Today’s world can be painstakingly stressful,People are in a rush to compete or get somewhere,with a self appointed deadline.. With this being said ,many people are turning to medication, as large phrama tends to peddle medication and dispense it down our throats (It seems that everyone now suffers from some sort of mental aliment)..There was a study performed in 2005 as it showed that 27 million Americans were taking antidepressants (This is just America alone), almost double by 2010, and steadily increased up until 2015 this represents roughly 25% of the population at this time, and this number has certainly expected to rise as studies show antidepressant usage has been on a continual increase. Unfortunately enough its been proven that usage continues to rise significantly among young/adult men.
Let’s begin the discussion and what this article pertains to,and about is users taking antidepressants and how they affect anabolic steroid, post cycle therapy, testosterone levels and in general building muscle.
This discussion has taken place on are numerous internet panels, thousands of questions/concerns regarding antidepressant usage and anabolic steroid cycles..
To keep on point and avoid going off topic on the details about how these antidepressants effect depression and anxiety,we will merely only discuss how they affect bodybuilding and steroid usage.
SSRI (Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor)
Below are the five of the most common and popular SSRI products.
- Lexapro
- Celexa
- Paxil
- Zoloft
- Prozac
SNRI (Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor)
Below are the three of the most common and popular SNRI products.
- Effexor
- Cymbalta
- Pristiq
Testosterone Levels
Competitive athletes,sport fitness buffs,serious lifters, and bodybuilder know the importance of testosterone and it’s pivotal role is to the male body/Endocrine system..
In recent times there have been some numerous studies studies that supporting that SSRI’s in particular can cause reduced testosterone levels,as well as effect female hormonal levels.. Below is a study supporting these notions!
Antidepressant-Induced Sexual Dysfunction Associated with Low Serum Free
TestosteroneAlan Jay Cohen, M.D.
Private Practice and Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, UCSF
In the course of an evaluation for treatment of antidepressant-induced
sexual dysfunction (ASD) with a new agent, an unforeseen pattern emerged
in the pre-treatment laboratory assessment. Free serum testosterone
levels in both men and women study subjects were found to be below the
This is an interesting post. I have never seen it, so thank you!
I'm on 2 of the mod inhibitors and 1 strong one + Prazosin for PTSD. I blast and cruise so I haven't had all of the issues but I have a few.
First would be delayed ejaculation. I get hard no problem but I can't cum every time. My wife and I have sex every day and I'll get a wicked
case of blue balls if I haven't shot a load. I did have the unwanted weight gain of about 20 lbs but not all fat. I've gotten bigger all over. All in all,
I am much happier, less bad dreams. I stopped going to the VA about a year ago and to a private psychiatrist. What a difference! Why do I share
all of this? Because if I can reach at least one vet who is struggling and would like to do better, you can PM me. I don't need to know what you did,
with what unit or where because I don't share this info on here even with the guys I'm pretty good friends with. I haven't spoken up about this because
one of my close friends from overseas killed himself (lead, noun) a few months ago. The guy had everything going for him--fuckin badass, smart leader who we all
looked up to, taught us everything about combat, and he helped us with
our problems. All of those nights when we were shooting the shit, we had no idea that one day it would be too much for him to handle. We met his beautiful wife at the airport who was looking for answers to why...why would he not ask for help and
do this? Leaving her and two awesome kids to deal with his death. I didn't proof read this rambling post but I know there are guys like me and my friend on
here. I wouldn't want to come on here and read that they did the same thing. Peace......3Smokes