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??Advance cardio supreme formula GW-0742 sponsored log "Wiseguy"??


Registered User
Board Rep
Nov 21, 2013
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Get Shredded!
Hi everyone,

I was given this excellent opportunity by Vision and PSL to try and log my experience using their GW-0742 which I am thankful. As many on this board know I am a cardio freak. 7 days a week at minimum one hour. My cardio is usually running, stationary bike or stair master for one hour before workout fasted around 3am. My typical second session during late afternoon is either bike ride in the street or swimming. I’ve been taking GW-501516 for years and I love it. Gives me full energy, helps melt away fat, keep my cholesterol in check and list goes on and on. GW is extremely handy when running tren. Everyone knows how tren kills cardio, but not when I run GW along side of it. So as you can see I am the perfect candidate to compare The advanced formula to the original GW.
I received two pack totaling 100 pills from Euro pharmacies. Each pill contains 10 mg so I will take 20 mg daily fasted before workout.
Today is my first day and pretty excited.

Anyway, thanks again Vision and PSL for this opportunity and let’s do some cardio……


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Hi everyone,

I was given this excellent opportunity by Vision and PSL to try and log my experience using their GW-0742 which I am thankful. As many on this board know I am a cardio freak. 7 days a week at minimum one hour. My cardio is usually running, stationary bike or stair master for one hour before workout fasted around 3am. My typical second session during late afternoon is either bike ride in the street or swimming. I’ve been taking GW-501516 for years and I love it. Gives me full energy, helps melt away fat, keep my cholesterol in check and list goes on and on. GW is extremely handy when running tren. Everyone knows how tren kills cardio, but not when I run GW along side of it. So as you can see I am the perfect candidate to compare The advanced formula to the original GW.
I received two pack totaling 100 pills from Euro pharmacies. Each pill contains 10 mg so I will take 20 mg daily fasted before workout.
Today is my first day and pretty excited.

Anyway, thanks again Vision and PSL for this opportunity and let’s do some cardio……
Wiseguy my brothu, well our ASF brutha....

It always makes our day to hear that people like you enjoy our product and services, you have been incredibly instrumental with all of your experiences using EP from PSL...
Our team here at PSL goes above and beyond to provide a personalized experience for a nurturing business relationships with each and every single client and member in the community especially VET and very active and contributing members such as yourself that leads by example, so it’s wonderful to hear that our TEAM and MYSELF exceeded your expectations. We really appreciate you taking the time to share your experience with all of us and myself. :)

We're super excited that we were able to meet your needs and exceed your expectations. We're even more excited to see if this gives you the energetic effect that you are seeking and the fat loss during fasted AM cardio.. ?

For myself, I will be sure to pass on your feedback to the rest of our amazing TEAM here at www.PuritySourceLabsru ; it will mean a lot to all of them. Thank you, again for taking the time to reach out and share your experience.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with MYSELF or any of our sales reps if you have any questions or concerns in the future. Seriously, if you never anything...

Team supervisor,

GW0742 by EP Euro-Pharmacies at PSL


Euro-Pharmacies GW0742 "Advance cardio supreme formula" is a new and powerful agent that differentiates from its forerunner -
GW501516 Cardarine, displaying greater fusion and biological potency and cardiovascular performance over other PPARs.
Users can appreciated the rapid and extravagant abilities with fat reduction, changes in overall body composition,
getting tighter with muscle density while maintaining "full" muscle bellies.
The results are unmistakable, clearly visible which include greater cardio out-put and the potential
of 20-40% added drive in resistant training within the first few days..

GW0742 by EP at PSL is multifunctional, multipurpose and adaptable with any goal and can be applied in conjunction with other SARMS and/or PEDs from PSL.
PSL GW0742 made by Euro Pharmacies works just like any PPAR delta agonist out there. Principally,
it can have a double shift/double duty: Turning our fat into an energy source and increasing the oxidative capacity of our muscles.
The result is leaner and more dense muscle tissue, fat loss with supreme endurance..
This is why its dubbed Advance Cardio Supreme Formula - by EP at PSL



Euro-Pharmacies GW0742 "Advance cardio supreme formula" is a new and powerful agent that differentiates from its forerunner - GW501516 Cardarine,
displaying greater fusion and biological potency and cardiovascular performance over other PPARs.
Users can appreciated the rapid and extravagant abilities with fat reduction, changes in overall body composition, getting tighter with muscle density while maintaining "full" muscle bellies.
The results are unmistakable, clearly visible which include greater cardio out-put and the potential of 20-40% added drive in resistant training within the first few days..

