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Who as used Arimdex ?

Get Shredded!
LOL, nerds aren't so bad and yeah, I have a decent amount of nerd friends myself. Some would say I am a nerd too. So if its true, I am making fun of myself which actually I do a lot.

BTW, I know I junked up this thread a bit, but thanks to all that added solid advice. I just want to point out, I'm not full of myself and I don't take myself too seriously. There a lot of people here that know more than me on all the aspects of diet, training, PEDs and bodybuilding.

I'm just a regular gym bro that loves the iron game and don't see that ending anytime soon PEDs or natural. Hitting the gym is a great release. On these forums, I try to learn where I can and help where I can. Also, yeah, I stir the pot a bit (or a lot) and throw in some of my dry, junior high sense of humor. I'm not anything special but I do ok for myself and I'm happy in my own skin.
Without derailing this thread too much, I will say some of the greatest friends I've ever had growing up, and the ones that I remember the most were the ones that people often considered nerds. These were some of the most unique and extraordinary people I've ever met, I'm going back to grade school and somewhat through high school, and yet here I am talking about them on the internet many, many, many years later. That should speak volumes. :)
Is any of this based on bloodwork or just the itchy nipples?

Arimidex is usually 1 mg pills. You take 2 mg a week on a cruise?
Have gotten blood work twice in the past while on cruises of similar runs (one was just 150mg of Test C a week while on Nolva, another was 250mg a week split between 2 pins 2x a week, no AI). Both times estradiol levels came back in the 60-80 pg/ml region ? It's just the way my body reacts to anabolism. I've been an active practitioner since 2011 when I went on hormones to help recover from a major surgery and I've been a student of the lifestyle ever since.

And yes, Adex once a week when things are good. 2x a week when I notice my body getting "sensitive."