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  • 🩺Muscle Gelz® HUMANOGEN® - Powered by Ibutamoren® Increases Growth Hormone! (Transdermal - No Injecting!)🏥

All about hgh

How close together are you timing the slin after the HGH? I've read a low dose of humalog taken 30+ minutes after rHGH greatly spikes the liver's IGF-1 response.

i do 4ius hgh , 20 min later insubolic 200mcg and 10 min later humalog 10ius and drink my dextrose with protein
Did insulin back in 97..new to it and not very knowledgeable...After a few bad days called a knowledgeable friend back home...After hearing my protocol..He about flipped...STOP..he calmed down and explained I was doing it ALL wrong..I could have easily died or been on insulin forever...Yep that was it for me..

Since then I kinda cringe when I see INSULIN in any thread.. Knowledge is key but some jump head 1st and disregard the warnings or proper use or that more is better..I totally agree with Monte on this one..and Monte is 100 times more knowledgeable than me.."No one on forum should be using insulin"...now maybe there are some Real professional power lifters or BBs.. but I'm thinking 90 to 98% of us are ALL novices..

Not to take anything away from this thread..talking about it is Good..but the risk needs to be very clear..if you don't know..you shouldn't be using it..gear is dangerous enough but HGH... insulin..is a whole different game..

You really have to be a shithead in general to kill yourself with slin. You have to seriously be out of touch with your body. Not at you just as a general statement.
Ill use slin 100 times before i ever put poison like tren in my body. Its no where near as unhealthy. I've used slin a ton and if you follow the rules you've got nothing to worry about. The key is follow all the rules and don't be a dick or get cocky.
Ive put massive amounts of mass on without increasing body fat in short times. I'll take test/slin/gh/igf any day over some of the bucket loads of shit guys take.
The protocol for hgh on budget is :
3ius hgh post workout
Humalog post workout
MK677 30mg day

If he's trying to gain mass with all of that then post training slin isnt going to get him ANYWHERE near the result that pre training slin will. You wanna stack pre and post, fine... but post only is no where near as effective. Ive put 20lb of mass on in 6-7 weeks with no increase in body fat with pre slin. Post training only... not so much.
If he's trying to gain mass with all of that then post training slin isnt going to get him ANYWHERE near the result that pre training slin will. You wanna stack pre and post, fine... but post only is no where near as effective. Ive put 20lb of mass on in 6-7 weeks with no increase in body fat with pre slin. Post training only... not so much.

Not to mention pre training slin makes you feel like a god. I need no rest between sets, i keep getting stronger as i go and the pumps make you think your skin is going to rip open. There is nothing else that gives that feeling. Not even a great pre workout and some liquid pre training drol. Tren suspension does according to some maybe... but that's about it.
Im not advocating for people to do it. But if you're going to bother then do it all the way.
If he's trying to gain mass with all of that then post training slin isnt going to get him ANYWHERE near the result that pre training slin will. You wanna stack pre and post, fine... but post only is no where near as effective. Ive put 20lb of mass on in 6-7 weeks with no increase in body fat with pre slin. Post training only... not so much.

Yes pre workout is great but is a more advanced method and beginners can do wrong on it , because you need alot of carbs pre and intra
Yes pre workout is great but is a more advanced method and beginners can do wrong on it , because you need alot of carbs pre and intra

Ok yes.... its definitely more advanced as far as execution. I'll give you that for sure. I don't always take into account that guys are scared to death of slin because of the "you'll die" stigma uts given in the past
Ok yes.... its definitely more advanced as far as execution. I'll give you that for sure. I don't always take into account that guys are scared to death of slin because of the "you'll die" stigma uts given in the past

Ypu know this young kids dont eat enough to not get fat and imagine taking slin before gym and dont eat or drink enough carbs they go hypo and die on gym
Nice article but a lot of this shit is over my head lol that’s okay because I don’t have any intentions of using hgh.
Growth Hormone

Rating: (1 being the lowest, 5 being the highest)
Weight Gain-4
Fat Loss-4
Side Effects-2
Keep Gains--4