GW0742 is multifunctional, multipurpose and adaptable with any goal and can be applied in conjunction with other SARMS and/or PEDs.
GW0742 works just like any PPAR delta agonist out there. Principally, it can have a double shift/double duty:
Turning our fat into an energy source and
increasing the oxidative capacity of our muscles.The result is leaner and more dense muscle tissue, fat loss..

"Advance cardio supreme formula"- GW-0742 is a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor afflicter (PPARδ).
There is no adverse effects as seen in PK/PD models of both Male & Female via negative hormonal influences/characteristics,
therefore it's safe for all genders. "Advance cardio supreme formula" - GW-0742 Expeditiously rips through fat even more effectively than its precursor,
the model GW-501516 Cardarine.

Much like GW-501516 Cardarine where users have noticed improvements, where GW501516 engaged in a fight with certain conditions described as the following -
low blood sugar, reduction with insulin sensitivity and
even obesity in which all reversed or these actions being expressed have subsided -
where Cardarine prevented any increases/worsening of these symptoms
where genetics may have played a factor or even drugs/medications being characters of undesirable and detrimental influences.
"Advance cardio supreme formula" - GW0742 could be seen and recognized as the 2.0 version,
hence the product name ""Advance cardio supreme formula" is fitting with its eminent targeting abilities,
in a vis-à-vis comparator discussion challenging the similarities to GW-501516 Cardarine.

Let's deliberate about GW0742 here, the "Advance cardio supreme formula" and how it works just like any PPAR delta benefactor that is obtainable in the market.
"Advance cardio supreme formula" is now considered supplementary to replacing Cardarine as an alternative option,
with its enhanced, advanced and refined indistinctiveness placing it in a tier of its own.

Now that's game changing, transformative to help anyone level up their conditioning.

"Advance cardio supreme formula" turns our fat into an energy source and increasing the oxidative capacity of our muscles.
This action leads to gene expression that orbits around energy dispersal, thus it creates the environment that supports
loss of adipose/fat tissue through the modes of action from increasing the absorption of glucose in skeletal muscle tissue,
amending and improving what is defined as "energy metabolism" aka thermogenesis.
Thermogenesis is the process of heat production in organisms turning fat into energy without lowering blood sugar levels,
yet improving nutrient partitioning and glucose shuttling into muscle bellies.

Energy metabolism could be specified as the processes that determine food intake, converting the food/diet oils to release energy,
at the same time creating storage depos for any surplus when in the need of energy during an energy deficit.

Back to cardarine, lets remember during research it was once considered as a potential for treatment with obesity and other metabolic abnormalities,
however "Advance cardio supreme formula" GW-0742"
its earning immense fame in record time mainly fitting because its unique abilities like that of a crematory, a furnace,
burning through two types of adipose tissue -
white adipose tissue (WAT), which stores energy, and brown adipose tissue (BAT),
which generates body heat.
GW0742 now could be considered best of a kind, the bee's knees, best of breed, and possible unrivaled
for some time to come, time will only tell..

What are some of the advantages of Euro-Pharmacies GW0742"Advance cardio supreme formula"?

Anti-Diabetic drug/Increases Insulin sensitivity
Development of PPAR-agonist GW0742 as antidiabetic drug: study in anim | DDDT

Promotes reverse cholesterol transport

Reduces intestinal/Gut inflammation

Enhances Lipid Metabolism
Thieme E-Journals - Hormone and Metabolic Research / Full Text

Euro-Pharmacies "Advance cardio supreme formula" can be used successfully with any muscle building process, when lean muscle tissue is desired.

