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Azza . . . .

I don't think so. I was hoping he would pop up. Cause honestly I would like to talk with the guy without all the bs clutter just aggravating an already aggravated dirty sock.
He popped in for a little while then quickly realized members actually lift and discuss bodybuilding topics. Haven't seen him since, he needed more tranny pics.
He's actually a pro bodybuilder that pretends he's a Australia dirty sock with a obsession with anuses. Everyone gives him shit a IMF but I think he's just playing a role and I think he is amusing.
"that pretends he's a Australia dirty sock with a obsession with anuses. " WTF!!!? Lol sounds like an interesting guy haha
Ill send him a message on jdate.
See if can get off that brisket for a minute and join us!
So ASF is like IMF but with less focus on tranny diddling and KOS's personal issues, and moar on getting jerked and tanned?

I might start hanging out here moar often :coffee:
So ASF is like IMF but with less focus on tranny diddling and KOS's personal issues, and moar on getting jerked and tanned?

I might start hanging out here moar often :coffee:

The tranny diddlers came when ASF launched, and were negged to death by guys who love pussy and lifting weights. Pretty much sums it up. Haven't had a sighting in quite a while.
So ASF is like IMF but with less focus on tranny diddling and KOS's personal issues, and moar on getting jerked and tanned?

I might start hanging out here moar often :coffee:

Just about nailed it. Heads Up...They call tranny urine "bunk gear" here!:hmm:
We're all here to get terked n janned, now about the tranny diddling, tell us moar. BTW, WTF is a Azza¿
How's IML these days? I need to get over there more, I miss all the trolling :-|

IML is still IML, without the likes of azza, or saney anymore.
Get Shredded!
Saney is the man he just lost his top. He'll be back.... Fucking messicans, being racist and extorting gears

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