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2020 Ultimate Guide to Peptides. Don’t know where to start ? Click here!!


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Jul 20, 2015
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BPC-157 “Body Protecting Compound” was actually developed in order to assist with inflammatory bowel syndrome/disease & gastric ulcers. It is known as a “stable gastric pentadecapeptide”, because it is stable in human gastric juice, and research has shown it to have a positive healing effect in both the upper and lower digestive tract. [7]
BPC-157 IS actually derived from the gastric juices of human beings, so is known to have considerable biological healing properties.
[h=5]Benefits[/h]BPC-157 primary benefit is its potential to heal tendons, ligaments, and muscles, and to enable a quick recovery and return to the gym after high intensity training sessions.
Research has shown it to be effective in repairing and strengthen the connective tissues. [8] Furthermore, research has shown that muscle tears are seen to be recover faster with BPC-157. [9]
[h=5]Side effects[/h]No adverse or negative reactions were seen in the trials conducted on human beings.
[h=5]Dosage[/h]*Popularly Recommended Dosing Guidelines for BPC-157
Recommended dose is 100-250 mcg per day, and users have shown results with no side effects with doses over 500 mcg. Daily dosage is often split into morning and evening injections. It is always recommended to start with a lower and adjust accordingly depending on response.
[h=4]CJC 1295-DAC[/h]

CJC-1295 DAC, is an analog Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH).
CJC 1295 is the modified version of the very first twenty-nine amino acids of GHRH, bound to DAC.
DAC (Drug Affinity Complex) is a technology created by Canadian medical biotechnology company ConjuChem that protects peptides from peptidase (enzyme that breaks down peptides) degradation as well as preventing rapid kidney excretion in order to make the peptide more effective, essentially lengthening its life span.
[h=5]Benefits[/h]CJC-1295 DAC is a potent and long-lasting stimulator of HGH and IGF-1 levels. Therefore is effective for fat loss and muscle gain.
HGH levels increased by 200-1000%

Research has shown that after just one injection, HGH levels increased by 200-1000% for 6 days and remained higher than normal for up to 1 month in healthy subjects aged 21-61 years. [10]
[h=5]Side effects[/h]The only reported side effects are itching, pain, redness, and soreness at the injection point,
[h=5]Dosage[/h]*Popularly Recommended Dosing Guidelines for CJC-1295 DAC
CJC-1295 DAC has a long half-life of approximately 8 days, so you only need 1 injection per week. Recommended dose is 500-1000 mcg per week for a maximum of 4-6 months. Always start with a lower dose to see how the body responds.
[h=4]FOLLISTATIN 344/315[/h]

Follistatin 344/315 is a protein. It is high in non-essential amino acid cysteine, but with attached carbohydrates, which is called a glycoprotein.
Follistatin 344 and 315 are engineered analogues of naturally occurring Follistatin.
Follistatin acts as a myostatin inhibitor. Myostatin limits the amount and how fast you can build muscle. Follistatin 344/315 therefore allows users to gain muscle beyond normal levels, which makes it a popular choice amongst bodybuilders.
Follistatin 344 is the basic form of Follistatin. It is primarily used in gene therapy, where the gene help to create more Follistatin in the body. Whereas Follistatin 315 is found in the bloodstream and primarily targets muscle tissue, which makes it a better choice for athletes.
[h=5]Benefits[/h]Follistatin’s primary benefit is its effect on lean muscle mass. Research has shown its effectiveness in decreasing in myostatin activity to allow for a significant increase in muscle growth. [11] [12]
In addition to boosting muscle growth, Follistatin may also prevent the accumulation of fat in the body. Research has shown that it is effective in decreasing the size of the fat-storing cells(adipocytes). [13]
[h=5]Side effects[/h]The only reported side effect is increased DOMS (Delayed Onset of Muscular Soreness) whilst using Follistatin.
[h=5]Dosage[/h]*Popularly Recommended Dosing Guidelines for Follistatin
Though one ten-day cycle can work effectively for three months. It is recommended to use dosages of 100 to 200 mcg once per day, for a period of 10-20 days. Always start at a lower doses to gauge effectiveness.
It is recommended to use a peptide such as PEG-MG, Hexarelin, iPamorelin or GHRP-6GF along with Follistatin 344 in order to improve the results.

FTTP (Fat Targeted Proapoptotic Peptide) is also known as Adipotide. It is the newest and one of the most fascinating anti-obesity drugs to enter the market in years.
The Proapoptotic peptide works by targeting the vascular system of existing white fat cells, essentially cutting off their blood supply, which leads to fat cell death and subsequent weight loss.
It was created by Dr. Wadih Arap and Renata Pasqualini at the University of Texas as a form of cancer treatment as it was designed to starve cancer cells of blood supply and therefore prohibiting them from growing.
[h=5]Benefits[/h]FTTP’s only benefit is fat-loss. Researchers led by scientists at the University of Texas found that obese rhesus monkeys and baboons lost on average 38.7 percent of their total body fat, compared to 14.8 percent for those given a placebo, after just 4 weeks. Furthermore, treated monkeys also lost 27 percent of their abdominal fat. [14]
obese rhesus monkeys and baboons lost on average 38.7 percent of their total body fat

In earlier preclinical research, obese mice lost about 30 percent of their body weight with FTTP. [15]
[h=5]Side effects[/h]Studies have shown that the only possible side effects that come with FTTP use are dehydration and possible kidney failure.
[h=5]Dosage[/h]*Popularly Recommended Dosing Guidelines for FTTP
Recommended daily dose is 1-5 mg/once per day. Always start with the lowest dose and adjust accordingly depending on response.

GHRP-6 (Growth Hormone Releasing Hexapeptide) is designed to increase the natural production of HGH.
GHRP-6, and this applies to all GHRP hormones, mimic the production of the hunger hormone, ghrelin, which in turn stimulates HGH production. This is most effective when the body is in a fasted state, which is when ghrelin levels are elevated.
[h=5]Benefits[/h]Its objective is muscle gain while helping with burning fat. Research has shown it to be effective in people with hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid). [16]
This peptide has also been shown to be valuable for its effectiveness in reducing inflammation and increasing wound healing, such as with tendonitis, due to the elevated levels of IGF-1. [17]
GHRP-6 can provide performance enhancing benefits, though its effects are dependent on using Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) or by using other peptides such as Mod GRF 1-29.
[h=5]Side effects[/h]GHRP-6 is known to make users “hungry as a wolf” as it stimulates the release of hunger hormone, Ghrelin, so users are prone to hunger pangs.
GHRP’s are known to increase levels of cortisol (stress response hormone), aldosterone (hormone that promotes water retention), and Prolactin levels, which can cause symptoms such as;

  • Headaches
  • Visual impairment
  • Reduced sex drive or fertility problems
  • Erectile dysfunction
[h=5]Dosage[/h]*Popularly Recommended Dosing Guidelines for GHRP-6
GHRP-6 injections can be administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously. It is recommended to take 50-150 mcg, 2-3 time per day. Start with a lower dosage and increase according to response.
GHRP-6 is dependent on glucose, specifically when blood sugar levels are low. So must be taken before a meal or 2 hours after a meal