What makes this possible? STUDY HERE
GW0742 "Advance cardio supreme formula" Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor δ Regulates Inflammation via NF-κB Signaling in Polymicrobial Sepsis,
This expression and action derives on the stimulation of the expression of the anti-inflammatory cytokines - Mitochondria are membrane-bound cell organelles (mitochondrion, singular)
that generate most of the chemical energy needed to power the cell's biochemical reactions.
Chemical energy produced by the mitochondria is stored in a small molecule called adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

GW0742 presents maintenance and/or recruitment of PPARδ at the nuclear site in target cells.
Present studies are in agreement with other reports that ascribe to PPARδ a regulatory role on transcription and inflammatory mediator production.
Other PPARδ ligands have been shown to inhibit cytokine-induced expression of VCAM-1 in endothelial cells.
The nuclear peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor δ (PPARδ) is an important regulator of lipid metabolism.
In contrast to its known effects on energy homeostasis, its biological role on inflammation is not well understood. We investigated the role of PPARδ in the modulation of the nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB)-driven
inflammatory response to polymicrobial sepsis in vivo and in macrophages in vitro. We demonstrated that administration of GW0742, a specific PPARδ ligand, provided beneficial effects to rats subjected to
cecal ligation and puncture, as shown by reduced systemic release of pro-inflammatory cytokines and neutrophil infiltration in lung, liver, and cecum, when compared with vehicle treatment.

Molecular analysis revealed that treatment withGW0742 reduced NF-κB binding to DNA in lung and liver. In parallel experiments,
heterozygous PPARδ-deficient mice suffered exaggerated lethality when subjected to cecal ligation and puncture and exhibited severe lung
injury and higher levels of circulating tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα) and keratinocyte-derived chemokine than wild-type mice.
Furthermore, in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated J774.A1 macrophages, GW0742 reduced
TNFα production by inhibiting NF-κB activation. RNA silencing of PPARδ abrogated the inhibitory effects of GW0742 on TNFα production.
Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays revealed that PPARδ displaced the
NF-κB p65 subunit from the κB elements of the TNFα promoter, while recruiting the co-repressor BCL6.
These data suggest that PPARδ is a crucial anti-inflammatory regulator, providing a basis for novel sepsis therapies.

it would also be interesting to see the effect on cholesterol.
gw has a good impact to raise "good" cholesterol
Thank you so much Vision for your kind words. You have been a great friend and supporter and I am so great full to have you as a friend.

So first day same diet nothing changed, I took 20mgs and filled up my coffee cup at 3 am and headed to the gym. Did my fasted cardio no problem what so ever. Did my entire leg routine without getting winded at all and finished 30 minutes of stationary bike after. Now typically on leg day I am done after workout but I was full of energy. What I noticed that I was sweating more than usual, but never out of breath.

To be fair not sure if it’s the GW or I was just so excited trying something new. Either way I had an amazing workout.
Will see how the next session goes.
Nice @Wiseguy ,following..
I actually picked up some for myself..I have only dosed 2x..only 10mg tho..I'm a fan of gw 50156,so it's gunna be nice to see how this works out
Nice @Wiseguy ,following..
I actually picked up some for myself..I have only dosed 2x..only 10mg tho..I'm a fan of gw 50156,so it's gunna be nice to see how this works out
I am a huge fan of 501516 and after a cycle of tren 30 days later My total cholesterol was 140. If this super version does the same I would have to switch. Anyway too early, will see what happens when I run the course.

Thanks everyone for your support.
Curious to see how it stacks up against GW-501516 which is what I've been taking.
So just to let everyone know I am 14 weeks out from my first show of 2023. I am starting the cycle on Monday and keeping a separate log. This log will be dedicated to the GW only.

My cycle is
300mg of tren mix per week
400 masteron
400 primo
200 test
50 mg of Anavar for the first 4 weeks
40 mg of clen 2 weeks on and 1 week off.
20mg of Halo the last two weeks
This is my staple show prep which I've been very successful in the past. This combination with low doses and spread out through the cycle gives me almost no sides and blood work in past shows I can recover very quickly.

