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Get Shredded!
Post here or pm for our price list.
July sale is a 10pk. Test E or C💥
Stock up and save!!!
We're up and at them boys! Hope all you early morning trainers have a great workout. Hit up any one of us for a list if you need something today. The months almost over too so if you need that 10 pack get it in. 🦍💪⚡
Good morning ASF!!
If anybody needs anything please let me know. List available through PM or just simply drop a comment on this thread.
Thank all you guys who support SB!
Have a great day!
Another beautiful morning here at ASF!
Looks like some guy wants to pin his neck I'll read that one. I'll get through all the logs here in a bit.
PM for a list
Okay late night shoppers let's get the rush done early. Popped another Cialis and might have to shut the wife up for a bit. Speaking of Cialis have you tried this stuff -oh my God!
PM for list
10 pack almost over
Tren love coming in
Good times ahead🦍💪⚡🍆🍆🍆💦
Rise and shine ASF!!!
It’s gonna be a great day💪🏼
HMU for a list
Im Ready Lets Go GIF by Leroy Patterson
Training done. Food going in and checking out my asf bros.
PM for a list or simply post here
And remember IMG_1565.jpeg
Attention late night shoppers we got list here. Listen I get it, you got a little puffy and want to add that boost to your workouts. Put down the beer and let put out attention to the gym. Let us here at SBlabs help you out.
PM for list or simply post here. 🦍
It's another beautiful morning. Today's the perfect day for yard work and planning out our future cycles. You know you're out there pulling some weeds and you go you know it really kill these tren! PM for list
Tren the ultimate weed killer
SB Labs is offering High quality AAS
At affordable prices. Give us a try!
You won’t be disappointed.
Robert Downey Jr Yes GIF
OK, I’m up. I’m up. Big day of training ahead. Hope all your day is going great.
Any of us are ready for you here!
It’s kinda like a competition to get to you fastest.
PM for list
Or post here.
Drop a comment
For our current list.
You won’t be disappointed.
Angry King Kong GIF by Xbox
Grab the list.
Products are 🔥.
Satisfaction guaranteed 👍🏻
pm me with any questions or concerns. You’ll never be bothering us..We are always here to serve you guys and ladies.

Sign We Are Open GIF by Speedy G Towing
It's a hard debate do I jump in on the last day of the 10 pack tomorrow or am I going to load up on Tren. Well for you trt guys tomorrow is a big day to get that coin at the right price and jump all over it. For you Tren crazies 🍆💦😅 so close you can feel it.
Either way PM the SBlabs crew

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