with Rich Piana

Good info man, I would love to do it this way and I need to put on some size but I don't think I could afford that much hcg lol

Do you guys think he really comes off?...
Idk but he says around 3 to 4 months off hmmmm
Don't have time now but def watching later

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he says he usually takes 1 month off , he took 4-5months off when he fucked up his leg....

but yeah thats a lot of HCG
I like the way he thinks. His hcg argument makes complete sense and I have always believed in trust those with personal experience over those who regurgitate bro science
I like most of Rich's videos. He's always pretty straight forward. His interviews with Ric Drasin are pretty informative too.
Rich Piana is one of my favorite informative BBers. He's straight up, and although he spews the occasional supplement pushing nonsense, is pretty down to earth. He does have some HUUUGEEEE muscle imbalances though lol. Look at his arms compared to his back its pretty funny to see actually. Truly a mutated body type, in a league of his own :D

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So much synthol that he's practically half man/half pig

I would say synthol use in the arms for sure but thats just spouting shit out about stuff I don't know anything about lol
Just thinking, if he's using a long ester, doesn't that mean he's only off for only like 2 weeks?
His tris look like water filled baloons on camera.
I dont think that it is synthol that he uses.. But yes appears to be something. Freaking huge
If I am not mistaken he has used synthol on the bi/tri's. I have heard that but I cannot back it up. If he did, he did a very good job. To me it just looks like lots of slin/hgh and freak arm genetics. So I say good job on that if he did. Way to not make yourself look like a fucking idiot like some guys do. I like Rich. I always watch the Ric Drasin thing on youtube when he has Piana on. He's pretty straight up on everything except his own doses which I have not heard him disclose. He's a fucking freak though for sure. Love Rich's look.
I always heard he uses PMMA in his arms but who knows. I guess what he is saying is he uses the hcg and clomid continuously until his next cycle? Not in a traditional PCT sense. That doesn't quite seem like "coming off" to me. Idk.
In one of his videos he explains how he used synthol and what protocols he was using and what he was hitting with synthol

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