GHRP-2 (Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide 2) is a Human Growth Hormone Secretagogue, similar to GHRP-6
Now Unlike GHRP-6, GHRP-2 does notparticularly stimulate the appetite. This is very interesting for athletes who are performing a cycle with the goal of lean mass gain and often considered a better option.
[h=5]Benefits[/h]Like GHRP-6 it shares very similar effects, though is a little more potent at stimulating secretion of HGH. [18]
GHRP-2 can provide performance enhancing benefits, though its effects are dependent on using HRT or by using other peptides such as PEG-MGF.
[h=5]Side effects[/h]It is similar to GHRP-6 in ability to increase of cortisol (stress hormone), prolactin (a hormone decreasing sexual desire) and aldosterone (hormone that promotes water retention) levels and due to the better HGH secretion effectiveness, it can increase these levels more than GHRP-6.
[h=5]Dosage[/h]*Popularly Recommended Dosing Guidelines for GHRP-2
It is recommended to take 100-300 mcg 1-2 time per day. Start with a lower dosage and increase according to response.
GHRP-2 is dependent on glucose, specifically when blood sugar levels are low. So must be taken before a meal or 2 hours after a meal

HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) is a peptide hormone found naturally in the body, and high in pregnant women.
HCG works in the body is a similar way as luteinizing hormone (LH) by sparking stimulation of the leydig cells in the testicles to stimulate testosterone production. So is effective even if natural levels of LH are low.
It was discovered by scientists in the 1920’s, and used by doctors to help induce ovulation and treat ovarian disorders in women, as it is naturally and endogenously (grown internally) produced in females by cells in the placenta. It is also used to treat young men when their testicles haven’t developed properly due to pituitary gland issues.
By the 1960’s HCG extract was no longerused as science had developed the means of filtering and purifying the urine of pregnant women to obtain a cleaner more sanitary HCG hormone.
[h=5]Benefits[/h]One of the most touted benefits of using HCG is for weight loss purposes, though research conducted since the 1970’s has shown no scientific evidence to support this theory. [19]
In a more recent analysis by weight loss expert Dr. Sheri Emma of four randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled studies comparing HCG compared to placebo, found interesting results. “The HCG group lost an average of 13 pounds in a month, and the Placebo group lost an average of 15 pounds in a month. The weight loss in each group is similar. The striking difference is that the HCG group lost only 2 pounds of muscle, but the Placebo group lost 5 pounds of muscle.” [20]
I would not recommend HCG a weight loss option as I believe there are better options on the market.
However, HCG is a popular option with steroid users as it ensures they will continue to produce natural testosterone, without experiencing common steroid side effects such as testicle shrinkage.
[h=5]Side effects[/h]The primary possible side effects of HCG will be similar to the side effects most commonly associated with high levels of testosterone, predominantly those of an estrogenic nature, such as sexual dysfunction, loss of muscle, increased abdominal fat and depression. Controlling estrogen levels can mitigate these side effects.
[h=5]Dosage[/h]*Popularly Recommended Dosing Guidelines for HCG
It has a half-life of about 3-4 days. For steroid user using HCG while on cycle, it is recommended to uses dose of no higher than 250 IU every 4-5 days, though checking with a doctor or medical practitioner for personal dosage would be highly recommended.

Hexarelin, (Examorelin), is a Growth Hormone Secretagogue Receptor (GHSR) and similar to GHRP-6, though it is considered one of the strongest synthetic GHRH’s on the market. [21]
How it actually works is not fully understood due to it being structured differently compared to other GHRP’s.
Hexarelin stimulates the pituitary to release more HGH into the body. Unfortunately, at this time it is not fully understood how Hexarelin causes such a strong increase in GH compared to say GHRP-6; data merely shows that the increase is significantly more.
[h=5]Benefits[/h]It can help athletes increase muscle mass and strength, whilst maintaining lower levels of body fat. [22]
Perhaps the most beneficial effects of Hexarelin surround its healing properties. Research has shown this to be one of the most beneficial HGH products in this regard. [23]
Hexarelin will not increase Ghrelin levels in the body like GHRP-6 despite being very similar on a structural basis.
[h=5]Side effects[/h]The use of Hexarelin has also been shown to increase prolactin and cortisol levels in the body, far more so than other HGH products. Prolactin increases should not be as strong as they may be with certain anabolic steroids, but they may be significant in some cases.
[h=5]Dosage[/h]*Popularly Recommended Dosing Guidelines for Hexarelin
The recommended dosage is between 50-200 mcg per injection, with 100 mcg being considered the standardand it can be administered 2-3 per day. Always start with a lower dose and increase accordingly depending on response.
Use past the 16 weeks has been shown to produce little to no results. Use of any worth will normally fall in the 8-12 week range with 4-6 weeks of no use (minimum) between Hexarelin cycles.
[h=4]HGH Fragment 176-191[/h]

HGH Fragment 176-191 as the name implies is a fragment of Human Growth Hormone (HGH).
The tail end of HGH is removed to produce HGH Fragment 176-191, which is the fat burning part.
HGH Frag 176-191 inhibits the formation of lipids and fatty acids. It is more effective than taking regular human growth hormone (HGH), and does not cause hyperglycemia (high blood sugar), which is often associated with HGH use.
[h=5]Benefits[/h]Its only purpose is for use in fat loss, though without the appetite suppressant effect of many over the counter fat burners or stimulants.
One of the conclusive results was that an average weight loss in those 3 months per subject was 6.61 pounds of body fat which is 300% more that for the test subjects who did not take the peptide

In a phase II clinical trial it showed HGH Frag 176-191 to be effective in stimulating body fat metabolism. One of the conclusive results was that an average weight loss in those 3 months per subject was 6.61 pounds of body fat which is 300% more that for the test subjects who did not take the peptide. [24]
[h=5]Side effects[/h]No negative side effects have been noted in research and clinical trials
[h=5]Dosage[/h]*Popularly Recommended Dosing Guidelines for GHG Fragment 176-191
HGH Frag 176-191 can be administered 1-2 times per day with twice daily producing optimal results. If once per day, it should be taken 30-60min before breakfast. If twice per day, the second dose should be taken before bed and a few hours after the day’s last meal. 250-500mcg per day is the most common dosing range with 500mcg being the most common. 500mcg per day should produce significant fat loss in most individuals.
[h=4]IGF-1 LR3[/h]

IGF-LR3 is a highly revered peptide.
IGF-1 (Insulin-like growth factor)is a hormone that is produced in the liver. It was originally developed in 1993 by Groprep in Australia. IGF-1 is a 70 amino acid sequence similar to the size and structure of Insulin. In the body, IGF-1 is released in response to the presence of Human Growth Hormone (HGH).
IGF-LR3 is an 83 amino acid analog of human IGF-1, so is a more bioavailable version of IGF-1
[h=5]Benefits[/h]IGF-1 LR3 is effective in stimulating muscle growth, though it also has the ability to increase the number of muscle fibers. Meaning, IGF can change the genetic capabilities in terms of your muscle tissue. [25]
It also prevents insulin from transporting glucose (sugar) across cell membranes for energy. As a result, cells have to switch from burning glucose to burning fat as the primary source of energy. [26]
[h=5]Side effects[/h]The most common side effect of IGF-1 LR3 is hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). To reduce your risk of this it is recommended to consume food 15-20 minutes, specifically protein and a mixture of simple and complex carbohydrates, before administering your IGF-1 LR3.
If you experience any symptoms of hypoglycemia such as dizziness, sweating, palpitations or drowsiness, it is recommended to consume simple sugars and continue to consume them until the symptoms go away.
[h=5]Dosage[/h]*Popularly Recommended Dosing Guidelines for IGF-1 LR3
Recommended dosage is 20-40mcg, 1-2 times per day. Start with a lower dose and increase accordingly depending on response.
IGF-1 LR3 has a half-life of about 20-30 hours and is much more potent than IGF-1, so do not exceed 80-100mcg as you increase your risk of hypoglycemia.
[h=4]IGF-1 DES[/h]

IGF-1 DES is a cleaved form of IGF-1. So a shorter version of the IGF-1 chain. It is five times more powerful than IGF-LR3, and ten times more powerful than regular base IGF-1.
As we get older, IGF-1 production slows down and this can impact muscle tissue breakdown. It is also linked to heart failure, and lower brain cell regulation.