I have caber but rarely needed for the dosage I am taking. No AI necessary, never liked it and don't need it. Anyway I know what GW501516 does for me when on Tren. I am expecting better results with GW-0742
Wiseguy my brothu, well our ASF brutha....

It always makes our day to hear that people like you enjoy our product and services, you have been incredibly instrumental with all of your experiences using EP from PSL...
Our team here at PSL goes above and beyond to provide a personalized experience for a nurturing business relationships with each and every single client and member in the community especially VET and very active and contributing members such as yourself that leads by example, so it’s wonderful to hear that our TEAM and MYSELF exceeded your expectations. We really appreciate you taking the time to share your experience with all of us and myself. :)

We're super excited that we were able to meet your needs and exceed your expectations. We're even more excited to see if this gives you the energetic effect that you are seeking and the fat loss during fasted AM cardio.. ?

For myself, I will be sure to pass on your feedback to the rest of our amazing TEAM here at www.PuritySourceLabsru ; it will mean a lot to all of them. Thank you, again for taking the time to reach out and share your experience.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with MYSELF or any of our sales reps if you have any questions or concerns in the future. Seriously, if you never anything...

Team supervisor,

GW0742 by EP Euro-Pharmacies at PSL


Euro-Pharmacies GW0742 "Advance cardio supreme formula" is a new and powerful agent that differentiates from its forerunner -
GW501516 Cardarine, displaying greater fusion and biological potency and cardiovascular performance over other PPARs.
Users can appreciated the rapid and extravagant abilities with fat reduction, changes in overall body composition,
getting tighter with muscle density while maintaining "full" muscle bellies.
The results are unmistakable, clearly visible which include greater cardio out-put and the potential
of 20-40% added drive in resistant training within the first few days..

GW0742 by EP at PSL is multifunctional, multipurpose and adaptable with any goal and can be applied in conjunction with other SARMS and/or PEDs from PSL.
PSL GW0742 made by Euro Pharmacies works just like any PPAR delta agonist out there. Principally,
it can have a double shift/double duty: Turning our fat into an energy source and increasing the oxidative capacity of our muscles.
The result is leaner and more dense muscle tissue, fat loss with supreme endurance..
This is why its dubbed Advance Cardio Supreme Formula - by EP at PSL



Euro-Pharmacies GW0742 "Advance cardio supreme formula" is a new and powerful agent that differentiates from its forerunner - GW501516 Cardarine,
displaying greater fusion and biological potency and cardiovascular performance over other PPARs.
Users can appreciated the rapid and extravagant abilities with fat reduction, changes in overall body composition, getting tighter with muscle density while maintaining "full" muscle bellies.
The results are unmistakable, clearly visible which include greater cardio out-put and the potential of 20-40% added drive in resistant training within the first few days..

GW0742 is multifunctional, multipurpose and adaptable with any goal and can be applied in conjunction with other SARMS and/or PEDs.
GW0742 works just like any PPAR delta agonist out there. Principally, it can have a double shift/double duty:
Turning our fat into an energy source and
increasing the oxidative capacity of our muscles.The result is leaner and more dense muscle tissue, fat loss..

"Advance cardio supreme formula"- GW-0742 is a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor afflicter (PPARδ).
There is no adverse effects as seen in PK/PD models of both Male & Female via negative hormonal influences/characteristics,
therefore it's safe for all genders. "Advance cardio supreme formula" - GW-0742 Expeditiously rips through fat even more effectively than its precursor,
the model GW-501516 Cardarine.

Much like GW-501516 Cardarine where users have noticed improvements, where GW501516 engaged in a fight with certain conditions described as the following -
low blood sugar, reduction with insulin sensitivity and
even obesity in which all reversed or these actions being expressed have subsided -
where Cardarine prevented any increases/worsening of these symptoms
where genetics may have played a factor or even drugs/medications being characters of undesirable and detrimental influences.
"Advance cardio supreme formula" - GW0742 could be seen and recognized as the 2.0 version,
hence the product name ""Advance cardio supreme formula" is fitting with its eminent targeting abilities,
in a vis-à-vis comparator discussion challenging the similarities to GW-501516 Cardarine.

