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Marvels PSL sponsored log

The off season can be a difficult place at times. The goal is to add muscle mass and unless you are a genetic freak that can be a long process. In prep you can see weekly changes, somtimes even daily. Not so much in the off season, even more so during a cruise. So the only things you can refer to are progressive overload (hopefully hitting some new PR'S) and in my case blood work. I decided to see what would happen to lipid panel if I added in more krill oil. All I did was go from 2000 mg to 3000 mg (1 more capsule). I improved my lipid panel not drastically but enough. In exactly 2 weeks I changed my total cholesterol from 162 to 141, LDL from 111 to 94, HDL from 31 to 32, triglycerides from 98 to 73. I also improved my blood glucose but I think that had more to do with actually fasting for 12 hours instead of a bit over 9, glucose went from 108 to 100. Weight is around 233, goal is stay at this condition but get weight up to 234, 235 ish. I have 2 works on my cruise then I'm going to blast with the first 4 weeks being a mini cut then back into bulking.
Things have been super busy all around. Even had some unplanned off time last week. Believe it or not sometimes I lose my motivation. I had some drama in a personal relationship that really threw me off track for a couple days. However I did get back to my old self and I'm moving forward. I started a new blast cycle this Saturday I'll be running 300 mg of test E weekly and 600 mg of Deca weekly with Aromasin EOD. I'll also be adding in some random gear I have left in vials that are almost empty. So in my first shot I added 50 mg of Tren Ace and I'll probably add the last 50 mg on Wednesday. So nothing huge and definitely not something I expect a big difference from but I hate throwing away gear or letting it expire. Not my usual stick to the plan cycle but an experiment and let's see what I can go. Should be a ten week cycle and I've also never run Deca higher than testosterone so let's see what happens.
This weekend I got a new phone. It was way past due however if my old phone wouldn't have started having software issues I'd still be using it. I like nes technology but I'm not someone to spend money I don't have to. If something serves the purpose it's suppose to but doesn't have new bells and whistles I couldn't care less. I feel like this crosses over to lifting. Too many people get caught up with the new trendy exercise or new training program. In reality the old school basics are basics for a reason. I'll be switching over to a John Meadows training program soon that I purchased that's focused on back muscles. During this in between time from my program with Luke and this ebook I put together a custom program sticking to the basics and movements I liked from Luke's. I want to get more consistent in my 5 day a week schedule before switching. The last couple weeks I've had trouble getting to the gym 5 days where as 4 seems to be pretty easy. Even with the hiccups I'm seeing improvements. So after speaking with my coach we decided to end mini cut I tightened up rather quickly and making the most out of this blast makes the most sense. Currently still running 300 mg test E weekly with 600 mg Deca weekly and some other compounds thrown in. I have a ml or 2 left of masteron so that will get added to this weeks injections.
Turns out the current cycle is working well but also had some issues. First the issues, I started to notice some tenderness around my nipples. Which of course made me jump to gyno right away. However Deca doesn't aromatize very highly and my test is still at the same amount as my cruise. I'm using aromasin eod so I reasoned that it wasn't estrogen related. Back to the Deca which will raise prolactin. High levels of prolactin can cause gyno like sides. So I upped my daily dose of prami from .375 to .5 mg split daily (.25 twice a day) and after 2 days the sides started going away. I may move it up even a little more but for now it's good. The good effects my weight is up to 244 lbs with the same conditioning I've been holding for weeks. I had an IFBB pro I'm friends with and is honest with me take a look in person. He confirmed that my off season conditioning is fine and keep pushing forward. I reached out to PSL to get a couple more items since this unplanned blast messed up my count for my bulk next year. I should be getting those and another goodie he wants me to try. Looking forward to continual progress.
