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Anyone want to play a game????

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Sunrise Pharma sponsored athlete
Board Rep
Feb 27, 2021
Reaction score
Get Shredded!
How many coins in the jar?
The 3 closest to the correct answer will win,
2 bottles of Sunrise Pharma's Heritage line of Test Cyp!!!!
Whoever wins, will need to post a TD pic and an HONEST review on the quality of the product.
This contest ends Friday March 29th @ 7 Pm
Good luck fellas!!! Lets GO!!!!!!!

Coin Jar Jar full of coins, isolated on white.Please also see: coin jar stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images
@Lathe Crasher
Had Bloods pulled on the Heritage line test Cyp
Readings were
Total Test 6126
Free Test 2516.4!!!!!!
@Bolan @Lathe Crasher
Bolan yes these are great hard ass products from our Heritage Blue CSO line that we will award at no charge to our member "New to Sunrise" contestans and as you mentioned above ASF Veteran Lathe Crasher ran this same cycle, with the same product that we are running in our contest and and pulled the baddest set of blood work results that I have seen.

LC, please expand on your run and e blood work post in order to help us get the word out about this Lab Tested bad to the bone Heritage Blue CSO Test Cyp 250to our ASF members that are not hearing about it.

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