Side Effects:
Hypoglycemia- due to lowered insulin levels.
Aromeglia- (abnormal bone growth) GH does not cause it, but if you are predisposed to it, it will speed it up.
GH gut- if predisposed and taking large doses of GH
Carpel Tunnel Syndrome
Soreness in Joints

Benefits of GH:
New Muscle Cells
Mood Enhancement
Smoothing and improving the skin
Leanness, it is a potent fat burner
Joint and ligament strengthening

Where to Inject, How, and How to Make:
You can site inject anywhere you can reach the subcutaneous layer. Pinch the flesh and pull back, then insert the needle in the "pocket" underneath. Doesn't absorb quick enough if you inject into the adipose tissue. Do not inject intra-muscular, though it can be done, it is not recommended. GH is a site injection, where it is shot is where it will burn the most noticeable fat. Most people do it in the stomach since that is a typical sub q shot with most of the fat being in that area. GH should be kept in a fridge; freezing will destroy the GH. On your kit it probably says to use the kit in 18-24 hours, remember these are for AIDS patients, not bodybuilders or athletes. Mixing the GH can either be done with sterile water or bacteriostic water. The kit with water will be fine for 3 days in the fridge, even with the sterile water, but you should not take this chance, rather you should use bacteriostic water and play it safe. This will keep it fine for a couple of weeks. When mixing the GH, let the water slide down the side as to not pulverize the GH wafer. Do not spray it directly against the wafer with any force. Before reconstitution and even after GH is fragile!!! Also once the water is injected into the bottle gently swirl the vial to reconstitute, do not shake or swirl violently!!!!

1 ml = 1 cc -/+
100 units per 1 cc

6 mg = 18iu

1 ml = 18iu

.50 ml = 9iu

.25 ml = 4.5iu

Some people choose to only do it in cc?s but here is how you can do it in units on a slin dart

5.5 = 1iu, so 2iu = 11 on a slin dart

Differences Between Kits:
The main difference between kits is how many iu?s they make when reconstituted. For example, Serostim re-constitutes to make 126iu, while a Saizen kit.... also made by Serono.... makes up 15iu. Another of their kits makes 54iu. It better be way cheaper than a Serostim kit! Humatrope is fine, but costs too much. The other main concern would be fakes; Lilly is the most often faked one. Some older GH kits do not have holograms on them and are legit, but they are usually only less than 100 dollars than new GH kits with holograms, and I would rather be assured of the hologram and legitimacy of the kit. Best buy currently is Serostim 126 iu kits. These are made for people with wasting diseases like AIDs. Many of these patients got infected because they are IV drug addicts..........they sell the Serostim on the street for drug money.


4 to 6 iu ed is sufficient. Most people take it 5 days on 2 days off at their designated dosage. There is no reason or evidence why you cannot stay on for various lengths of time; there is no need to go 5 on 2 off other than cost. Considering that our natural production is only .5 to 1.5iu a day, this is still a huge bump for the body. Research has shown that the body's natural defense systems render mega doses of GH ineffective, anyway. GH does not cause gains in mass...it allows you to put on a great deal of lean mass in combination with proper steroid and insulin use. The user before taking must know this. One or two kits are not enough, you need at least 3 to make you happy, GH takes a while to make its effects, but remember they are long lasting, what you see is what you keep. It takes 6 to 8 weeks to notice a dramatic change in body comp using GH on an ED or 5/2 split. Lighter doses for long periods of time are better than large doses for short cycles. Like any other drug, the more you take the more the benefits, but likewise also more risks. 4-6 iu is a standard dose but many people take more, the most repulsing side effects happen at or beyond 12 iu a day but like anything else it depends on your predisposition for it.