Let's deliberate about GW0742 here, the "Advance cardio supreme formula" and how it works just like any PPAR delta benefactor that is obtainable in the market.
"Advance cardio supreme formula" is now considered supplementary to replacing Cardarine as an alternative option,
with its enhanced, advanced and refined indistinctiveness placing it in a tier of its own.

Now that's game changing, transformative to help anyone level up their conditioning.

"Advance cardio supreme formula" turns our fat into an energy source and increasing the oxidative capacity of our muscles.
This action leads to gene expression that orbits around energy dispersal, thus it creates the environment that supports
loss of adipose/fat tissue through the modes of action from increasing the absorption of glucose in skeletal muscle tissue,
amending and improving what is defined as "energy metabolism" aka thermogenesis.
Thermogenesis is the process of heat production in organisms turning fat into energy without lowering blood sugar levels,
yet improving nutrient partitioning and glucose shuttling into muscle bellies.

Energy metabolism could be specified as the processes that determine food intake, converting the food/diet oils to release energy,
at the same time creating storage depos for any surplus when in the need of energy during an energy deficit.

Back to cardarine, lets remember during research it was once considered as a potential for treatment with obesity and other metabolic abnormalities,
however "Advance cardio supreme formula" GW-0742"
its earning immense fame in record time mainly fitting because its unique abilities like that of a crematory, a furnace,
burning through two types of adipose tissue -
white adipose tissue (WAT), which stores energy, and brown adipose tissue (BAT),
which generates body heat.
GW0742 now could be considered best of a kind, the bee's knees, best of breed, and possible unrivaled
for some time to come, time will only tell..

What are some of the advantages of Euro-Pharmacies GW0742"Advance cardio supreme formula"?

Anti-Diabetic drug/Increases Insulin sensitivity
Development of PPAR-agonist GW0742 as antidiabetic drug: study in anim | DDDT

Promotes reverse cholesterol transport

Reduces intestinal/Gut inflammation

Enhances Lipid Metabolism
Thieme E-Journals - Hormone and Metabolic Research / Full Text

Euro-Pharmacies "Advance cardio supreme formula" can be used successfully with any muscle building process, when lean muscle tissue is desired.

What makes this possible? STUDY HERE
GW0742 "Advance cardio supreme formula" Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor δ Regulates Inflammation via NF-κB Signaling in Polymicrobial Sepsis,
This expression and action derives on the stimulation of the expression of the anti-inflammatory cytokines - Mitochondria are membrane-bound cell organelles (mitochondrion, singular)
that generate most of the chemical energy needed to power the cell's biochemical reactions.
Chemical energy produced by the mitochondria is stored in a small molecule called adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

GW0742 presents maintenance and/or recruitment of PPARδ at the nuclear site in target cells.
Present studies are in agreement with other reports that ascribe to PPARδ a regulatory role on transcription and inflammatory mediator production.
Other PPARδ ligands have been shown to inhibit cytokine-induced expression of VCAM-1 in endothelial cells.
The nuclear peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor δ (PPARδ) is an important regulator of lipid metabolism.
In contrast to its known effects on energy homeostasis, its biological role on inflammation is not well understood. We investigated the role of PPARδ in the modulation of the nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB)-driven
inflammatory response to polymicrobial sepsis in vivo and in macrophages in vitro. We demonstrated that administration of GW0742, a specific PPARδ ligand, provided beneficial effects to rats subjected to
cecal ligation and puncture, as shown by reduced systemic release of pro-inflammatory cytokines and neutrophil infiltration in lung, liver, and cecum, when compared with vehicle treatment.

Molecular analysis revealed that treatment withGW0742 reduced NF-κB binding to DNA in lung and liver. In parallel experiments,
heterozygous PPARδ-deficient mice suffered exaggerated lethality when subjected to cecal ligation and puncture and exhibited severe lung
injury and higher levels of circulating tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα) and keratinocyte-derived chemokine than wild-type mice.
Furthermore, in lipopolysaccharide-stimulated J774.A1 macrophages, GW0742 reduced
TNFα production by inhibiting NF-κB activation. RNA silencing of PPARδ abrogated the inhibitory effects of GW0742 on TNFα production.
Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays revealed that PPARδ displaced the
NF-κB p65 subunit from the κB elements of the TNFα promoter, while recruiting the co-repressor BCL6.
These data suggest that PPARδ is a crucial anti-inflammatory regulator, providing a basis for novel sepsis therapies.

