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Before placing a order please read


Board Rep
Jul 20, 2015
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Get Shredded!
First off thanks for choosing Uncle Z for all your Anabolic needs. I just want to make sure to say this very loudly. WE DO NOT ACCEPT PROTONMAIL! It will not work with a RU host and unfortunately there’s nothing we can do about it. We suggest you use any email but that one.

Second- When placing a order it can take up to 24 hours to receive payment instructions. We are based in Europe so chances are when you’re up we are sleeping. Weekends are slower sometimes, because hey we don’t want to work on weekends either. Be sure to check your spam folder. I get countless PM’s on why I never got my email when the whole time it’s in their spam folder.

We have a new feature on the www.unclez.ru website. This feature is much safer then the old method of contact we had. If you have a question, concern instead of Emailing uncle Z directly you will now use the open ticket feature. This method will also get your solutions handled much faster.

If your still having trouble with communication you can always reach me or Sam here on the forums. Thanks for checking this out.

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First off thanks for choosing Uncle Z for all your Anabolic needs. I just want to make sure to say this very loudly. WE DO NOT ACCEPT PROTONMAIL! It will not work with a RU host and unfortunately there’s nothing we can do about it. We suggest you use any email but that one.

Second- When placing a order it can take up to 24 hours to receive payment instructions. We are based in Europe so chances are when you’re up we are sleeping. Weekends are slower sometimes, because hey we don’t want to work on weekends either. Be sure to check your spam folder. I get countless PM’s on why I never got my email when the whole time it’s in their spam folder.

We have a new feature on the www.unclez.ru website. This feature is much safer then the old method of contact we had. If you have a question, concern instead of Emailing uncle Z directly you will now use the open ticket feature. This method will also get your solutions handled much faster.

If your still having trouble with communication you can always reach me or Sam here on the forums. Thanks for checking this out.


With the time ... I send normally my first order for a log this week or later next week :-)

I send a blood work tomorrow morning to see my value and comparate with the test from uncle Z.

Finally, i will get to try your products
I’ve used uncle z pretty much all of 2019, 2020 and into 2021. Neighborhood shipping only ...I have had nothing but a good experience on all levels

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Last edited by a moderator:
I’ve used uncle z pretty much all of 2019, 2020 and into 2021. Domestic only ...I have had nothing but a good experience on all levels

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Thanks JB we are still going strong. Coronavirus is still slowing international down but Neighborhood shipping is strong.
Bump this still getting these questions weekly

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