How to Stack:
GH is best taken in conjunction with insulin, anabolic steroids, and t3. Insulin is extremely effective with GH, as anyone here who has tried it will testify. This is because GH injections cause a down regulation of insulin sensitivity in the body.
GH alone causes little growth of lean mass, however, when combined with insulin and steroids (and IGF-1 if you can find it), the results can be down right remarkable...esp. in the older bodybuilder. Start light with the humulin...5iu...and work up 1 iu a day till you get use to it. 7 to 10iu in the AM and 7 to 10 iu in the late afternoon, with split doses of GH is your best bet. When splitting GH/insulin doses, I use mid-morning and late afternoon after lifting.... both flat times in our natural GH production. The insulin overcomes the insulin-resistance caused by exogenous GH supplementation. If you are scared to take insulin thought, then Gh with Test and Glucophage is good. GH is good for cutting if used alone. Glucophage allows for improved glucose and amino acid absorption by the muscle tissue and does it safely. This is what you want. The half-life of GH is only 2 hours so spread it out. Avoid bedtime injections since we produce the bulk of our own GH in the first two hours of sleep. Since exogenous GH suppresses this, you should not take it before bed. For best results, use a 17aa oral during the cycle to stimulate the release of natural insulin growth factors. I would run the test throughout. GH/insulin/test is the proven synergistic combination.
It is also wise to preload with testosterone before starting GH if you are going to do it. You should preload with the amount of time it takes for that testosterone to kick in, since most of us take longer acting esters for testosterone you should usually start taking the test 2 weeks before GH use. Likewise, you can accommodate it to fit your needs; the key is for the test to be kicking in the same time you are starting to run your GH. You can cycle you steroids however you want to depending on your goals, if you are going for a more massive look than you would run insulin for most of the cycle and use high androgens, but if you are looking for additional leanness at the end of a cycle you should stop the androgens and run a higher dose of GH or run less androgens. T3 is also another substance that should be used during GH cycling since GH lowers thyroid hormones. T3 should be used for shorter periods though, because it can permanently alter the endocrine system. The magic of GH for men is the ability to gain mass without fat or bloating when stacked properly with insulin, and steroids. GH also makes for amazing improvements in skin...smoothes wrinkles, burns stubborn spots of adipose tissue, gives that paper-thin contest look...and also gives one a real mood lift, a feeling of well being.

Major Difference Between GH and Steroids:
Steroids can increase the size of your muscle cells, but cannot I repeat CAN NOT increase the number of muscle cells in your body, which to start with is governed by your genetics. However Growth hormone CAN increase the number of muscle cells in your body, which goes beyond genetics.

Half-Life of GH:
Exogenous (injected) GH has a "half-life" of approximately 2 hours . . . a 4-hour period of activity during which there is a suppression of naturally produced GH.

GH Naturally Produced:
We release the most of our naturally produced GH during the first two hours of deep sleep...you may take a little time to adjust.... your body thinks you should be in bed when that big influx hits. It is good to take a nap, that?s when you grow anyway. It always helps to take naps after workouts and injections everyday.

GH Causing Acromeglia:
Acromeglia is a disease...you either have it or you don't. Supplementing GH will not cause it. Persons suffering from acromeglia, like Andre the Giant, lack the natural defense mechanisms of the body to regulate the production and effects of GH secretion in he pituitary. It is well established in the medical literature that exogenous GH will not cause the disease.... of course it would worsen the condition in those who had it.

GH Gut: Myth or Reality?:

Some researchers claim that any gains in weight experienced by subjects using GH alone was due to growth of internal organs and connective tissue, which could cause some problems. Most studies do not agree with this theory and consider "GH gut" to be a myth. Some people are allergic to synthetic test, this is something you have to find out for yourself. Some people also feel intestinal discomfort from time to time, if so take it down to one item at a time to see what is causing you discomfort; creatine, glutamine, protein products, orals, and dirty gear have all been known to cause this, so find the problem early.

GH and IGF-1:
Perhaps the most relevant effect of IGF-1 is the ability of IGF-1 to increase protein synthesis by increasing cellular mRNA formation (mRNA makes protein) as well as increasing uptake of amino acids. This effect on protein synthesis can lead to increased lean mass. The research indicates that this effect is dependent on GH presence as well. So IGF-1 alone does not promote such effects. Nor does GH. It appears the combination of the two most consistently lead to increased protein synthesis.