In addition, DES is known to bind to receptors that have been deformed by lactic acid, which is often present during workouts. This allows the DES to attach itself to a mutated receptor and signal tissue growth during training. DES can be used longer and more frequently than LR3.
[h=5]Benefits[/h]DES has the ability to stimulate muscle growth better than LR3. In simple terms, its best used for growth in specific muscles, rather than overall growth.
IGF-1 DES can stimulate tissue growth during training by attaching to the lactic acid being formed by the muscles. Hence why IGF-1 DES can be used much longer than IGF-1 counterparts. [27]
Gains made from using IGF-1 (all variants) are not due to water weight, which is more expectant with steroids. So gains you achieve will be longer term muscle growth. So 1-2lbs gains every 1-2 weeks is a realistic result.
[h=5]Side effects[/h]The most common side effect of IGF-1 DES is hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). To reduce your risk of this it is recommended to consume food 15-20 minutes, specifically protein and a mixture of simple and complex carbohydrates, before administering your IGF-1 DES.
If you experience any symptoms of hypoglycemia such as dizziness, sweating, palpitations or drowsiness, it is recommended to consume simple sugars and continue to consume them until the symptoms go away.
[h=5]Dosage[/h]*Popularly Recommended Dosing Guidelines for IGF-1 DES
The half-life of DES is about 20-30 minutes, so it is recommended to administrator at the site where you want to see muscle growth. Recommended dosage is 50-150 mcg a day for 4 weeks. Start with a lower dosage and increase according to response.

iPamorelin was originally developed by Novo Nordisk and is known as a GHRP (Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide), which help to stimulate human growth hormone (HGH) release, and is considered one of the mildest versions of GHRP hormones.
It made its way to phase two clinical trials for Recovery of Gastrointestinal Function in Patients Following Small or Large Bowel Resection through Helsinn Therapeutics. However, while it showed promising results the full trials were never completed and the project was scrapped. [28]
The peptide was created after other predecessors in the category, GHRP-6 and GHRP-2, though does not have ghrelin’s producing properties so does not promote hunger.
[h=5]Benefits[/h]iPamorelin main benefit is to increase natural HGH production in the body, thereby giving the individual a greater ability to burn fat or maintain a suitable fat level while adding muscle. Furthermore, stable elevated HGH levels help with recovery perhaps more than anything else. [29]
IPamorelin has also been shown to promote more efficient and deeper sleep. This can then also impact on positive mood.
IPamorelin is one of the longest lasting HGH peptides available, and produces a slow steady release that is more natural to the body.
[h=5]Side effects[/h]IPamorelin is one of the friendliest growth hormone supplements on the market, with any possible side effects happening during the early stages of use, these include;

  • Light Headed (diet adjustments may help)
  • Headache (diet adjustments may help)
  • Sore injected area (injection rotation and finding new areas to inject may help)
It is recommended to lower your dose in order to find a suitable level if you experience any of the above symptoms.
[h=5]Dosage[/h]*Popularly Recommended Dosing Guidelines for iPamorelin
Recommended dosage is in the range of 200-300 mcg, 2-3 times per day. Always start with the lower dose and frequency and increase accordingly depending on results.
[h=4]Melanotan II[/h]

Melanotan II (MT-2) is an analog of the alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (α-MSH) which is produced within the pituitary gland, and stimulates the production of melanin.
Melanotan II is specifically designed for tanning and increasing libido.

It was originally developed by scientists to help reduce skin cancer.
[h=5]Benefits[/h]Melanotan II can give you a tan without exposure to harmful UV rays, though exposure to UV rays is still recommended for a consistent even tan. The effects of a cycle can last for a year or more.
Clinical trials have shown promising results for Melanotan II in regards to erectile dysfunction. [30]
[h=5]Side effects[/h]Melanotan II, is known as the “Barbie Drug” because if abused it can cause you to not recognize yourself in the mirror.
Other possible side effects include;

  • Nausea
  • Facial Flushing
  • Fatigue
[h=5]Dosage[/h]*Popularly Recommended Dosing Guidelines for Melanotan II
Melanotan II is typically taken at a dose of 0.5-1.5mg per day with 0.5-1mg being enough for most individuals who use it for tanning purposes. Once the desired level of tanning is reached, a maintenance phase is used.
The same 0.5-1mg dosing is sufficient for erectile dysfunction treatment.

PEG-MGF (Pegylated Mechano Growth Factor) is a variant of the IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor-1).
Mechano growth factor (MGF) directly increases the availability of muscle cell production. Meaning recover time is reduced and therefore the ability to gain muscle increases.

Natural MGF is made locally and does not travel into the bloodstream. Synthetic MGF is water based and when administered intramuscularly, travels into the bloodstream. MGF is only stable in the blood stream for only a few minutes.
This is where the PEG comes in. By attaching a Polyethylene glycol (PEG) structure to another larger molecule (in this case, MGF). The PEG acts as a protective coating and allows the MGF to be carried through the blood stream without being broken down.
[h=5]Benefits[/h]It is largely responsible for the healing and building of damaged muscle tissue post exercise. [31]
a single intramuscular injection of MGF into the muscle of a mouse caused a 25% increase in muscle size within just 3 weeks
As a variant of IGF-1, PEG-MGF is effective at building lean muscle mass. Research found that a single intramuscular injection of MGF into the muscle of a mouse caused a 25% increase in muscle size within just 3 weeks. [32]
[h=5]Side effects[/h]The only reported side effects are temporary irritation, such as redness and itching at the injection site
[h=5]Dosage[/h]*Popularly Recommended Dosing Guidelines for PEG-MGF
Recommended dosage is 200-400 mcgper day. Start with a lower doses and increase according to response.
[h=4]MOD-GRF (1-29)[/h]

MOD-GRF is a peptide analog of growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH), designed to stimulate HGH production.
It is known as CJC 1295 without DAC.
It was originally known as tetrasubstitued GRF (1-29), which is a term used to identify a 29 amino acid peptide analogue of growth-hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH).
[h=5]Benefits[/h]MOD-GRF 1-29 is particularly effective at burning fat while accelerating muscle gain, and even promotes improved sleep.
Research found that women who injected the peptide for 90 days had a reduction in fat mass (stomach fat) and an increase in athletic physical performance, such as walking and stair climbing, all of which occurred without any diet or exercise routine. [33]
Furthermore, similar findings with men over a 90 day found doubling of both HGH and IGF-1 levels, which led to an increase in lean muscle, reduction in abdominal fat, and an improvement of physical performance, again with nospecial diet and no weight or cardio training were followed. [34]
Mod GRF 1-29 generally is not used alone, but most commonly is used in combination with a peptide of the GHRP class, such as GHRP-2, GHRP-6, Hexarelin, or iPamorelin. MOD-GRF will amplify this, forming a good synergistic duo.
[h=5]Side effects[/h]The most common side effects include

  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Joint pain
  • Headaches
  • Bloating and water retention
[h=5]Dosage[/h]*Popularly Recommended Dosing Guidelines for MOD-GRF 1-29
It has a half-life of about 30 minutes. Recommended dosage is 50-100 mcg 3 times a day for a 2-6 month cycle. Start with a lower dose and frequency and adjust accordingly depending on response.