So after continued side effects from Deca I've decided to drop it and I most likely will never use it again. The prolactin sides have caused a gyno flare up that I'll have to reverse with some Raloxifene. So I've decided to switch over to some EQ for the last few weeks of this blast. Gyno is one of those things I don't play around with because I think it ruins a physique. I'm not 100% sure what next few weeks of shots will look like but I'm sticking to my previous strategy of using up half empty vials. The last few weeks I've been skipping morning cardio in favor of more sleep. Well now my coach wants it back in so I'll now be doing 4-5 days of morning cardio to try to tighten up a bit at my current weight. Once I finish out this blast with the John Meadows back training program I'll evaluate how it went and any progress I see.
So its been awhile since the last update. Things have been very busy with the holiday. Work is busy, hanging out with family and friends gets busy. I miscalculated some of my measurements for my short blast and I was going to run low. So I hit up PSL and I got a couple more vials of Test E. They also sent me some TAD 600 glutathione to try out. Once I do my research I'll give it a try. For now gotta finish out this blast strong then back to a cruise. During this cruise going to check for fertility as I plan to try to start a family early next year before committing to more bulking and possibly a competition.
So this update won't be very long. I've had a rough couple weeks since Thanksgiving. There has been lots of personal stuff going on and tons of stress. I haven't been able to commit to my workouts or nutrition. This is the last week of my blast. I feel I may have wasted the last 2 weeks of this blast but that's life. I'll be transitioning into a true trt cruise, I'll only be doing 200 mg of test e weekly. During this time the main goal will be starting a family with my wife. Once that's done then I can plan out my next blast and a possible show in 2019. I'll even be able to push the envelope a little more.
End of the week again and had a good progressive week. I did morning cardio 5 times and got all scheduled lifting in. However I did have to switch out deadlifts, last time I did them I tweaked something in my lower back and its been hanging around for 2 weeks. I'm getting a massage on Sunday (the painful deep tissue kind) so I'm hoping it gets remedied. I did hit PRs in my workouts so I'm consistently getting stronger, progressive overload is always my goal. This week I used 250 mg of test, 2 separate shots consisting of 50 mg test prop and 75 mg test e from the awesome Purity Source Labs. I also did some more research and I may have to drop even lower than 200 mg weekly to be in normal range. I'm planning on getting blood work in early to mid January. Going to focus on test, estrogen and igf levels. Still keeping fingers crossed I can stay trt while trying to conceive. Coincidentally the guys on blood sweat and gear podcast had a question on this and they agreed. Some guys get significant other pregnant while on high dosages, some while on cruise and some have come off. They also mentioned that they've seen guys that have never touched gear have problems conceiving with their significant other. So it seems like with almost everything else in the world it all depends on genetics.
Its been a couple weeks since my last update. The holidays were a crazy time with both falling in the middle of the week. Now that all of that is over things can get back to some what of normal. My life is still a bit in chaos because my wife and I looked into childcare cost and its outrageous so we are in limbo on whether we will still be trying to start a family this year. That in turn effects my bulking plans and if I compete this year. Now one thing that is certain I'm getting blood drawn for labs this week. I'm currently using 200 mg weekly with 1 tab of aromasin EOD and 40 mg of nolvadex on the non aromasin days. I'll be checking my estrogen levels to see if that needs tweaking as well as my test levels to see where 200 mg puts me. I'll also be getting a baseline igf because I may start hgh this year. Current weight is 250 lbs in the morning but I need to get back to consistent morning cardio. Lots to get back on and stress from life seems to be increasing too.
Blood test results are in. I'll hit on the key factors because nearly everything was in range. Glucose was 94 even though it hadn't been a full 12 hours fasting (I usually eat dinner pretty late). Igf was 175, looking to get a baseline for possible future gh use. On 200 mg of testosterone e per week my testosterone total was 1329. So that's still above normal range so I'm thinking 150 mg weekly will probably be what I need to be in normal range. However I'm not going to drop there just yet I'll wait to see how the sperm count goes. Lastly estrogen was 22.3 which is in the higher normal range. I'm not having any noticeable estrogen related side effects so I'm fine with it there. To achieve this I'm using 1 tab of PSL aromasin eod and 40 mg of PSL nolvadex on the non aromasin days. My thinking behind this is better estrogen control with less effect on lipids.