Is it any human studies on this?
Some say Cancer....But really unknown
Yeah, that’s the problem for me, it sounds too good to be true and if it was it’s not a chance any of the big pharma companies wouldn’t of picked it up and sold it by now.
Some say Cancer....But really unknown

Well I did a lot of research on the original GW. Did not find one article from a medical or a well known organization confirming the cancer in human usage. The study that keeps coming up is the one that they gave mice/rats very high dosage and it caused cancer. Now keep in mind high dosage and a mice or rat weighing less than a pound. Now imagine you take 200 advils at once and see what happens.

If anyone finds an article from a hospitable, reputable organization or even a university backing this claim please do share.
Well I did a lot of research on the original GW. Did not find one article from a medical or a well known organization confirming the cancer in human usage. The study that keeps coming up is the one that they gave mice/rats very high dosage and it caused cancer. Now keep in mind high dosage and a mice or rat weighing less than a pound. Now imagine you take 200 advils at once and see what happens.

If anyone finds an article from a hospitable, reputable organization or even a university backing this claim please do share.
Is it any studies on humans at all?
That’s right, all we know is that big phama companies didn’t want to continue with human studies because they thought the cancer risk wasn’t worth it.
Is it any studies on humans at all?
Not a single article and I searched for ever. Even the mice/rat study is from one source so not sure how accurate that is.
Get Shredded!
Thank you so much Vision for your kind words. You have been a great friend and supporter and I am so great full to have you as a friend.

So first day same diet nothing changed, I took 20mgs and filled up my coffee cup at 3 am and headed to the gym. Did my fasted cardio no problem what so ever. Did my entire leg routine without getting winded at all and finished 30 minutes of stationary bike after. Now typically on leg day I am done after workout but I was full of energy. What I noticed that I was sweating more than usual, but never out of breath.

To be fair not sure if it’s the GW or I was just so excited trying something new. Either way I had an amazing workout.
Will see how the next session goes.
This is one of the interesting parts about GW regardless of which one people use, they often report that they notice the effects the first time.
I have seen numerous anecdotal reports with people giving real testimonies where they experienced its effects the very first time.
Back door in my last major recomp, or hardcore cut, I was using GW and I also noticed exactly the same thing that you experienced.

Upon waking up at 3am , what I had was my usual.
1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar, one tablespoon lemon juice, a few cranks of pink Himalayan sea salt and 20 oz of water.
I waited 20 minutes. Had two regular black K-Cups of coffee,
Waited an additional 20 minutes so I could have my normal and usual healthy bowel movement.
From there I went right on the elliptical (5 days a week, It doesn't matter if it's on or off days) and I usually do it in my underwear because of where it's positioned, the air register is somewhat kind of above it and I roast. I had it slightly inclined like I normally do, and it was on setting 7/8 at zero resistance (I never allow my output to drop lower than seven on average it's about 7.5, sometimes I'll hit eight if I notice that I'm at 7), I use the incline as my intensity, fuck the resistance.
I normally crank out for 35 minutes while holding on to the outside handle outriggers (no hands that side or no hands on the front bar) The only time I touch the front bar is to test my heart rate.
By 20 minutes is where I start to sweat, but I did notice I was sweating a hell of a lot more this time. Soon as I hit 35 minutes I felt the desire to keep going.
However that wasn't on the plan.
Soon as I hit 35, I immediately jumped off and I laid on my pad and I did my core training, crunches, leg lifts and the wheel.
Once again I felt like I could keep going.

The following day I decided to add an additional 10 minutes with each session.

When I added the 10 minutes, The first 5 minutes were a breeze, but it did get a bit challenging for the last 5 minutes but a fun and exciting challenge..
By the end of the week The added 10 minutes was equivalent to the 35 minutes prior.
The sweating continued and to my surprise, my performance not only improved, but I felt great at work in the morning, but it would dissipate probably around noon.
I was unsure if I should have added another tablet at noon but I decided not to because my central focus was simply just my cardio and getting rid of that stubborn back flack that for the love of me would not fucking go away.