Myostatin HMP (Human Myostatin Propetide) is designed to inhibit Myostatin as the name may suggest and therefore increase your potential for muscle growth.
Myostatin was originally discovered by a group of scientists at the John Hopkins Medical Center in 1997. The researchers noticed that mice who lacked the genes needed to produce myostatin were 30% heavier than normal mice, and excess weight consisted entirely of muscle mass.
Myostatin is active during multiple stages throughout our lives. As an adult, myostatin controls the way that existing muscle fibers grow based on diet, physical activity, and age. It is normal for myostatin levels to increase as we get older, which then contributes to the loss of muscle mass.
This is why myostatin inhibitors like HMP are popular among older athletes.
[h=5]Benefits[/h]Myostatin HMP is effective in gaining lean muscle mass due to its ability to inhibit myostatin, which will also prevents the accumulation of fat. [35]
Furthermore, research has shown it can improve performance by helping the body recover quicker from training. [36]
[h=5]Side effects[/h]Reported side effects are increased risk of injury due to increased stress on the muscle fibers.
*Popularly Recommended Dosing Guidelines for Myostatin-HMP
Recommended dosage is 10-25 mcg, twice a day. Start with a lower dose and increase according to response.

Selank (previously known as TP-7), was developed at the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Russian Academy of Science.
It is also known as a Nootropic, a smart drug known to stimulate cognitive functioning.
Selank is based on endogenous tetra peptide (four amino acids joined by peptide bonds) Tuftsin, which plays an important role in immune function.

Research has shown Tuftsin to be effective in reducing anxiety in rats. [37]
[h=5]Benefits[/h]It is an anti-anxiety compound thatimproves mood and learning without the risk of addiction.
Research has shown Selank to have a positive effect on many Neurotransmitters in the brain. In particular stimulating the production of GABA, which helps send messages between the brain and the nervous system, therefore having a calming effect. [38]
Furthermore, researchers have shown Selank’s ability to increase Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), which has been implicated in learning and memory.[39]
[h=5]Side effects[/h]Selank is very well-tolerated and considered generally safe with no side effects being reported.
[h=5]Dosage[/h]*Popularly Recommended Dosing Guidelines for Selank
The recommended dosage range is anywhere from between 250 mcg to 3 mg daily. It is advisable to start with a lower dose and adjust accordingly depending on results.

Sermorelin is a synthetic analog of naturally occurring Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone (GHRH). It shares a similar structure to CJC-1295, and is an extremely effective hormone to increasethe amount of growth hormone.
GHRH was first described by Nobel Laureates R. Guilleman and A. Shalley. In the 1970s one of their students, William Wehrenberg, began studying which part of the GHRH molecule was essential in stimulating the pituitary gland.
Wehrenberg found that only the first 29 amino acids were essential for the stimulation of GH production in the pituitary gland. Sermorelin is therefore only comprised of these 29 essential amino acids.
The biological effects of Sermorelin were first observed in vitro cultures of rat pituitary cells. When compared to other GHRH analogues, Sermorelin was found to be the most potent, potentially 4-5 times as potent as naturally produced GHRH. [40]
Sermorelin is now used as a standard test for growth hormone secretion and is primarily prescribed for children who do not produce Growth Hormone properly and fail to grow healthily as a result. [41]
[h=5]Benefits[/h]As Sermorelin is designed to increase production of growth hormone it can lead to benefits such as;

  • Increases energy, vitality, strength and endurance
  • Increases lean body mass by developing new muscle cells
  • Breaks down body fat and fatty acids
  • Improves heart function
  • Increases calcium retention which strengthens and increases bone density
Furthermore, Sermorelin is often used in the context of anti-aging therapy and is one of the most widely tested anti-aging compounds. Research has shown Sermorelin to be effective at treating a wide range of aging symptoms. [42]
[h=5]Side effects[/h]The most common side effects with Sermorelin include pain, swelling, and/or redness at the injection site. Less common side effects are itching and trouble swallowing.
[h=5]Dosage[/h]*Popularly Recommended Dosing Guidelines for Sermorelin
Recommended dosage is dependent on individual body-mass index (BMI), so should be used as prescribed by manufacturer guidelines. It is common to see doses of 200-500 mcg, once per day.

TB-500 is primarily used to treat muscle injuries or pain caused by inflammation.
It is the synthetic version of Thymosin Beta 4 (TB4), which is a naturallyoccurring peptide found in virtually all human and animal cells.

TB4 is produced in the thymus gland.
TB4 was discovered by Dr. Allan Goldstein, Emeritus Professor and Chairman of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine at The George Washington University School of Medicine, in the 1960’s, when he was doing research on the Thymus gland.
Thymosin Beta 4 has been mainly used for racehorses to help them heal faster.
[h=5]Benefits[/h]TB-500 is designed to promote and speed up healing. It has the ability to circulate and target specific sites such as treating muscle tears or strains, tendon inflammation and even skin injuries. Research has shown it effectiveness in healing damaged heart tissue, including “athlete’s heart”, also known as ventricular hypertrophy. [43]
Furthermore, it is capable of providing instant and prolonged increases in endurance, so an effective pre-training option for many athletes, bodybuilders, and powerlifters.
[h=5]Side effects[/h]Because TB-500 has been primarily used in horses since the early 1980’s and with almost no human data available, possible side effects are unknown. As with any injectable medication peptide, the most common side effect will be skin irritation at the injected site.
[h=5]Dosage[/h]*Popularly Recommended Dosing Guidelines for TB-500
Recommended dosing is 2-2.5 mg twice per week for approximately 4-6 weeks. After the 4-6 week period it can be used once or twice per month for injury prevention.
[h=3]Final thoughts[/h]

If you’re looking to boost your growth hormone levels then peptides are certainly a great option for you and as you have read they come with favorable results and little or no side effects.
It is important to know that the peptides alone won’t give you the results you are looking for. You still need to put the work in at the gym and get the right balance of nutrients in your body.

Nice article. Curious about the ftpp (although they were using fttp as abreviation). Totally unfamiliar with it, but the dosing seems to disagree with the little I've read? Elsewhere it referenced 43mcg/kg bodyweight (what they were giving the monkeys).
Nice article. Curious about the ftpp (although they were using fttp as abreviation). Totally unfamiliar with it, but the dosing seems to disagree with the little I've read? Elsewhere it referenced 43mcg/kg bodyweight (what they were giving the monkeys).

I’m unfamiliar with this one as well. Most common suppliers don’t carry a few of the ones mentioned above. I can tell you about most of the ones above with my own experience but ftpp 0. I have a lot of guys message me with advice on peptides with 0 experience. I kinda thought a cheat sheet would help them out somewhat.
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I’m unfamiliar with this one as well. Most common suppliers don’t carry a few of the ones mentioned above. I can tell you about most of the ones above with my own experience but ftpp 0. I have a lot of guys message me with advice on peptides with 0 experience. I kinda thought a cheat sheet would help them out somewhat.

I hear ya. I checked uncle first to see if you all had it. Then the first place I stumbled across was $200 for 5mg. :eek: That's what triggered the dosing question. Going to do a little reading and then probably start a thread on it, since there are only 3 search results here. I feel like if it worked, we would all be talking about it. 40% of fat cells gone in 4 weeks? You'd think it would be in everyone's stash.
I hear ya. I checked uncle first to see if you all had it. Then the first place I stumbled across was $200 for 5mg. :eek: That's what triggered the dosing question. Going to do a little reading and then probably start a thread on it, since there are only 3 search results here. I feel like if it worked, we would all be talking about it. 40% of fat cells gone in 4 weeks? You'd think it would be in everyone's stash.

Fuck bro $200 for 5mg is steep lol. I think I’d have to see some dramatic results before pulling the trigger or even thinking about it. Forty % of fat cells gone would be awesome but like you said it would be way more popular by now.
Fuck The MT2 and IGF-1-lr3 are fucking potent as fuck. I haven’t tried to many others but I’m eyeing the pt-141 next.
I wish more people would hop on the peptide train. I’ll be getting something going soon with them. Trying to find what I want to throw together.