Get Shredded!
Very good news to report. I got the results back from my sperm analysis and I have a slightly below average count, 15.6 million to be accurate. All the other markers were in range. This on 200 mg of test e weekly. A huge weight off my shoulders and for me the final test to prove that I respond to gear pretty well. I don't get too many sides other than estrogen, my response on blood tests are pretty good, I've gone above 1.25 grams total to reach my current physique and I didn't ruin my fertility. I also spoke directly with Matt Porter who released an article on his website I suggest everyone using gear reads if you plan on starting a family in the future. Basically there is no exact science but I should be able to conceive without going off and following his protocol should really kick things up a notch to help conception. Lastly I'll be going on vacation this weekend with my wife, we'll enjoy ourselves fully then Monday when I get back its time to start a mini cut. I've gotten a little sloppy so I'll tighten up for 4-6 weeks and see what's next.
Took a week off after my vacation because I've been dealing with sciatica pain for close to 3 weeks now. At the 2 week mark I scheduled a doctor's appointment. So I'm on a regimen of anti inflammatory ibuprofen and muscle relaxers. So far its starting to feel better and go away. In the middle of my first week back and still hitting PRs weekly. This week I got up to 185 on neutral Tbar rows with very little jerking and I would say good form. Still having trouble getting up for morning cardio. I find it easier when in prep because the switch is turned on and I know I don't want to get embarrassed. However in the off season it's harder because there is no planned competition, it's cold and the bed is so comfy. Asong as I get 2 of the next 3 days of cardio in I'll feel ok but really I should hit all 3. This is the first week of my mini cut so cardio is important. Also tightening up the diet. Currently I've moved up to 300 mg weekly of test and next week will move up to 400 during this cut to maintain current muscle while hopefully losing some body fat.
Meant to post this Friday, I've been super busy at work.

Another week in the books. Not a perfect week, missed a couple training sessions due to personal matters and Valentine's day but still got some work in. Lost 4 lbs last week, this week will most likely not be as good but I'm still hoping for a little bit of a drop. This week any other weeks I seem find myself questioning if I'm doing enough to progress at the highest rate that I can. I do feel I am progressing but I always wonder if I should be progressing more. Due to life and not only being a bodybuilder my goal now is to do the right amount of work in the gym then get out. With a wife and a day job I want to optimize time in the gym. I want to do enough volume to grow without over doing it. I don't mean over train but if doing 4 extra sets wont produce more growth no need in doing them take that time to spend else where. Still looking for that optimal amount of everything, guess that's why we do it, we can be our own human experiments.
Dropped another couple pounds this last week. Currently on my last week of this mini cut. Currently weighing 240, started in the low 250's. I'm hoping for another 2-3 lb drop. So far I've continued to get stronger thru the cut so I don't believe I've lost much muscle if any. I'm going to take this right into a blast. However I'm not going to make drastic changes. Everything will remain the same except gear dosage and I'll double my oatmeal in the morning. I may add a set or 2 to workouts but if my poundages are still increasing I may hold off on that. Going to try to avoid adding to much more body fat back on. Planned cycle is 750 test e and 600 eq weekly. For the first 2-3 weeks I'll be taking dbol pre and post workout looking at 30-40 mg total on training days. I'll also be adding insulin back in on back days for sure but may use on leg days as well going to see how things are moving and adjust as I go. Looking forward to my biggest cycle ever previously my biggest was 600 test E and 600 eq weekly. Not a huge jump but I'd rather rely on food and training rather than dosage to grow.
