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🚨Black Friday Orders🚨


Board Rep
Jan 25, 2023
Reaction score
Get Shredded!
We are experiencing a high volume of orders coming in, as to be expected.
If you are experiencing a delay in responses we are asking everyone to please be patient. Make sure you are using a secure email. Check your email as much as you can. All orders WILL be filled asap. We appreciate all you guys!!!💯
1.Please mk sure you are using a secure email. Proton , tuta whatever.
No gmail, aol , Verizon bs…

2. Do not email from an email app. Log into your email using a browser. Safari , Google whatever. Sometimes the app gets filtered out for security reasons. Sb will not get your email and you’ll be waiting for a response that’s never coming.
Anyone who has placed an order and not heard back, please dm me.
Use the browser not the app.
If you haven't heard back you can get a hold of me also
Any last stragglers need any help! I think we got everybody we're not sure.
DM any of us for help or questions.
I sent an order in fairly late in the evening and the response times were just as fast as usual. SB is on it.

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