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I wish more people would hop on the peptide train. I’ll be getting something going soon with them. Trying to find what I want to throw together.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I agree bro! Peptides are potent as fuck if you know how to run them correctly. I would rather run igf-1-lr3 with some cjc over hgh to be honest.
@oldred91 here ya go bro

Nice write up! I started with peptides about a year ago, haven't ventured much past cjc/ipamorelin though.
So what can you tell me about ghrelin? It’s supposed to increase appetite. That’s where I’m leaning. Does Uncle carry it?
Its a small synthetic molecules called growth-hormone secretagogues (GHSs) stimulate the release of growth hormone (GH) from the pituitary. They act through GHS-R, a G-protein-coupled receptor for which the ligand is unknown. Recent cloning of GHS-R strongly suggests that an endogenous ligand for the receptor does exist and that there is a mechanism for regulating GH release that is distinct from its regulation by hypothalamic growth-hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH). We now report the purification and identification in rat stomach of an endogenous ligand specific for GHS-R. The purified ligand is a peptide of 28 amino acids, in which the serine 3 residue is n-octanoylated. The acylated peptide specifically releases GH both in vivo and in vitro, and O-n-octanoylation at serine 3 is essential for the activity. We designate the GH-releasing peptide 'ghrelin' (ghre is the Proto-Indo-European root of the word 'grow'). Human ghrelin is homologous to rat ghrelin apart from two amino acids. The occurrence of ghrelin in both rat and human indicates that GH release from the pituitary may be regulated not only by hypothalamic GHRH, but also by ghrelin
Get Shredded!
If your looking for appetite stimulation that's tried and true I'd stick with ghrp-6 or -2. The increase in hunger is absolutely insane.
All of the information you need about SARMS is here...

Check it out!!!

Sent from my moto g 5G (2022) using Tapatalk
BPC-157 “Body Protecting Compound” was actually developed in order to assist with inflammatory bowel syndrome/disease & gastric ulcers. It is known as a “stable gastric pentadecapeptide”, because it is stable in human gastric juice, and research has shown it to have a positive healing effect in both the upper and lower digestive tract. [7]
BPC-157 IS actually derived from the gastric juices of human beings, so is known to have considerable biological healing properties.
[h=5]Benefits[/h]BPC-157 primary benefit is its potential to heal tendons, ligaments, and muscles, and to enable a quick recovery and return to the gym after high intensity training sessions.
Research has shown it to be effective in repairing and strengthen the connective tissues. [8] Furthermore, research has shown that muscle tears are seen to be recover faster with BPC-157. [9]

[h=5]Side effects[/h]No adverse or negative reactions were seen in the trials conducted on human beings.
[h=5]Dosage[/h]*Popularly Recommended Dosing Guidelines for BPC-157
Recommended dose is 100-250 mcg per day, and users have shown results with no side effects with doses over 500 mcg. Daily dosage is often split into morning and evening injections. It is always recommended to start with a lower and adjust accordingly depending on response.

[h=4]CJC 1295-DAC[/h]

CJC-1295 DAC, is an analog Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH).

CJC 1295 is the modified version of the very first twenty-nine amino acids of GHRH, bound to DAC.
DAC (Drug Affinity Complex) is a technology created by Canadian medical biotechnology company ConjuChem that protects peptides from peptidase (enzyme that breaks down peptides) degradation as well as preventing rapid kidney excretion in order to make the peptide more effective, essentially lengthening its life span.

[h=5]Benefits[/h]CJC-1295 DAC is a potent and long-lasting stimulator of HGH and IGF-1 levels. Therefore is effective for fat loss and muscle gain.
HGH levels increased by 200-1000%​
Research has shown that after just one injection, HGH levels increased by 200-1000% for 6 days and remained higher than normal for up to 1 month in healthy subjects aged 21-61 years. [10]
[h=5]Side effects[/h]The only reported side effects are itching, pain, redness, and soreness at the injection point,
[h=5]Dosage[/h]*Popularly Recommended Dosing Guidelines for CJC-1295 DAC
CJC-1295 DAC has a long half-life of approximately 8 days, so you only need 1 injection per week. Recommended dose is 500-1000 mcg per week for a maximum of 4-6 months. Always start with a lower dose to see how the body responds.

[h=4]FOLLISTATIN 344/315[/h]

Follistatin 344/315 is a protein. It is high in non-essential amino acid cysteine, but with attached carbohydrates, which is called a glycoprotein.

Follistatin 344 and 315 are engineered analogues of naturally occurring Follistatin.
Follistatin acts as a myostatin inhibitor. Myostatin limits the amount and how fast you can build muscle. Follistatin 344/315 therefore allows users to gain muscle beyond normal levels, which makes it a popular choice amongst bodybuilders.
Follistatin 344 is the basic form of Follistatin. It is primarily used in gene therapy, where the gene help to create more Follistatin in the body. Whereas Follistatin 315 is found in the bloodstream and primarily targets muscle tissue, which makes it a better choice for athletes.
[h=5]Benefits[/h]Follistatin’s primary benefit is its effect on lean muscle mass. Research has shown its effectiveness in decreasing in myostatin activity to allow for a significant increase in muscle growth. [11] [12]
In addition to boosting muscle growth, Follistatin may also prevent the accumulation of fat in the body. Research has shown that it is effective in decreasing the size of the fat-storing cells(adipocytes). [13]

[h=5]Side effects[/h]The only reported side effect is increased DOMS (Delayed Onset of Muscular Soreness) whilst using Follistatin.
[h=5]Dosage[/h]*Popularly Recommended Dosing Guidelines for Follistatin
Though one ten-day cycle can work effectively for three months. It is recommended to use dosages of 100 to 200 mcg once per day, for a period of 10-20 days. Always start at a lower doses to gauge effectiveness.

It is recommended to use a peptide such as PEG-MG, Hexarelin, iPamorelin or GHRP-6GF along with Follistatin 344 in order to improve the results.

FTTP (Fat Targeted Proapoptotic Peptide) is also known as Adipotide. It is the newest and one of the most fascinating anti-obesity drugs to enter the market in years.

The Proapoptotic peptide works by targeting the vascular system of existing white fat cells, essentially cutting off their blood supply, which leads to fat cell death and subsequent weight loss.
It was created by Dr. Wadih Arap and Renata Pasqualini at the University of Texas as a form of cancer treatment as it was designed to starve cancer cells of blood supply and therefore prohibiting them from growing.
[h=5]Benefits[/h]FTTP’s only benefit is fat-loss. Researchers led by scientists at the University of Texas found that obese rhesus monkeys and baboons lost on average 38.7 percent of their total body fat, compared to 14.8 percent for those given a placebo, after just 4 weeks. Furthermore, treated monkeys also lost 27 percent of their abdominal fat. [14]
obese rhesus monkeys and baboons lost on average 38.7 percent of their total body fat​
In earlier preclinical research, obese mice lost about 30 percent of their body weight with FTTP. [15]
[h=5]Side effects[/h]Studies have shown that the only possible side effects that come with FTTP use are dehydration and possible kidney failure.
[h=5]Dosage[/h]*Popularly Recommended Dosing Guidelines for FTTP
Recommended daily dose is 1-5 mg/once per day. Always start with the lowest dose and adjust accordingly depending on response.


GHRP-6 (Growth Hormone Releasing Hexapeptide) is designed to increase the natural production of HGH.