Its been awhile since my last update. Work has been crazy busy 10-12 hour work days. Only spare time I've had is getting in my workouts. I'm on my 2nd week of a blast. Currently I'm doing 750 mg test E and 600 mg EQ. For the first few weeks I'm also using 20 mg dbol pre and 20 mg dbol post workout. I'm also going to be adding insulin back in as well. This will be my balls to the wall blast for this year. However if I end up having trouble getting my wife pregnant I may have to cut it short but everything suggest that it shouldn't be an issue even while blasting. This week has been off as well. Celebrated my birthday which meant some unplanned rest days followed by a huge blizzard lead to 2 more rest days. I'm hoping to get back on the ball and really add some needed mass over the next 10 weeks. During this time I also had another touchdown from PSL. I was running out of A.I.'s so PSL sent me some right over with no issues. As always I'm extremely grateful and happy to represent such a great company.
Things have been going very well this week. Meals are consistent and no huge life obstacles. This has created a great environment this week for training, I took an extra rest day because I saw my massage therapist that did some intense work on my lower half to help me with sciatica pain I've been dealing with for close to 2 months. I had my priformis muscle inflamed which caused my sciatica nerve to be pinched, at least that's the theory that makes the most sense since I don't have a herniated or bulging disc. I felt great after then the next day some pain returned but after that day things seem to be getting better daily. I'm very hopeful that I'm finally going to get back to 100%. Now the good news my pump in the gym and DOMS are on a whole new level this week. I know most of it is due to the dbol kickstarter I'm using 20 mg pre and 20 mg post workout. This is my last week using it, going to let EQ (600 weekly) and Test E (750 weekly) take over from here. Haven't weighed recently but I'm guessing 250 lbs minimum. Looking forward to adding some quality muscle this blast.
Its been another great week when it comes to bodybuilding life. Numbers on lifts are increasing and weight is going up. Tomorrow I'll weigh myself and hope I've gained some weight. This week training felt better still got a great pump without as many lower back pumps. Still got a few but not as many and the intensity of them was lower. I'll have to decide how much weight gained is enough to decide to leave nutrition the same or not. The goal is maximum growth with minimum fat gain. I also believe in getting the most out of the least. Cycle is the same minus the dbol. However training going to change for my legs. Pretty much the entire off season I did 2 leg days however 1 was just hamstrings and glutes. After this weeks check in my coach thinks I'm starting to get a little top heavy. Now legs have always been my strength so the goal has always been to get my upper body to catch up. However I took a lot of pride in having monster legs so my leg day fire has been stoked. Since my knee injury things have been rocky in leg training department in trying to get back to where I was, to try not to baby injured leg and recently for 2+ months deal with sciatica pain in injured leg. Now after some massage therapy and what feels like recovery from pinched nerve causing sciatica pain I feel ready to add more size to lower half. My plan moving forward is 2 days full intensity 1 day lower reps (15 or below) 1 day higher reps (20+). Volume will be what I experiment with till I feel i found what is optimal.
Another great week in bodybuilding aspects. No meals or workouts missed. Even hit a PR on hammerstrength incline press, got 8 good reps with 4 plates per side. Hit multiple PRs in different muscle groups. I think for some people when you are blasting something in the mind clicks and consistency improves. No one wants to waste a blast. Weight has crept up to 255 with consistent conditioning. I know it isn't all new dense muscle, some is water and glycogen but even if a small percentage is quality mass I should be well on my way to heavyweight division. As always PSL is proving how quality of a vendor they are running 750 test e weekly and 600 EQ weekly. This my largest weekly dose as of yet and 2nd off season using EQ. I think EQ and test will be my go to blast compounds and just experiment with dosages and possibly adding other compounds.
Going to begin to sound like a broken record. Had another good week of bodybuilding. Multiple PRs hit and confirmed my prep cycle with PSL. Can't wait to see what all this off season prosperity looks like on stage. However off season is usually the fun part. The real grind happens when trying to strip off the body fat. Sent check in photos last night. Going to start testing my blood sugar more often now that I'm deep into my bulk with higher calories. However I purchased the wrong test strips and control solution and it's cheaper to just purchase a new glucometer. I swear they name these things very similar names.