4 weeks total and my obliques were popping like a mother fucker... Plus I was on LOW dose tren ace, I was already three or four weeks in so the sweating didn't just happen from that. But I noticed it did not affect my cardio at all ;) ;)

Next time I use it it's only going to be for 4 weeks when tren is working the most and right before I bail off of it This way I can get them to compliment each other.

Not trying to stay on the both of them any longer than I need to.. Long as I hit my target goal, from there it's time to make other adjustments ;)

By the way, The lower back disappeared in what would almost seem like overnight. But in all reality I seen major changes by the end of the first week, and by the end of the second week I was extremely satisfied. I probably could have got a bit more off but at that point I was already flattening out a little bit And I was starting to look a bit grainy and skinny with a hoodie on :(
Ive done plenty of the Original GW but not this Super GW... Yet.
Amazing Vision.

My second day of cardio was a breeze. One thing I noticed today I had a hard time getting my heart rate up. So I had to increase incline and speed, burned more calories in the same amount of time. Also, usually when I get home from gym I eat breakfast and kind of tired and take a nap. Not today, awake, alert and not tired at all. My diet and workout hasn’t changed so the GE is doing what it’s supposed to do.

So far so good. 48 more days to go.
Amazing Vision.

My second day of cardio was a breeze. One thing I noticed today I had a hard time getting my heart rate up. So I had to increase incline and speed, burned more calories in the same amount of time. Also, usually when I get home from gym I eat breakfast and kind of tired and take a nap. Not today, awake, alert and not tired at all. My diet and workout hasn’t changed so the GE is doing what it’s supposed to do.

So far so good. 48 more days to go.
Hmmmm.. So you burned more in the same time? LOVE THIS.. This supports the rapid fat loss by way of accelerated fatty acid and metabolism GW-0742 significantly increasing fat oxidation during the fasted state, and other related pathways to adipose tissue (fasted state, no carbs, thermogenesis increase for energy source seeking, no high glucose or insulin do to fed cardio type training...

Man, the GW-0742 is going to be the long and steady hitter in the back complimenting all of the accelerated fatty acid and metabolism increasing causing fat oxidation, not just while fasted with cardio, but all day with reinforcement to the tren and clen... ?

My cycle is
300mg of tren mix per week
400 masteron
400 primo
200 test
50 mg of Anavar for the first 4 weeks
40 mg of clen 2 weeks on and 1 week off.
20mg of Halo the last two weeks
OK day 3. Decided to do cardio at home before heading to the gym, so I wore couple of layers and put on my sweat suit. I am being very honest here, I finished one hour of treadmil like I was 16 years old. Was on incline six with speed starting at 4 and steady 5 all the way. Was drenched when done. No breathing issue, fatigue or anything. Now just remember I am very fit and cardio freak to start with, so I can tell the extra kick for sure. I am going to take a quick shower, change and head to the gym in about one hour. Like to see how my performance is going to be later today. So far so good. 47 days to go.
By the way this is the starting point.


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By the way this is the starting point.
My brother if this is just your starting point and you're already full of the house, you're going to look dynamite.. Man we are totally pulling for you brother, you have an absolute allegian standing behind you... ??
My brother if this is just your starting point and you're already full of the house, you're going to look dynamite.. Man we are totally pulling for you brother, you have an absolute allegian standing behind you... ??
Thank you so much. Very kind and I appreciate all the support.
I’m glad to see you doing this, I’ve used the other version and it’s awesome. I am looking forward to reading your results.

Thanks for doing this

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Day four and same results. No issue finishing one hour and wanting to do more. Haven't stepped on scale and wont for a while. Energy and recovery is extremely good. Did shoulders after one hour of cardio and pressed hard. No negatives to report so far. In couple of weeks I start my cut cycle for the show. I am very anxious to see how this version of the GW is going to help with the tren sides. More to come.....

46 more days to go.