GHRP-6, and this applies to all GHRP hormones, mimic the production of the hunger hormone, ghrelin, which in turn stimulates HGH production. This is most effective when the body is in a fasted state, which is when ghrelin levels are elevated.
[h=5]Benefits[/h]Its objective is muscle gain while helping with burning fat. Research has shown it to be effective in people with hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid). [16]
This peptide has also been shown to be valuable for its effectiveness in reducing inflammation and increasing wound healing, such as with tendonitis, due to the elevated levels of IGF-1. [17]
GHRP-6 can provide performance enhancing benefits, though its effects are dependent on using Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) or by using other peptides such as Mod GRF 1-29.
[h=5]Side effects[/h]GHRP-6 is known to make users “hungry as a wolf” as it stimulates the release of hunger hormone, Ghrelin, so users are prone to hunger pangs.
GHRP’s are known to increase levels of cortisol (stress response hormone), aldosterone (hormone that promotes water retention), and Prolactin levels, which can cause symptoms such as;

  • Headaches
  • Visual impairment
  • Reduced sex drive or fertility problems
  • Erectile dysfunction
[h=5]Dosage[/h]*Popularly Recommended Dosing Guidelines for GHRP-6
GHRP-6 injections can be administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously. It is recommended to take 50-150 mcg, 2-3 time per day. Start with a lower dosage and increase according to response.

GHRP-6 is dependent on glucose, specifically when blood sugar levels are low. So must be taken before a meal or 2 hours after a meal

GHRP-2 (Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide 2) is a Human Growth Hormone Secretagogue, similar to GHRP-6

Now Unlike GHRP-6, GHRP-2 does notparticularly stimulate the appetite. This is very interesting for athletes who are performing a cycle with the goal of lean mass gain and often considered a better option.
[h=5]Benefits[/h]Like GHRP-6 it shares very similar effects, though is a little more potent at stimulating secretion of HGH. [18]
GHRP-2 can provide performance enhancing benefits, though its effects are dependent on using HRT or by using other peptides such as PEG-MGF.

[h=5]Side effects[/h]It is similar to GHRP-6 in ability to increase of cortisol (stress hormone), prolactin (a hormone decreasing sexual desire) and aldosterone (hormone that promotes water retention) levels and due to the better HGH secretion effectiveness, it can increase these levels more than GHRP-6.
[h=5]Dosage[/h]*Popularly Recommended Dosing Guidelines for GHRP-2
It is recommended to take 100-300 mcg 1-2 time per day. Start with a lower dosage and increase according to response.

GHRP-2 is dependent on glucose, specifically when blood sugar levels are low. So must be taken before a meal or 2 hours after a meal

HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) is a peptide hormone found naturally in the body, and high in pregnant women.

HCG works in the body is a similar way as luteinizing hormone (LH) by sparking stimulation of the leydig cells in the testicles to stimulate testosterone production. So is effective even if natural levels of LH are low.
It was discovered by scientists in the 1920’s, and used by doctors to help induce ovulation and treat ovarian disorders in women, as it is naturally and endogenously (grown internally) produced in females by cells in the placenta. It is also used to treat young men when their testicles haven’t developed properly due to pituitary gland issues.
By the 1960’s HCG extract was no longerused as science had developed the means of filtering and purifying the urine of pregnant women to obtain a cleaner more sanitary HCG hormone.
[h=5]Benefits[/h]One of the most touted benefits of using HCG is for weight loss purposes, though research conducted since the 1970’s has shown no scientific evidence to support this theory. [19]
In a more recent analysis by weight loss expert Dr. Sheri Emma of four randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled studies comparing HCG compared to placebo, found interesting results. “The HCG group lost an average of 13 pounds in a month, and the Placebo group lost an average of 15 pounds in a month. The weight loss in each group is similar. The striking difference is that the HCG group lost only 2 pounds of muscle, but the Placebo group lost 5 pounds of muscle.” [20]
I would not recommend HCG a weight loss option as I believe there are better options on the market.
However, HCG is a popular option with steroid users as it ensures they will continue to produce natural testosterone, without experiencing common steroid side effects such as testicle shrinkage.
[h=5]Side effects[/h]The primary possible side effects of HCG will be similar to the side effects most commonly associated with high levels of testosterone, predominantly those of an estrogenic nature, such as sexual dysfunction, loss of muscle, increased abdominal fat and depression. Controlling estrogen levels can mitigate these side effects.
[h=5]Dosage[/h]*Popularly Recommended Dosing Guidelines for HCG
It has a half-life of about 3-4 days. For steroid user using HCG while on cycle, it is recommended to uses dose of no higher than 250 IU every 4-5 days, though checking with a doctor or medical practitioner for personal dosage would be highly recommended.


Hexarelin, (Examorelin), is a Growth Hormone Secretagogue Receptor (GHSR) and similar to GHRP-6, though it is considered one of the strongest synthetic GHRH’s on the market. [21]

How it actually works is not fully understood due to it being structured differently compared to other GHRP’s.
Hexarelin stimulates the pituitary to release more HGH into the body. Unfortunately, at this time it is not fully understood how Hexarelin causes such a strong increase in GH compared to say GHRP-6; data merely shows that the increase is significantly more.
[h=5]Benefits[/h]It can help athletes increase muscle mass and strength, whilst maintaining lower levels of body fat. [22]
Perhaps the most beneficial effects of Hexarelin surround its healing properties. Research has shown this to be one of the most beneficial HGH products in this regard. [23]
Hexarelin will not increase Ghrelin levels in the body like GHRP-6 despite being very similar on a structural basis.
[h=5]Side effects[/h]The use of Hexarelin has also been shown to increase prolactin and cortisol levels in the body, far more so than other HGH products. Prolactin increases should not be as strong as they may be with certain anabolic steroids, but they may be significant in some cases.
[h=5]Dosage[/h]*Popularly Recommended Dosing Guidelines for Hexarelin
The recommended dosage is between 50-200 mcg per injection, with 100 mcg being considered the standardand it can be administered 2-3 per day. Always start with a lower dose and increase accordingly depending on response.

Use past the 16 weeks has been shown to produce little to no results. Use of any worth will normally fall in the 8-12 week range with 4-6 weeks of no use (minimum) between Hexarelin cycles.
[h=4]HGH Fragment 176-191[/h]

HGH Fragment 176-191 as the name implies is a fragment of Human Growth Hormone (HGH).

The tail end of HGH is removed to produce HGH Fragment 176-191, which is the fat burning part.
HGH Frag 176-191 inhibits the formation of lipids and fatty acids. It is more effective than taking regular human growth hormone (HGH), and does not cause hyperglycemia (high blood sugar), which is often associated with HGH use.
[h=5]Benefits[/h]Its only purpose is for use in fat loss, though without the appetite suppressant effect of many over the counter fat burners or stimulants.
One of the conclusive results was that an average weight loss in those 3 months per subject was 6.61 pounds of body fat which is 300% more that for the test subjects who did not take the peptide​
In a phase II clinical trial it showed HGH Frag 176-191 to be effective in stimulating body fat metabolism. One of the conclusive results was that an average weight loss in those 3 months per subject was 6.61 pounds of body fat which is 300% more that for the test subjects who did not take the peptide. [24]
[h=5]Side effects[/h]No negative side effects have been noted in research and clinical trials
[h=5]Dosage[/h]*Popularly Recommended Dosing Guidelines for GHG Fragment 176-191
HGH Frag 176-191 can be administered 1-2 times per day with twice daily producing optimal results. If once per day, it should be taken 30-60min before breakfast. If twice per day, the second dose should be taken before bed and a few hours after the day’s last meal. 250-500mcg per day is the most common dosing range with 500mcg being the most common. 500mcg per day should produce significant fat loss in most individuals.

