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Are you an Addict??

Get Shredded!
Maybe because you ARE addicted, and you know if you come off, you will go into depression, etc.... So you keep taking them to feel good. Just like any other drug 🙂.
Idk if it's the same for everyone, but when I came off test completely (double digit tt) to qualify for script, the withdrawal symptoms were real...anxiety, paranoia, insomnia, the works.
Absolutely addicted here. First step is admitting. Obviously not similar to hardcore drug addiction but steroids are clearly addictive.

So many turn to steroids and lifting to replace a more devastating and consequential addiction. I'll take being addicted to PEDs vs pretty much anything else.


How many of you think you are addicted to AAS? Whether you'd like to admit or not, steroid addiction is very real.

Just read a study that 32% of people who misuse steroids become dependent on them....(TRT)??

Not a jab at anyone. Just a topic I'VE yet to see discussed here.
Anything can be mentally addicting. Once a guy feels that newbie spark of AAS kicking in, it can easily become a CRAZY addiction trigger.
Look at some of the behavior here 😄 esp the newbie posts about feels, waiting 6 hours and didnt get a reply after payment... 🤣
Yes, AAS is like gd coke to some people, esp at the begining, and due to the fact that many people turn to AAS after a life-period of street or pharma drug addiction. The addict mind, is always an addict mind.
The key to get addicted to POSITIVE things. 😉
Idk if it's the same for everyone, but when I came off test completely (double digit tt) to qualify for script, the withdrawal symptoms were real...anxiety, paranoia, insomnia, the works.
Thats a direct brain chemical effect of hormonal change, not necessarily a psych-related mental addiction.
Just switch out the word steroids and insert Heroin. Doesn’t take long to realize how stupid some of the responses are. People use H to get high and people use steroids to get bigger muscles. Some people can pick up the pipe and smoke H occasionally and some people can’t. Some people can shoot steroids for a cycle here and there and some people can’t stop. Just my opinion though. Personally I could care less what I am. My life. I couldn’t give a fuck what anyone thinks of me on how I choose to live it.
How many of you think you are addicted to AAS? Whether you'd like to admit or not, steroid addiction is very real.

Just read a study that 32% of people who misuse steroids become dependent on them....(TRT)??

Not a jab at anyone. Just a topic I'VE yet to see discussed here.
In my opinion regardless if you are doing TRT or a full cycle you should always cycle off and do regular bloodwork. It's a balance just like everything else in life!
I mainline 100 mgs of t.n.e. every morning, snort an anadrol 50 and boof another abomb just to get out of bed, then before the gym I need a 5cc rig and that even has crushed up orals in it.. addicted isn't even the word,,haha,, love it
I’m addicted to AAS absolutely. Love how it makes me look, loves how it makes me feel. No shame either, I used to take Xanax rip fuckin gator tails of cocaine, drink all day long. I’m 1000% healthier now, traded a horrible handful of addictions for a much safer one in my opinion.

Moderate steroid use is much healthier than 10-15 alcoholic beverages a week no question.
lol gator tails
I am. I pin every day and feel like shit when I force myself to cruise (which I haven't done in like five months 🤣). I love it though.
How many of you think you are addicted to AAS? Whether you'd like to admit or not, steroid addiction is very real.

Just read a study that 32% of people who misuse steroids become dependent on them....(TRT)??

Not a jab at anyone. Just a topic I'VE yet to see discussed here.
It's a mental addiction, not physical. Easy to quit.
I’m absolutely addicted to AAS . The list is so long the benefits I get personally from them. Everyone is different and to say the least there are way far worse things to be addicted to. Everyone is addicted to something.

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I’m addicted to AAS absolutely. Love how it makes me look, loves how it makes me feel. No shame either, I used to take Xanax rip fuckin gator tails of cocaine, drink all day long. I’m 1000% healthier now, traded a horrible handful of addictions for a much safer one in my opinion.

Moderate steroid use is much healthier than 10-15 alcoholic beverages a week no question.

My mother is a life long alcoholic and no more of an end stage addict. She would put down 2 bottles of yellowtail Chardonnay per night for probably the last 25 years. It’s been truly sad watching her body and mind fall apart.

Good for you on quitting bro and I promise as a child of an addict, if done right, this is much much much safer
It's a mental addiction, not physical. Easy to quit.
I quit for 10 years. It took over a year before I felt normal. I think we are quiveling of definitions of addiction here. Lots of deca in those days before I quit kept me hypogonadal for a long while. I think as long as you can snap back quickly it's more of a mental addiction. Other times I snapped back quickly and remember distinctly feeling like AAS was greasy kid's stuff and stayed off for a long time. Then eventually I would feel the need for speed. I think a long as you have something outside of your steroid look to base your ego going off is easier.
Whats the longest blast you've run
I'm on it right now haha. But my blast and someone else's are probably much different. I've been really conservative with my AAS usage. Right now I'm running 700 test / 700 mast, but I've only been on this dose for about seven weeks now. Been gradually titrating up since my last cruise in April.
I'm on it right now haha. But my blast and someone else's are probably much different. I've been really conservative with my AAS usage. Right now I'm running 700 test / 700 mast, but I've only been on this dose for about seven weeks now. Been gradually titrating up since my last cruise in April.
"only" 😊. What are your stats, what u look like?
Get Shredded!
6'2" 217. Green eyes. Blonde hair. I enjoy leisurely reading mystery novels and bowling on Tuesdays. Looking for someone I can go bowling with and talk to about lifting weights. That you, tiger?
Absolutely Fkn Beaaaauuuutiful 🥰😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥰😍😍

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