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Need help with nutrition


Jul 21, 2013
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Hi new to the site i'm 18, 6'5, 205 pounds i'm around 13% bf i do a full body military training workout every other day as it is supposed to be done i'm training to be in the u.s navy,but i have horrible cardio as i am made to be a sprint and lifter i've only been workingout consistantly for a year but my maxes are:
bench: 295 lbs
incline bench: 245lbs
squat: 495lbs
deadlift: 405 lbs
powerclean: 235lbs
i also run a 4.8 40-yard dash i just can't run for long distances the farthest i've been able to run is 1.5 miles at an 8:30 pace which is terrible in my opinion i used to be 250 lbs. at 35% bf and now i am trying to get abs i need help with a new diet plan to bring them out anything can help thanks for reading.

Sounds like you're plenty strong bro, u just need to hit the cardio. I've been a runner for over 20 years and I hate to tell you but theres no easy way to become a better runner other than to get out there and run. Buy some good cushioned running shoes. Run every other day to allow your legs to heal ... everyday runs will eventually beat the shit out of you after a while and be counterproductive. When you run, focus on time not distance. Go out for a 30 min run Mon, a 40 min run Wed, track sprints on Fri, slow long 45 min run on Sat. If u have access to trails or beaches its good to mix those in every other run as well. It took me over a year of hard work to become a good runner. When I hit Marine Corps bootcamp, I ran my 3 mile PFT run in just over 17 min. When ur in shape, it makes dealing with all the rest of the bootcamp shit WAY easier. Good luck brother and congrats on your decision to go in the military...not everyday is a bowl of cherries but later in life you will be proud of that choice ;-)
1.5 miles in 8:30 minutes is not bad at all.

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wow that time is really good i don't think there is an easy road to the success i plan to achieve and i no it will be tough but i have the will to make it through and i thank you for the advice i will definitely do that thank you for service u have done for this country.
Its hard to say what diet would be best as dieting is not and exact science. A good place to start would be to see where your macros are at. Start with a 40%/40%/20% base for carbs protein and fats and tweak it from there. While most ppl will cut carbs and see great results but youd be surprised at how the results can vary. There's an almost cultish group of endurance athletes who are on high carb raw vegan diets who look and feel phenomenal. Not saying it needs to be you, but just showing the differences. and as for running, something to look into would be high intensity interval training. Its a combination of changing up heart rate zones by running at a high pace for a minute and then a slow jog for a minute. Again this is something you're going to have to tweak for you, but many ppl have a success with this type of training. As with anything about diet an work out ppl will obviously have different opinions. I'm not saying any of this is THE best or the only way but its something that has worked very well for me an others. good luck dude
Aerodyne Bike.... sprint, rest, sprint, rest, then blow your lungs out at the end. So Example sprint for 30 seconds as hard as you can then slow pedal as a rest for 30 seconds and so on for a set amount of time. Eventually increase the sprints and lower your rest pace time and increase your total period on the bike. It blows your lungs out and is easly on the joints. It is a nice change of pace if you dont want to run for all off your cardio sessions! It was a staple at the MMA team I trained with for years after grappling classes.
Aerodyne Bike.... sprint, rest, sprint, rest, then blow your lungs out at the end. So Example sprint for 30 seconds as hard as you can then slow pedal as a rest for 30 seconds and so on for a set amount of time. Eventually increase the sprints and lower your rest pace time and increase your total period on the bike. It blows your lungs out and is easly on the joints. It is a nice change of pace if you dont want to run for all off your cardio sessions! It was a staple at the MMA team I trained with for years after grappling classes.

This is good advice. As well, the others all gave good advice.

When I was Active Duty and in the Army we would do 60 ; 120's. it's exactly what V44 just suggested. You run for 120 seconds and then sprint for 60 seconds. I understand you're asking for diet advice but when I read your post I remember how much faster I became after doing these. I'm a bigger guy and I never really enjoyed running. I wasn't bad at it but I didn't excell in it. I can tell you there's nothing worse than getting accepted into the military and getting to your Company and not being a good runner. You'll have Company runs and Battalion, Brigade, Division and even post runs. Now these are usually slower considering how many people are running with you and coordinating that many people running the same route tends to produce a slinkie effect. But when you're running with your Platoon or Company and you fall-out its a shitty feeling. So in closing worry less about the "abs" and definitely focus on your run time if you plan on joining any branch of the Armed Services. You want to excell and stand out amongst your peers so that promotions and other perks are available to you. Leadership loves personal fitness... Do well in this area and the doors will open. Do poorly and you could possibly fail APFT tests and get flagged for promotion as well as re-enlistment.

Good luck brother! If you have any questions, regardless of training or Military please PM me at any time. I wish you the best.

thanks for the advice i started doing the westside barbell program this week and doing the cardio, i'm dead! today was the first day back to benching in a month and i was doing 225 like 135 it's amazing how strong u can get just by doing push-ups, pull-ups, dips, and shoulder presses. i really need to start focusing more on cardio tho