[h=4]IGF-1 LR3[/h]

IGF-LR3 is a highly revered peptide.
IGF-1 (Insulin-like growth factor)is a hormone that is produced in the liver. It was originally developed in 1993 by Groprep in Australia. IGF-1 is a 70 amino acid sequence similar to the size and structure of Insulin. In the body, IGF-1 is released in response to the presence of Human Growth Hormone (HGH).

IGF-LR3 is an 83 amino acid analog of human IGF-1, so is a more bioavailable version of IGF-1
[h=5]Benefits[/h]IGF-1 LR3 is effective in stimulating muscle growth, though it also has the ability to increase the number of muscle fibers. Meaning, IGF can change the genetic capabilities in terms of your muscle tissue. [25]
It also prevents insulin from transporting glucose (sugar) across cell membranes for energy. As a result, cells have to switch from burning glucose to burning fat as the primary source of energy. [26]
[h=5]Side effects[/h]The most common side effect of IGF-1 LR3 is hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). To reduce your risk of this it is recommended to consume food 15-20 minutes, specifically protein and a mixture of simple and complex carbohydrates, before administering your IGF-1 LR3.
If you experience any symptoms of hypoglycemia such as dizziness, sweating, palpitations or drowsiness, it is recommended to consume simple sugars and continue to consume them until the symptoms go away.
[h=5]Dosage[/h]*Popularly Recommended Dosing Guidelines for IGF-1 LR3
Recommended dosage is 20-40mcg, 1-2 times per day. Start with a lower dose and increase accordingly depending on response.

IGF-1 LR3 has a half-life of about 20-30 hours and is much more potent than IGF-1, so do not exceed 80-100mcg as you increase your risk of hypoglycemia.
[h=4]IGF-1 DES[/h]

IGF-1 DES is a cleaved form of IGF-1. So a shorter version of the IGF-1 chain. It is five times more powerful than IGF-LR3, and ten times more powerful than regular base IGF-1.

As we get older, IGF-1 production slows down and this can impact muscle tissue breakdown. It is also linked to heart failure, and lower brain cell regulation.
In addition, DES is known to bind to receptors that have been deformed by lactic acid, which is often present during workouts. This allows the DES to attach itself to a mutated receptor and signal tissue growth during training. DES can be used longer and more frequently than LR3.
[h=5]Benefits[/h]DES has the ability to stimulate muscle growth better than LR3. In simple terms, its best used for growth in specific muscles, rather than overall growth.
IGF-1 DES can stimulate tissue growth during training by attaching to the lactic acid being formed by the muscles. Hence why IGF-1 DES can be used much longer than IGF-1 counterparts. [27]
Gains made from using IGF-1 (all variants) are not due to water weight, which is more expectant with steroids. So gains you achieve will be longer term muscle growth. So 1-2lbs gains every 1-2 weeks is a realistic result.
[h=5]Side effects[/h]The most common side effect of IGF-1 DES is hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). To reduce your risk of this it is recommended to consume food 15-20 minutes, specifically protein and a mixture of simple and complex carbohydrates, before administering your IGF-1 DES.
If you experience any symptoms of hypoglycemia such as dizziness, sweating, palpitations or drowsiness, it is recommended to consume simple sugars and continue to consume them until the symptoms go away.
[h=5]Dosage[/h]*Popularly Recommended Dosing Guidelines for IGF-1 DES
The half-life of DES is about 20-30 minutes, so it is recommended to administrator at the site where you want to see muscle growth. Recommended dosage is 50-150 mcg a day for 4 weeks. Start with a lower dosage and increase according to response.


iPamorelin was originally developed by Novo Nordisk and is known as a GHRP (Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide), which help to stimulate human growth hormone (HGH) release, and is considered one of the mildest versions of GHRP hormones.

It made its way to phase two clinical trials for Recovery of Gastrointestinal Function in Patients Following Small or Large Bowel Resection through Helsinn Therapeutics. However, while it showed promising results the full trials were never completed and the project was scrapped. [28]
The peptide was created after other predecessors in the category, GHRP-6 and GHRP-2, though does not have ghrelin’s producing properties so does not promote hunger.
[h=5]Benefits[/h]iPamorelin main benefit is to increase natural HGH production in the body, thereby giving the individual a greater ability to burn fat or maintain a suitable fat level while adding muscle. Furthermore, stable elevated HGH levels help with recovery perhaps more than anything else. [29]
IPamorelin has also been shown to promote more efficient and deeper sleep. This can then also impact on positive mood.
IPamorelin is one of the longest lasting HGH peptides available, and produces a slow steady release that is more natural to the body.
[h=5]Side effects[/h]IPamorelin is one of the friendliest growth hormone supplements on the market, with any possible side effects happening during the early stages of use, these include;

  • Light Headed (diet adjustments may help)
  • Headache (diet adjustments may help)
  • Sore injected area (injection rotation and finding new areas to inject may help)
It is recommended to lower your dose in order to find a suitable level if you experience any of the above symptoms.
[h=5]Dosage[/h]*Popularly Recommended Dosing Guidelines for iPamorelin
Recommended dosage is in the range of 200-300 mcg, 2-3 times per day. Always start with the lower dose and frequency and increase accordingly depending on results.

[h=4]Melanotan II[/h]

Melanotan II (MT-2) is an analog of the alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (α-MSH) which is produced within the pituitary gland, and stimulates the production of melanin.

Melanotan II is specifically designed for tanning and increasing libido.
It was originally developed by scientists to help reduce skin cancer.
[h=5]Benefits[/h]Melanotan II can give you a tan without exposure to harmful UV rays, though exposure to UV rays is still recommended for a consistent even tan. The effects of a cycle can last for a year or more.
Clinical trials have shown promising results for Melanotan II in regards to erectile dysfunction. [30]
[h=5]Side effects[/h]Melanotan II, is known as the “Barbie Drug” because if abused it can cause you to not recognize yourself in the mirror.
Other possible side effects include;

  • Nausea
  • Facial Flushing
  • Fatigue
[h=5]Dosage[/h]*Popularly Recommended Dosing Guidelines for Melanotan II
Melanotan II is typically taken at a dose of 0.5-1.5mg per day with 0.5-1mg being enough for most individuals who use it for tanning purposes. Once the desired level of tanning is reached, a maintenance phase is used.

The same 0.5-1mg dosing is sufficient for erectile dysfunction treatment.

PEG-MGF (Pegylated Mechano Growth Factor) is a variant of the IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor-1).

Mechano growth factor (MGF) directly increases the availability of muscle cell production. Meaning recover time is reduced and therefore the ability to gain muscle increases.
Natural MGF is made locally and does not travel into the bloodstream. Synthetic MGF is water based and when administered intramuscularly, travels into the bloodstream. MGF is only stable in the blood stream for only a few minutes.
This is where the PEG comes in. By attaching a Polyethylene glycol (PEG) structure to another larger molecule (in this case, MGF). The PEG acts as a protective coating and allows the MGF to be carried through the blood stream without being broken down.
[h=5]Benefits[/h]It is largely responsible for the healing and building of damaged muscle tissue post exercise. [31]
a single intramuscular injection of MGF into the muscle of a mouse caused a 25% increase in muscle size within just 3 weeks​
As a variant of IGF-1, PEG-MGF is effective at building lean muscle mass. Research found that a single intramuscular injection of MGF into the muscle of a mouse caused a 25% increase in muscle size within just 3 weeks. [32]
[h=5]Side effects[/h]The only reported side effects are temporary irritation, such as redness and itching at the injection site
[h=5]Dosage[/h]*Popularly Recommended Dosing Guidelines for PEG-MGF
Recommended dosage is 200-400 mcgper day. Start with a lower doses and increase according to response.