So last week did have a slip up. I missed a training session due to some personal matters that had to be taken care. However everything else was still done with precision. I recently purchased a new glucometer as I'm pretty deep into my bulk and insulin sensitivity can become an issue. Just started testing so I need to get lots of data points but it looks like may need to correct fasting glucose but my glucose between meals seems to be in range. I've ordered more blood work to show what my levels are on this current blast. Dropped from 257 to 254 but not really worried about it. The plan now is to try to keep calories constant and recomp by adding muscle and getting leaner. As long as performance in the gym isn't hindered, I don't need to add calories just for the sake of adding calories.
Quick update this week. Had a major deviation with some life events caused me to miss some workouts and meals. However I did get blood work and results in. On my current cycle of 750 mg test e weekly and 600 mg EQ weekly my test level is 4891 and free test is 50. So.as you can see PSL as always is delivering high quality AAS. As always pic is to big to upload.
Life sure has been busy lately. Good news is I've still been able to progress. Most of of my lifts are increasing and I'm tightening up while getting stronger. I'm still working on improving my fasted glucose levels. I think it might have something to do with just stress in the morning. 2 hours post meal my levels are always between 94-101 which is within range for 2 hours post meal. I've also recently condensed 1 of my meals. I recognized that I wasn't fully digesting my preeorkout meal before adding intraworkout nutrition on top of it. It's not what you eat but what you can digest and process. Still tinkering with this. I have 1.5 weeks left on this blast then going to cruise and switch up training style to the one I paid Luke Sandoe for which had some DC strategies and a little less volume than my current training.
Been back to a more scheduled bodybuilding lifestyle since my last check in. Even though things have tightened up I'm still getting higher than I'd like fasting glucose numbers with normal numbers 2 hours post meal so still trying not to worry to much. Took my blast dose last night as I transition into a cruise phase. The plan is to get markers back into range. Going to up my krill and add back in fish oil. I had stopped taking it but after listening to a recent podcast with Jordan Peter's he talked about how he uses both. If it works for him I'll give it a shot. Going to switch up my training too. Going back to a lower volume approach and higher intensity. I will also be switching to 4 days of training instead of 5 to aid in recovery. Hopefully this avoids any need for a deload or break. Received new product from PSL and feeling thankful I get to keep the log going with their help.
I'm currently on my cruise, this week I'm using 200 mg of PSL Test E. Next week I'll move down to 150 mg per week. I have to get bloodwork done for health insurance so I'm doing my best to get markers within a healthy range for my annual appointment. I'm also doing what I'm calling a health supplement overload. I've doubled my daily krill, I added fish oil back in, I purchased a supplement from Himalaya that helps with cholesterol levels and I doubled my citrus bergamot dosage. I've also lowered my AI use to 1 tab of arimidex the day after an injection only. I may drop this too and switch to Nolvadex daily once I drop to 150 mg weekly. Still hashing that one around. I'm also now training 4 days a week with lower volume and high intensity. Hoping to gain small amounts of muscle while cruising by still pushing for PR's weekly.
Time for the headline, currently I'm only running 150 mg weekly of test e. I don't think I've been this low since maybe my first cruise. In an effort to get my blood markers in the best range possible I'm going as low as I can while still being in a high normal range. It will probably be another week before I really feel the drop since I used 200 last week. I've switched my training style to a more high intensity low volume approach. Hopefully I can keep hitting PRs while cruising. Life outside of bodybuilding is stressful right now which is not great when cruising. Having issues with my wife's car so getting her to and from work as well as myself is hectic. That then affects my training which I'm very into keeping it scheduled and as close to the same every day as possible. Hoping to get answers or get it fixed soon.
Been holding off for awhile but might as well reveal the news. I will be competing this year because my wife and I are pregnant!

