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Test C/LD Tren/Anavar cycle


May 13, 2024
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55 years old. Two years on low dose doctor monitored TRT. Now one week into 12 week cycle. Weekly 210 test cyp/ 70 tren A / Anavar cycle. Pinned daily subcutaneous, Anavar 20 morning, 20 night. So far skeletal muscle up 1.2%, body fat down 2.6%. Feel great, recovery surprisingly good since mental boost has me putting in lots of effort. None of the dreaded tren sides have manifested. Will update if any interest.
55 years old. Two years on low dose doctor monitored TRT. Now one week into 12 week cycle. Weekly 210 test cyp/ 70 tren A / Anavar cycle. Pinned daily subcutaneous, Anavar 20 morning, 20 night. So far skeletal muscle up 1.2%, body fat down 2.6%. Feel great, recovery surprisingly good since mental boost has me putting in lots of effort. None of the dreaded tren sides have manifested. Will update if any interest.

Disregarding the trt, Is this your first cycle? What made you want to throw in Tren as opposed to mast or primo? Hows your sleep been? Whats your goal for this?
Yes. Dove in the deep end but that is my nature. Goal is body recomp. Chose tren primarily to see what the hype is about and whether or not the horror stories have legs or if one can get exceptional results without the negative effects.
Stick to the 70mg of tren A. Don't increase it. Sides won't show themselves the 1st week at that low of a dosage.
55 years old. Two years on low dose doctor monitored TRT. Now one week into 12 week cycle. Weekly 210 test cyp/ 70 tren A / Anavar cycle. Pinned daily subcutaneous, Anavar 20 morning, 20 night. So far skeletal muscle up 1.2%, body fat down 2.6%. Feel great, recovery surprisingly good since mental boost has me putting in lots of effort. None of the dreaded tren sides have manifested. Will update if any interest.
70 tren A how often are you pinning? At that dosage I doubt you would notice any sides. For me you really see what tren does at 300mg which is remarkable, but get ready for sides and I don't think you are any where near prepared for them. Keep the low dosage going if its working for you.
70 tren A how often are you pinning? At that dosage I doubt you would notice any sides. For me you really see what tren does at 300mg which is remarkable, but get ready for sides and I don't think you are any where near prepared for them. Keep the low dosage going if its working for you.
Daily pins. Goal is to see what lose dose, continuous drip of tren with a blast of test and Anavar will offer benefit wise, without experiencing negatives.
Sounds like you are steadfast on this as a 12wk cycle. Have you thought about increasing your Test dose a lil bit to say 300-500mg per week? Maybe even bump to 300mg test and if still no issues with the Tren sides than leave it there throughout the cycle. On the flip side if you do start to get Tren sides that are unmanageable than you can drop it and run the Test at 300-500mg per wk. How long do you plan to run the Var?

Good luck, and be safe!
Sounds like you are steadfast on this as a 12wk cycle. Have you thought about increasing your Test dose a lil bit to say 300-500mg per week? Maybe even bump to 300mg test and if still no issues with the Tren sides than leave it there throughout the cycle. On the flip side if you do start to get Tren sides that are unmanageable than you can drop it and run the Test at 300-500mg per wk. How long do you plan to run the Var?

Good luck, and be safe!
Thanks for the suggestion. Taking Arimidex EOD but still worried about estrogen which is why I chose to keep the test relatively low and add the tren and Anavar. Was going to run the Anavar for 10 weeks (I have to look back on my planning to remember why). If I am unhappy with results and no estrogen issues arise after 2 weeks I might up to 280 and see how that runs. If the tren doesn’t manifest any issues at week 4 I might up to 105 a week.
I did my first Tren cycle at 49. Same reason you outlined. Erred on the side of caution and used Ace, like you. I'm not on TRT and PCT went smoothly.

I did not experience night sweats, but I did feel hotter during the day. Could call it a hot flashes. Almost like thermoneogenesis felt with clen, but better.

I believe my lack of prolactin control, directly or indirectly, lead to the side effect of not being able to nut easily. Other side effect was unexpected nose bleeds on 2 occasions. Didn't control BP well either.

Keep those in mind too fellow old(er) stud. Give 'em hell kid!
Sorry OP...
Not a fan of either Tren or it's use above 40-45...
Guess that's one way to Learn..
Of all the other ways to Go...
Another one on the Stats pile..!!

Good Luck
Agree with above. Tren at 55, even at a low dose is very risky. NPP would have been a safer choice.
That sounds like alot of arimidex. How much of this were you taking on your trt regime?
None. Never had any issues dose was a only
Sorry OP...
Not a fan of either Tren or it's use above 40-45...
Guess that's one way to Learn..
Of all the other ways to Go...
Another one on the Stats pile..!!

Good Luck
Sorry OP...
Not a fan of either Tren or it's use above 40-45...
Guess that's one way to Learn..
Of all the other ways to Go...
Another one on the Stats pile..!!

Good Luck
Sorry OP...
Not a fan of either Tren or it's use above 40-45...
Guess that's one way to Learn..
Of all the other ways to Go...
Another one on the Stats
Sorry OP...
Not a fan of either Tren or it's use above 40-45...
Guess that's one way to Learn..
Of all the other ways to Go...
Another one on the Stats pile..!!

Good Luck
Thanks for the reply. Serious question. Can you elaborate on the enhanced dangers associated with use above the age of 40? I have reviewed a lot of lit on the generalized dangers but they seem to be more of a concern for younger men facing 50 years of consequences rather than those looking at 20. Thanks again.
Everyone is different..However, age becomes a Factor..The body goes through changes, between 40 to 60 things change..
Very few still produce a Test Level of a healthy 25 yr old..plus,other Factors..
A1C..cholesterol..Heart Rate..acid reflux..organ stress..
Basically, certain compounds will become too much Cons than Pros..
..Risk vs Reward..

Tren looks lovely on paper..not so in real life..
The "Idea" is...to have a solid foundation of knowledge and experience..Doing Bloodwork and controlling Estrogen..How "YOU" respond to AI's...at what dose of Testosterone do you require something to control Estrogen..??
These are Extremely Important things to learn in the Beginning..
By bypassing learning these fundamentals, it's setting yourself up for Problems..
Latest update. Up .62% skeletal muscle. Down .34% fat. Not as good but my diet has been crap with some holidays up here. Also missed two workouts. Feeling good, maybe a little more testy than usual. Still no noticeable Tren major negative effects. No gyno effects I can feel. All good but my discipline was disappointing. Visually I can see improvements far beyond what I am seeing in scale and all belts need new holes.
Update: still holding steady with lack of negative tren effects. Not sure how reliable my scale is, said I put on 6 lbs of fat, no increase in skeletal muscle but an increase of 1.2% muscle mass. Pants are loose, visually very pleased with results so far. Reasonable strength gains too. Note: started taking Anavar sublingual and while it may be placebo I find it to give me a boost.
Daily pins. Goal is to see what lose dose, continuous drip of tren with a blast of test and Anavar will offer benefit wise, without experiencing negatives.
It's not that low of dose considering a 1500# cow gets 50mg/week.
Keep it were it's at bcs the sides effects seem to multiply the further along u go.
It's not that low of dose considering a 1500# cow gets 50mg/week.
Keep it were it's at bcs the sides effects seem to multiply the further along u go.
Appreciate the input. Bovine pharmacology notwithstanding, that is the point of this experiment. Three weeks in, at least for my body, it is possible to see great results and little to no negative effects from this stack. I will continue to update.