[h=4]MOD-GRF (1-29)[/h]

MOD-GRF is a peptide analog of growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH), designed to stimulate HGH production.

It is known as CJC 1295 without DAC.
It was originally known as tetrasubstitued GRF (1-29), which is a term used to identify a 29 amino acid peptide analogue of growth-hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH).
[h=5]Benefits[/h]MOD-GRF 1-29 is particularly effective at burning fat while accelerating muscle gain, and even promotes improved sleep.
Research found that women who injected the peptide for 90 days had a reduction in fat mass (stomach fat) and an increase in athletic physical performance, such as walking and stair climbing, all of which occurred without any diet or exercise routine. [33]
Furthermore, similar findings with men over a 90 day found doubling of both HGH and IGF-1 levels, which led to an increase in lean muscle, reduction in abdominal fat, and an improvement of physical performance, again with nospecial diet and no weight or cardio training were followed. [34]
Mod GRF 1-29 generally is not used alone, but most commonly is used in combination with a peptide of the GHRP class, such as GHRP-2, GHRP-6, Hexarelin, or iPamorelin. MOD-GRF will amplify this, forming a good synergistic duo.
[h=5]Side effects[/h]The most common side effects include

  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Joint pain
  • Headaches
  • Bloating and water retention
[h=5]Dosage[/h]*Popularly Recommended Dosing Guidelines for MOD-GRF 1-29
It has a half-life of about 30 minutes. Recommended dosage is 50-100 mcg 3 times a day for a 2-6 month cycle. Start with a lower dose and frequency and adjust accordingly depending on response.


Myostatin HMP (Human Myostatin Propetide) is designed to inhibit Myostatin as the name may suggest and therefore increase your potential for muscle growth.

Myostatin was originally discovered by a group of scientists at the John Hopkins Medical Center in 1997. The researchers noticed that mice who lacked the genes needed to produce myostatin were 30% heavier than normal mice, and excess weight consisted entirely of muscle mass.
Myostatin is active during multiple stages throughout our lives. As an adult, myostatin controls the way that existing muscle fibers grow based on diet, physical activity, and age. It is normal for myostatin levels to increase as we get older, which then contributes to the loss of muscle mass.
This is why myostatin inhibitors like HMP are popular among older athletes.
[h=5]Benefits[/h]Myostatin HMP is effective in gaining lean muscle mass due to its ability to inhibit myostatin, which will also prevents the accumulation of fat. [35]
Furthermore, research has shown it can improve performance by helping the body recover quicker from training. [36]
[h=5]Side effects[/h]Reported side effects are increased risk of injury due to increased stress on the muscle fibers.
*Popularly Recommended Dosing Guidelines for Myostatin-HMP
Recommended dosage is 10-25 mcg, twice a day. Start with a lower dose and increase according to response.


Selank (previously known as TP-7), was developed at the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Russian Academy of Science.

It is also known as a Nootropic, a smart drug known to stimulate cognitive functioning.
Selank is based on endogenous tetra peptide (four amino acids joined by peptide bonds) Tuftsin, which plays an important role in immune function.
Research has shown Tuftsin to be effective in reducing anxiety in rats. [37]
[h=5]Benefits[/h]It is an anti-anxiety compound thatimproves mood and learning without the risk of addiction.
Research has shown Selank to have a positive effect on many Neurotransmitters in the brain. In particular stimulating the production of GABA, which helps send messages between the brain and the nervous system, therefore having a calming effect. [38]
Furthermore, researchers have shown Selank’s ability to increase Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), which has been implicated in learning and memory.[39]
[h=5]Side effects[/h]Selank is very well-tolerated and considered generally safe with no side effects being reported.
[h=5]Dosage[/h]*Popularly Recommended Dosing Guidelines for Selank
The recommended dosage range is anywhere from between 250 mcg to 3 mg daily. It is advisable to start with a lower dose and adjust accordingly depending on results.


Sermorelin is a synthetic analog of naturally occurring Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone (GHRH). It shares a similar structure to CJC-1295, and is an extremely effective hormone to increasethe amount of growth hormone.

GHRH was first described by Nobel Laureates R. Guilleman and A. Shalley. In the 1970s one of their students, William Wehrenberg, began studying which part of the GHRH molecule was essential in stimulating the pituitary gland.
Wehrenberg found that only the first 29 amino acids were essential for the stimulation of GH production in the pituitary gland. Sermorelin is therefore only comprised of these 29 essential amino acids.
The biological effects of Sermorelin were first observed in vitro cultures of rat pituitary cells. When compared to other GHRH analogues, Sermorelin was found to be the most potent, potentially 4-5 times as potent as naturally produced GHRH. [40]
Sermorelin is now used as a standard test for growth hormone secretion and is primarily prescribed for children who do not produce Growth Hormone properly and fail to grow healthily as a result. [41]
[h=5]Benefits[/h]As Sermorelin is designed to increase production of growth hormone it can lead to benefits such as;

  • Increases energy, vitality, strength and endurance
  • Increases lean body mass by developing new muscle cells
  • Breaks down body fat and fatty acids
  • Improves heart function
  • Increases calcium retention which strengthens and increases bone density
Furthermore, Sermorelin is often used in the context of anti-aging therapy and is one of the most widely tested anti-aging compounds. Research has shown Sermorelin to be effective at treating a wide range of aging symptoms. [42]
[h=5]Side effects[/h]The most common side effects with Sermorelin include pain, swelling, and/or redness at the injection site. Less common side effects are itching and trouble swallowing.
[h=5]Dosage[/h]*Popularly Recommended Dosing Guidelines for Sermorelin
Recommended dosage is dependent on individual body-mass index (BMI), so should be used as prescribed by manufacturer guidelines. It is common to see doses of 200-500 mcg, once per day.


TB-500 is primarily used to treat muscle injuries or pain caused by inflammation.

It is the synthetic version of Thymosin Beta 4 (TB4), which is a naturallyoccurring peptide found in virtually all human and animal cells.
TB4 is produced in the thymus gland.
TB4 was discovered by Dr. Allan Goldstein, Emeritus Professor and Chairman of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine at The George Washington University School of Medicine, in the 1960’s, when he was doing research on the Thymus gland.
Thymosin Beta 4 has been mainly used for racehorses to help them heal faster.

[h=5]Benefits[/h]TB-500 is designed to promote and speed up healing. It has the ability to circulate and target specific sites such as treating muscle tears or strains, tendon inflammation and even skin injuries. Research has shown it effectiveness in healing damaged heart tissue, including “athlete’s heart”, also known as ventricular hypertrophy. [43]
Furthermore, it is capable of providing instant and prolonged increases in endurance, so an effective pre-training option for many athletes, bodybuilders, and powerlifters.
[h=5]Side effects[/h]Because TB-500 has been primarily used in horses since the early 1980’s and with almost no human data available, possible side effects are unknown. As with any injectable medication peptide, the most common side effect will be skin irritation at the injected site.
[h=5]Dosage[/h]*Popularly Recommended Dosing Guidelines for TB-500
Recommended dosing is 2-2.5 mg twice per week for approximately 4-6 weeks. After the 4-6 week period it can be used once or twice per month for injury prevention.

[h=3]Final thoughts[/h]

If you’re looking to boost your growth hormone levels then peptides are certainly a great option for you and as you have read they come with favorable results and little or no side effects.

It is important to know that the peptides alone won’t give you the results you are looking for. You still need to put the work in at the gym and get the right balance of nutrients in your body.
Good read! Thank you for taking the time to provide this. Answered a lot of my questions I’ve had about a bunch listed.


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