Your measurements depends on what your vials are and say for shits and giggles there 10IUs that means if your drawing up 1ml then each 10mark is 1iu. Why did you make it confusing ?

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Your measurements depends on what your vials are and say for shits and giggles there 10IUs that means if your drawing up 1ml then each 10mark is 1iu. Why did you make it confusing ?

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I use .5cc of bac water so every 10 mark is double for my 10iu vials
Get Shredded!
I use .5cc of bac water so every 10 mark is double for my 10iu vials

Exactly my point but I don’t know where those other measurements came from it confused the shit out of me. I just put 1ml in and draw 30units each time giving me 3IUs a day

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Exactly my point but I don’t know where those other measurements came from it confused the shit out of me. I just put 1ml in and draw 30units each time giving me 3IUs a day

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Yea gotta keep it simple lol
What protocol would you all recommend as a Trt supplement? I’ve heard 2 IUs daily. Any benefit to that ?

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Couldn’t get past “hypoglycemia”.
Seriously, if they don’t know that the side effect is the polar opposite of this, not sure much else is worth reading.
Couldn’t get past “hypoglycemia”.
Seriously, if they don’t know that the side effect is the polar opposite of this, not sure much else is worth reading.

I agree lol this article is a mess I don’t know how people are saying nice post hahahah

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What protocol would you all recommend as a Trt supplement? I’ve heard 2 IUs daily. Any benefit to that ?

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Only 2ius is great for health , skin quality, improved sleep, and also some fat burning . Is a must drug to use . Change my body completely
Great information here (I think). I'm strongly considering adding some gh to my protocol. I am very beginner in terms of understanding gh and slin... And I don't think getting into the slin is for me. I want the maximum amount of benefit all around... sleep, fat burn, health, and some good clean gains if possible.... without using slin. What would that protocol look like? I stay on a minimum of 300 mg test/week and I do run some other compounds a few time per year. Usually short 6-8 week runs.
Great information here (I think). I'm strongly considering adding some gh to my protocol. I am very beginner in terms of understanding gh and slin... And I don't think getting into the slin is for me. I want the maximum amount of benefit all around... sleep, fat burn, health, and some good clean gains if possible.... without using slin. What would that protocol look like? I stay on a minimum of 300 mg test/week and I do run some other compounds a few time per year. Usually short 6-8 week runs.

Lol you think I like that. Go with you gut and don’t second guess yourself. This info is so up and down and all around and all over the place. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about or what he’s even saying. I wouldn’t ask advice here or take this post to heart

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Lol you think I like that. Go with you gut and don’t second guess yourself. This info is so up and down and all around and all over the place. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about or what he’s even saying. I wouldn’t ask advice here or take this post to heart

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Well thanks for the heads up... but how about shedding a little light rather than just saying the post is stupid and the info is all wrong. No offense, but I believe that's what this forum is intended for..... right? Sharing knowledge and experience. There must be some value to the original post here and it seems like a good starting place to learn a bit on the subject.
Lol you think I like that. Go with you gut and don’t second guess yourself. This info is so up and down and all around and all over the place. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about or what he’s even saying. I wouldn’t ask advice here or take this post to heart

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I’m not sure if your credentials in the body building world but in his country this guy is pretty well known and he’s a pro body builder. You can say what you want about the post but go look at pics of him lol
Well thanks for the heads up... but how about shedding a little light rather than just saying the post is stupid and the info is all wrong. No offense, but I believe that's what this forum is intended for..... right? Sharing knowledge and experience. There must be some value to the original post here and it seems like a good starting place to learn a bit on the subject.

Well first off the math doesn’t even add up. And he’s got mixed advice on what’s going on.

