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Compounds make you hungry or don't!

Big Ronnie

Your wettest :daydream:
Oct 1, 2014
Reaction score
Great Pacific Northwest
Get Shredded!
Honestly, a lot of compounds will do various things to your appetite. The real proof is in the pudding. That is discipline to eat what you need to eat and not let your hungry determine what you need or want. Drive is what gets you the bulk. Not feelings. Calculate what you need and do what needs to be done. If you wait to be hungry and wait for your body to tell you what to do, you might as well just do crossfit or play with dolls. Wait that's the same thing....
This is like a fucking word from God Himself. I have struggled so hard to get my meals in due to the drol I was running ed for the past two weeks. I would look at food and be completely disgusted, not even feeling the urge to eat, even after 3 to 4 hours sometimes. I cut the drol for the past 4 or 5 days...then told myself last night I need to man the fuck up and get done what I have to get done, not compound dependent. I have my meals, and because it helps me at least, I've set an alarm for every meal and my in-between-meals supps. Started the drol back up, and will be eating whether I'm hungry or not. Right now, and really from here on out until I get my pro card I'm eating for purpose...not pleasure. Racked my brain over this and pushed my little bitch feelings aside yesterday. Funny seeing this post here today. Fuck yeah big R good read :kiss:
Thanks dylan. I wish you the best with getting that pro card. It's hard work and dedication that will get you there and no one can take that away!
Don't get me wrong I'm a long ways off, but it'll happen sooner than later.

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When I did a dbol cycle I was ALWAYS hungry no matter how often I ate, but I started anadrol about a month ago and zero appetite but like you said eat before your hungry or you don't gain shit. Making a forced habit to eat all day has put 21lbs on me in 15 days. Granted its not all lean.. I'm still pround of weighing 223 at 6ft 10-13% bf..
well when I run tren I am hungry all the fucking time. my body is telling me to eat like I hit puberty again. its like theres no waiting for my body to tell me to eat. it tells me to eat all the time. I eat a very large meal hungry 1 hr later.
Im weird, everyone says dbol increaees appetite and drol kills theres, im opposite. Dbol takes my appetite away within a week of being on it. Anadrol doesnt increase my appetite but it doesnt kill it either, it just leaves its normal which is good cause i can get all my food in with just my normal appetite. Tren murders my appetite, so does anavar. Even with ghrp 6 on a tren cycle i still cant eat enough even for a cutting diet. So no tren for me. Ghrp-6 is definitely the best drug in the world when it comes increasing appetite and bulking. I can eat a full meal and take a dose of ghrp and be hungry all over again. I stick to test and deca or npp offseaon for adding size, i guess you could say they increase my appetite, or atleast dont decrease it. Boldenone also gives me a little boost, nothing like others talk about but i do get a little more hunry then normal when im on boldenone.

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