So in saying that I've blasted and cruised for the last 5+ years. I was always worried about whether I would not be able to have kids because of it. I don't get very many bad side effects from AAS except hdl and ldl numbers being a bit off (those can also be attributed to AI use) and being prone to gyno that I've reversed successfully. So I was afraid that not being able to have kids would be where the other shoe dropped for me. That didn't happen luckily. I do think things can be done to help which I did but it also reinforces what we already know, genetics are the end all be all. Some people have the genetics to take AAS with great results and little downside. Some can barely take any without harsh sides and many in between both extremes. I'll happily take this and give this prep my all. Not sure of my bb future after the birth of my first child.
This is my last week on cruise. After this I step on the gas for my prep. I don't just hop right into max dosages, I work my way up over the first 4-6 weeks. My theory is that it allows me to get more progress out of those weeks because jumping right into your max dosage will cause plateaus sooner. However coming off a cruise any jump to a moderate or slightly higher than moderate amount will help. I also subscribe to a theory that Phil Viz has put out. The first few weeks of prep you can still gain muscle while in a deficit. This is because you have enough excess body fat to allow your body to still grow a bit till it shifts to pure body fat removal. This may also be my leanest starting point for a prep. I've been getting back into the groove and habit of not missing meals, not cheating, getting up for morning cardio and all those little things you have to lose from normal off season stuff as you move into a strict prep.
So blood work for my annual wellness came back and the only number out of range or not where I expected was triglycerides. There's lots of possible reasons but I'm not worried about it. I know that as prep continues my cardio will go up and carbs will go down. Both help in getting that number back in range. I'm also going to keep citrus bergamot at 1000 mg in the morning and I'll add in some flaxseed and niacin to my normal regimen. After this prep I plan on taking a long cruise to figure out my future and how its affected by the new child. During that time I'll clean up bloodwork by getting triglycerides back in range (first time they've been out of range) and get my hdl numbers up. First week of prep has been stressful but making my way thru it. Hopefully can get in the groove and grind of prep over the next few days and end up with my best physique yet.
Last week was really busy with the holiday and work so I missed an update. However I'm now at 18 weeks out and everything is rolling smoothly so far. I've lost 2-3 pounds each week. After 2 weeks my fast glucose has dropped below 100 and I'm still feeling good. Currently I'm doing a 5 day training split using the same strategy I got from the program I did with Luke Sandoe i just switched out some exercises for ones I feel that fit my goals better right now. Cardio wise I have 6 fasted morning sessions at 30 minutes each and I do 20 minutes after training. I try to get in at least 2 of those sessions a HIIT cardio. Currently the cycle is at 600 mg test e weekly and 350 mg EQ weekly. I'm running arimidex twice a week and all of it is PSL. Looking forward to hopefully bringing my best look to date.
Last week I said I'd go over what I did for fertility. I'll discuss this after my quick update. This last week went well, weight didn't drop as much as previous weeks but leanness is improving. Currently I'm doing 5 days of lifting focusing on a low volume high intensity style. I do fasted morning cardio 6 days a week 2 at 35 mins and 4 at 30 mins. I also do 5 sessions after lifting at 20 mins, at least 2 of those are HIIT. I also use novolog pre morning cardio along with T3 daily. Current PSL gear is at 600 mg test e and 350 EQ weekly split into 2 shots.

My fertility regimen I followed was from an article Matt Porter wrote about what he did to conceive his son before his passing. I adjusted the dosages because at the time I had already gotten my sperm tested and knew everything was good except my count was little below average. If the test had come back worse I may have done things differently but I also had to keep budget in mind. I worked my way down to only using 150 mg a week before the sperm analysis and stayed with that till after conception. I then took HMG at 25 iu twice per week along with HCG at 1000 iu twice per week. I did this for about 3-4 weeks before we actually started trying. Then within a month of trying we were pregnant. As always genetics is the end all be all. Gear doesn't seem to give me bad sides except for Deca which I've eliminated from my choices moving forward.