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I’m not sure if your credentials in the body building world but in his country this guy is pretty well known and he’s a pro body builder. You can say what you want about the post but go look at pics of him lol

Carry on then. I just know this article sounded like a guy confused on what he’s doing and where he’s going and not really sure why lol. And the math doesn’t add up at all

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I’m not sure if your credentials in the body building world but in his country this guy is pretty well known and he’s a pro body builder. You can say what you want about the post but go look at pics of him lol

Well first off the math doesn’t even add up. And he’s got mixed advice on what’s going on.

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Okay why don't you explain where he went wrong? If you feel his advice is totally wrong then demonstrate it.
Okay..Im probably the biggest against and it was with insulin..I was referring too..back in 97 there was no internet and even less guys around using it...that were knowledgeable..I remember taking after working out and getting home..No slims back then..not that I knew of anyway..I was taking it around 9 or 10 PM..and waking up starving around 3AM..Boy I was putting down around 2 to 3k calories after waking up..after about a wk I called my knowledgeable friend back home and he was Very Upset with my protocol..I remember him telling me that I could easily fall into a sugar coma..What one Hell of a Wake-up Call..

That was it for me..I didn't need anything that bad..with 2 small kids 2 thousand miles away depending on me..So that's why I said what I did earlier..Things are different now..lots of info and guys like Monstro..I see the many Benifits in HGH..but that close of a call I personally will never touch insulin again..

Hopefully,this will shed some light on not only how things have changed but also how and why I'm against it..
Carry on then. I just know this article sounded like a guy confused on what he’s doing and where he’s going and not really sure why lol. And the math doesn’t add up at all

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Since you are the only one that are against this post and is normal because not even Cristiano Ronaldo is liked by all . Just tell us what is wrong on post and how you do it?

Because i do that way and i have results. I always show my evolution and from my athletes to .
Okay..Im probably the biggest against and it was with insulin..I was referring too..back in 97 there was no internet and even less guys around using it...that were knowledgeable..I remember taking after working out and getting home..No slims back then..not that I knew of anyway..I was taking it around 9 or 10 PM..and waking up starving around 3AM..Boy I was putting down around 2 to 3k calories after waking up..after about a wk I called my knowledgeable friend back home and he was Very Upset with my protocol..I remember him telling me that I could easily fall into a sugar coma..What one Hell of a Wake-up Call..

That was it for me..I didn't need anything that bad..with 2 small kids 2 thousand miles away depending on me..So that's why I said what I did earlier..Things are different now..lots of info and guys like Monstro..I see the many Benifits in HGH..but that close of a call I personally will never touch insulin again..

Hopefully,this will shed some light on not only how things have changed but also how and why I'm against it..

Slin is not for anyone , i believe only if you compete and always supported with a coach and doctor . dont play when you dont know how to play

Okay why don't you explain where he went wrong? If you feel his advice is totally wrong then demonstrate it.

I’ll try and come back to comment later today I gotta reread it again and got a lot going on today

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I’ll try and come back to comment later today I gotta reread it again and got a lot going on today

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Fair enough.
Okay..Im probably the biggest against and it was with insulin..I was referring too..back in 97 there was no internet and even less guys around using it...that were knowledgeable..I remember taking after working out and getting home..No slims back then..not that I knew of anyway..I was taking it around 9 or 10 PM..and waking up starving around 3AM..Boy I was putting down around 2 to 3k calories after waking up..after about a wk I called my knowledgeable friend back home and he was Very Upset with my protocol..I remember him telling me that I could easily fall into a sugar coma..What one Hell of a Wake-up Call..

That was it for me..I didn't need anything that bad..with 2 small kids 2 thousand miles away depending on me..So that's why I said what I did earlier..Things are different now..lots of info and guys like Monstro..I see the many Benifits in HGH..but that close of a call I personally will never touch insulin again..

Hopefully,this will shed some light on not only how things have changed but also how and why I'm against it..

The first problem is you were given shit advice. Not that there was a lot of legit advice around back then. Second one of the biggest rules with slin is you never sleep while the slin is still active in your body. You don't tan, hot tub, sauna ect with active slin in your system. Follow the slin rules and unless you have some underlying health condition you have to try real hard to kill yourself. I've said it 50 times I'll take slin over tren 100% of the time.